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By Edmund C Sanford (1891-1893)·
Classics in the History of Psychology
An internet resource developed by
Christopher D. Green
York University, Toronto, Ontario
ISSN 1492-3173
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By Edmund C Sanford (1891-1893)·
First published in American Journal of Psychology, 4, 141-155, 303-322, 474-490; 5, 390-?,
Posted June 2000
First Paper (I. Dermal Senses, II. Static and Kinæsthetic Senses)
Second Paper (III. Taste and Smell, IV. Hearing)
Third Paper (V. Vision)
Fourth Paper (V. Vision cont'd)
[Classics Editor's note: There are widespread inconsistencies in the use of punctuation,
abbreviation, italics, and even spelling in the original publication of Sanford's "Course." These
idiosyncrasies have been reproduced here as accurately as possible. The use of "[sic]" has
been confined only to instances that might otherwise lead to confusion.]
[First Paper, 1891, pp. 141-155]
After Prof. Ladd's careful statement or the psycho-physiological facts and Prof. James's brilliant
exposition of their psychological and even metaphysical import, it is no longer necessary to
argue the importance of the subject matter of this branch of the new psychology. No one that
has once seen the new is going to be satisfied any longer with the old. But the appropriation of
new facts alone is not sufficient to elevate psychology to its true place in the circle of sciences.
As long as psychologists live upon the crumbs that fall from the tables of neurology and
physiology they will live in dependence. They must investigate for themselves, -- no less
rigorously and no less broad-mindedly than others, but from their own standpoint, and must
view what they find in its psychological perspective. This means that a prominent place must be
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given to psychological laboratories for research; and the friends of psychology already
congratulate themselves on the beginning of several of great promise in this country.
Beyond this, however, lies another thing of cardinal importance, namely, the adoption of a right
pedagogical method. The student of psychology must have its facts and principles brought
home to him in a way not inferior to the best in other sciences, if psychology is to have the
infusion of new vigor that they have had, and afford the healthy and virile training that they
afford. He must see for himself the phenomena about which he psychologizes, he must perform
experiments, he must have the inside view. The new psychology has been said to do away with
introspection, but that is a mistake. It retains introspection [p. 142] and refines and gives it
precision by making it operate under experimental conditions; and it is just these inner aspects
that are particularly hard for the student to frame for himself from bare descriptions. He must
himself serve as subject of the experiment before he can really understand it. To say, as has
recently been said, that a few models or the brain and a color-mixer are about all the apparatus
needed for a course in physiological psychology savors of the scholasticism from which we
hope to have escaped. Notwithstanding its better material, such a method must lead to the
same text-book work and the same artificial general conceptions as of old. For those especially
that are to work in any of the fields of applied psychology, in pedagogy, or criminology, or even
theology, the intimate laboratory knowledge (and its parallels in anthropological and
comparative psychology) is essential to an effective grasp of their subjects. The need of such
an apprenticeship for later work in the research laboratory is of course obvious. That such a
course is even now desired by open eyed teachers is shown by the inquiries made for it of
those known to be engaged in experimental psychological work.
Just what experiments such a course should contain is itself as yet a matter of experiment; but
that it should, if it aims at any thing like proportion, introduce the student to all the chief
methods of research and cause him to observe for himself all the more important phenomena
seems reasonable. Such a course has been in mind in the collection of the experiments which
is begun below, and which is to be continued in successive numbers or the JOURNAL till
completed. That the list is complete or the selection always the best the author is very far from
maintaining -- to mention a large omission only no experiments on hypnotism are now
proposed, because they seem unfitted to beginners in the field. And in any event the ideal
laboratory course can only be reached after repeated adaptation and long trial in actual use.
This course had its origin in a series of notes which it was found necessary to make for the use
of a group of students taking my practice course during the past year. The experiments have
been performed in the laboratory here, and all, except those added in this revision, by the
students themselves. The demonstrational character of the work has been kept in mind, and
the experiments chosen are generally rather qualitative than quantitative, even where for
convenience they have been given a quantitative form. In selecting apparatus the simplest that
promised the desired result has generally been chosen; and while this makes the course by no
means representative of the facilities of this laboratory much less of the possibilities of
psychological experimentation, it may perhaps make it useful to those teachers -- unfortunately
too many -- whose equipment must be brought within the compass of a scanty appropriation. A
large part of the absolutely essential apparatus could be made by the teacher himself, and
almost all, I doubt not, with the assistance of common mechanics. The notes on apparatus and
references to literature that are inserted from time to time will open the way to more elaborate
experiments and apparatus for those that desire them.
Apparatus. The experiments on the Sense of Locality require no special apparatus. Those on
Discriminative Sensibility can be made with ordinary drawing dividers; but if these are used, it
will be well to stick the points into little pointed tips of cork to avoid the sharpness and coldness
of the metal. (An excellent, but more expensive, Æsthesiometer is made by C. Verdin, 7 Rue
Linne, Paris, at 35 francs; for the description of an elaborate and very convenient one, see
AMER. JOUR. [p. 143] PSYCHOL. I, 552.) Something is also needed in experiment 6 d for
rendering the skin anæsthesic.
1. The Sense of Locality. Touch your skin several places with the same object, and analyze
out, as far as you can, the particular quality of the sensation by which you recognize the place
touched. This quality of the sensation is known as the "Local Sign."
2. Cause the subject to close his eyes; touch him on the fore-arm with a pencil point; and
require him to touch the same point with another pencil immediately afterward. Estimate the
error in millimeters and average the results for a number of trials, noting the direction of error; if
it is constant. The subject may be allowed to correct his placing of the pencil if not satisfied with
it on first contact.
3. Aristotle's Experiment. Cross the middle finger over the first in such a way as to bring the tip
of the middle finger on the thumb side of the first finger. Insert between the two a pea or other
small object. A more or less distinct sensation, of two objects will result, especially when the
fingers are moved.
4. Judgments of Motion on the Skin. a. Subject with closed eyes. Resting a. pencil point or the
head of a pin gently on the fore-arm, move it slowly and evenly up or down the arm. Require
the subject to indicate his earliest judgment of the direction. Ii the experiment is carefully made,
the fact of motion will be perceived before its direction, b. Try a number of times, estimating the
distances traversed in millimeter averaging for the two directions separately. It will probably be
found that the downward distances have been greater than the upward. c. Starting from a fixed
point on the fore-arm move the pencil in irregular order up, down, right or left, and require the
subject to announce the direction of motion as before.
Cf. Hall and Donaldson, Motor Sensations of the Skin; Mind, X, 1885, 557.
5. Rest the fingers lightly on the forehead and move the head from side to side keeping the
fingers motionless. Almost the whole of the motion will be attributed to the fingers. Light tapping
of the forehead with the finger we feel in the forehead more markedly than in the finger. With
our own hand on our forehead we feel the forehead; some one else's hand we feel the hand.
6. Weber's Sensory Circles. a. Find the least distance apart a which the points of the
æsthesiometric compasses can be recognized as two when applied to the skin of the fore-arm.
Try also the upper arm, the back of the hand, the forehead, the finger-tip and the tip of the
tongue. Be very careful to put both points on the skin at the same time and to bear on equally
with both. b. Compare the distance between the points just recognizable as two when applied
lengthwise of the arm with that found when they are applied cross-wise. c. Give the points a
slightly less separation than that found for the fore-arm (crosswise) and beginning at the elbow
draw the points downward side by side along the arm. They will at first appear as one, later as
two, after which they will appear to separate as they descend. Something similar will be found
on drawing the points from side to side across the face so that one shall go above, the other
below the mouth. d. Make the skin anæsthesic with an ether spray and test the discriminative
sensibility as before.
Cf. Weber's measurements as given in the text-books.
7. Filled space is relatively under-estimated by the skin. Set up in small wooden rod a row of
five pins separated by intervals of half an inch, and in another two pins an inch and a half apart.
Apply to the arm like the compasses above. The space occupied by the five pins will seem less
than that between the two. [p. 144]
8. Active touch, that is touch with movement, is far more discriminating than mere contact.
Compare the sensations received from resting the tip or the finger on a rough covered book
with those received when the finger is moved and the surface "felt of."
9. The time discriminations or the sense of contact are very delicate. Strike a tuning-fork, touch
it near the bottom or the prong and immediately remove the finger so as not to stop the fork.
The taps of the fork on the skin do not blend into a continuous sensation for the tactual sense,
even when the vibrations are 1000 or more a second. For sensations of minimal contact, see
Ex. 22.
On the foregoing experiments, cf. Weber, Tastsinn und Gemeingefühl, Wagner's
Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, Vol. III. pt. 2; Funke, Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologie,
Vol. III, pt. 2.
Apparatus. Two brass rods (6 inches long and 0.25 inch in diameter, turned down to a fine
smooth point 0.5 mm. in diameter), paper ruled in mm. squares, menthol pencil (such as is
used for headaches), centigrade thermometers, vessels of water at different temperatures.
10. Hot and Cold Spots. a. Move one of the pointed brass rods, or even a cool lead pencil
slowly and lightly over the skin of the back or the hand. At certain points distinct sensations of
cold will dash out, while at others no temperature sensation will be perceived, or at meet, only a
faint and diffuse one. Heat one or the rode and repeat the experiment. b. On some convenient
portion of the skin mark off the corners of a square 2 cm. on the side. Go over this square
carefully both lengthwise and crosswise for both heat and cold, drawing the point along lines 1
mm. apart, and note on a corresponding square of millimeter paper the hot and cold spots
found, hot spots with red ink, cold with black. This time the points should be heated or cooled
considerably by placing them in vessels of hot or cold water and should be kept at an
approximately constant temperature by frequent change, one being left in the water while the
other is in use. Break the experiment into a number of sittings so se to avoid fatiguing the
spots; for they are very readily fatigued. A map made in this way cannot hope to represent all
the spots, but It will suffice to show the permanence of some of them and possibly to show their
general arrangement. c. Notice the very distinct persistence of the sensations after the point
has been removed.
11. The temperature spots respond with their characteristic sensations to mechanical (and
electrical) stimulation, and do not give pain when punctured. a. Choose a very certainly located
cold spot and tap it gently with a fine wooden point (not too soon after locating it, if it has been
fatigued in locating); or better have an assistant tap it. b. Thrust a needle into a well located
cold point. Try both for comparison on an adjacent portion of the skin.
12. The temperature spots respond to chemical stimulation. Choose a convenient area, say on
the back of the hand, and take its temperature carefully, allowing the thermometer to remain in
contact with the skin as long as it continues to rise. Note the temperature and rub the skin
lightly with a menthol pencil. After a little the sensation of cold will appear. Take the
temperature of the skin again; it will be found as high or higher than before, in spite of the
contrary sensation. The menthol makes the nerves of cold at first hyperæsthesic (so that they
respond with their special sensation to mere contact, and give an intenser sensation when a
cold body is applied than do adjacent normal portions of the skin); afterward, however, all the
cutaneous nerves become more or less anæsthestc. [p. 145]
Cf. on the foregoing experiments: Blix, Zeitschrift r Biologie, Bd. XX, H. 2. 1884.
Goldscheider. Neue Thatsachen über die Hautsinnesnerven, Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv,
Supplement-Band, 1885 pp. 1-110; Donaldson, On the Temperature-sense. Mind. X. 1885; and
the literature cited by these authors. On the chemical stimulation of the temperature nerves:
(Cold) Goldscheider Ueber die specifische Wirkung des Menthols auf die Temperatur-Nerven.
Verh. d. Berliner physiol. Gesell. 9 April, 1886, Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv, 1886, p. 555. (heat)
Die einwirkung der Kohlensäure auf die sensiblen Nerven des Haut, Verh. d. Berliner physiol.
Gesell. 25 Nov. 1887, Du Bois-Reymond's Achiv, 1888.
13. The temperature of the skin at any moment is a balance between its gain and loss or heat.
Anything that disturbs that balance, causing increased gain or loss of heat, produces
temperature sensations. It is common experience that a piece of cloth, a bit of wood, a piece or
metal, all of the same temperature as the air that seems indifferent to the hand, cause different
degrees of the sensation or cold when touched, because they increase the lose of heat by
conduction in different degrees. If a paper bag be placed over the hand held upward, a
sensation of warmth is soon felt, because or the decreased loss of heat.
14. Provide three vessels of water one at 30°c., the second at 40°, the third at 20°. Put a finger
or one hand into the warmer water, a finger of the other into the cooler. At first the usual
temperature sensations will be felt, but after a little they disappear more or less completely,
because of the fatigue of the corresponding temperature organs. Now transfer both fingers to
the water of normal temperature. It will seem cool to the finger from warmer water and warm to
the one from cooler.
15. The intensity of the temperature sensation depends on the amount of surface stimulated.
Dip a finger in cold water, then the whole hand. Notice the increase in sensation.
16. The fatigue of the temperature apparatus may produce an apparent contradiction of Ex. 15.
Dip one hand entirely under cold water and keep it there for a moment. Then dip the finger or
the other hand or the whole hand several times in the same water, withdrawing it immediately
each time. The water seems colder to the finger or hand which is only dipped.
17. Hold a very cold piece of metal on the forehead or on the palm of the hand for hall a minute.
On removing it the sensation of cold continues though the actual temperature of the skin is
rising. Sometimes fluctuations are observed in the persisting sensation. After contact with a hot
body the sensation of heat continues in the same way, though the temperature of the skin falls.
Goldscheider explains this result for cold in part by the persistence of the cold sensation in
manner of an after-image, and in part by the lessened sensibility of the nerves of best; a similar
explanation mutatis mutandis holds also for heat.
18. Extreme temperatures fatigue the sensory apparatus of both heat and cold. a. Hold a finger
in water of 45°c., the corresponding finger of the other hand in water which feels neither cold
nor hot (about 32°). After 10 seconds dip them alternately into water at 10°. The finger from the
water at 32° will feel the cold more strongly. b. Hold a finger in water at 10°, the corresponding
finger of the other hand in water a 32°. After 10 seconds dip them alternately in water at 45°.
The finger from the water at 32° will feel the heat more strongly.
19. Hold the hand for one minute in water of 12°c., then transfer to water of 18°. The latter will
at first feel warm, but after a time cold again. The water at 18° first causes a decrease in the
loss of heat or a slight gain but later a continued loss.
20. Fineness of temperature discrimination. a. Find what is least perceptible difference in
temperature between two vessels of water [p. 146] at about 30°c., at about 0°, and about 55°.
The finest discrimination will probably be found with the first temperature, if the discrimination
does not prove too fine at all these points to be measured with the thermometers at hand. Use
the same hand for these tests, always dipping it to the same depth. It is better to dip the hand
repeatedly than to keep it in the water. b. The different surfaces of the body vary much in their
sensitiveness to temperature. The mucous surfaces are quite obtuse. When drinking a
comfortably hot cup of coffee, dip the upper lip into it so that the coffee touches the skin above
the red part of the lip, or dip the finger into it; it will seem burning hot. Plunge the hand into
water at 5-10°c. The sensation of cold will be strongest at first on the back of the hand where
the skin is thin, but a little later will come out more strongly in the palm, where it will continue to
be stronger as it approaches pain.
On these general temperature experiments cf. the works of Weber and Goldscheider already
cited, also Hering. In Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologie, Vol. III, pt. 2, pp. 415-439.
Fechner, Element der Psychophysik, Vol. II, pp. 201-211.
Apparatus. Bits of cork. Weights for minimal pressure. (These can be cut from rectangular
prisms of cork or elder-pith of equal area, and provided with bristle or hair handles and verified
upon a sensitive balance. The prism should be from 3 to 5 mm. square. The handle is made by
setting the ends of a piece of bristle or hair into opposite sides of the bits of cork or elder-pith,
thus giving the whole something the shape of a seal ring of which the cork is the seal and the
bristle the band. A series ranging from 0.002 to 0.02 grams would be convenient; but for the
experiment to follow is not necessary.) Two objects of equal weight, but unequal size; a large
cork and a small one, made of equal weight by loading the smaller with shot, answer very well.
Two metal disks of equal size and weight, e.g. dollar pieces; and two wooden cylinders three
quarters of an inch in diameter and one inch long. Vessels of water at normal temperature.
Weights for discriminative sensibility. (The last can readily be made by loading paper gun-shells
with shot. The following would be a convenient series: One hundred grams (two of this weight),
102.5, 103.5, 104, 105, 106, 107. The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., St. Tibb's Row,
Cambridge, England, manufactures a set, which can also be used for "muscle-sense" tests,
containing 30 weights and giving ratios ranging from about one-fourth to one fiftieth, at a price
of £5.)
On apparatus for sensations of pressure cf. Beaunis. Éléments de physiologie humaine. II, 579.
Eulenberg, Berlin. klin. Wochensch. 1869, No. 44 (See illustration and description of
Eulenberg's instrument in the Reference Hand-book of the Medical Sciences, Vol. I. p. 85.)
Dorhn. Zeitschr. f. rat. med., 3 R., X, 337. Bastelberger, Experimentelle Prüfung der zur
Drucksinn-Messung angewandten Methoden, Stuttgart, 1879. Jastrow gives in the American
Journal of Psychology, II. 54, a very inadequate description of a very satisfactory instrument.
See also notes on apparatus for the study of the Psychophysic Law to be given later.
21. Pressure points. Make an obtuse but extremely fine cork point (pyramidal in shape, for
example, the pyramid a quarter of an inch square on the base and of equal height), set it upon
the point of a pen or other convenient holder, or use a match whittled down to a fine point, or
even a needle. Choose an area on the forearm and test for its pressure spots somewhat as for
the hot and cold spots, but this time set the cork point as lightly as possible on point after point
of the skin instead of drawing it along. Two kinds of sensation will be felt; at some points a clear
feeling of contact with a sharp point will be felt, at others no feeling at all or a dull and vacuous
one. The first are the pressure points. Goldscheider describes their sensations on light contact
as "delicate," "lively," "somewhat tickling *** as from moving; a hair;" on stronger pressure, "as if
there war a resistance at that point [p. 147] in the skin, which worked against the pressure
stimulus;" "as if a small hard kernel lay there and was pressed down into the skin."
The first are more sensitive to small changes of pressure, and, though with sufficient increase
both give pain, their sensations retain their characteristics. They are closer together than the
temperature spots, and harder to locate; and the fact that our most frequent sensations of
pressure are from surfaces and not from points makes it difficult at first to recognize a pressure
quality in their sensations.
Cf Goldscheider, Neue Thatsachen über die Hautsinnesnerven. DuBois-Reymond's Archiv.
1885, Supplement Band, pp. 77-84.
23. Minimal pressure (or simple contact). Make weights that are just perceivable on the volar
side of the fore-arm and on the tips of the fingers. Try also if convenient the temples, forehead
and eye-lids. In applying the weights see that they are brought down slowly upon the surface of
the skin, that they touch equally at all points, and that their presence is not betrayed by motion
of the weight after it touches the skin. This can be done by using a pen-holder or small rod, with
its tip put through the ring of the weight, for laying it on. Compare the relative sensibility found
by this method with that found with Weber's compasses for the same parts, and note that the
latter requires discrimination, not mere perception. The stimulus needed to produce this faintest
sensation is known as the stimulus of the "Initial Threshold." See also experiment 28.
Cf. Aubert and Kammler, Moleschott's Untersuchungen, V, 145.
23. Relation of apparent weight to area of surface stimulated. Test with the equal weights of
unequal size. The smaller will seem decidedly heavier.
24. Discriminative sensibility for pressures. Have the subject lay his hand, palm upward, on
such a support as will bring his arm into a comfortable position and make his palm level, for
example a folded towel on a low table or the seat of a chair. (The matter of an easy position for
the subject is of cardinal importance in all psychological experiment, and is mentioned here
once for all.) Lay in his palm a piece of blotting paper just large enough to prevent the weight
from touching the skin. On this set a standard weight, e.g. 100 grams, and after a couple of
seconds replace it with an equal weight, or one heavier (or one lighter) e.g. 106 grams, allowing
that to remain an equal time. Require the subject to say whether the second weight is the same
or heavier, (or lighter, if a lighter is being used). Find the weight that can be distinguished from
the standard in 75 per cent. of the trials. The ratio between the difference of these and the
standard is the index of the sensibility. The ratio will probably be about 5:100. It is best not to
use both a lighter and a heavier in the same series; and with this method of testing the subject
should always guess, if he cannot discriminate. Be careful in putting on the weights that the
subject does not recognize a difference in the force with which they strike, also that suggestions
by difference of temperature or by sounds made in selecting the weights are avoided. This
method of determining sensibility is known as the "Method of Right and Wrong Cases." Cf. later
experiments on the Psychophysic Law.
25. Cold or hot bodies feel heavier than bodies of equal weight at a normal temperature. a. For
cold, take two dollar pieces warm one until it ceases to seem cold; cool the other to 10°c. Apply
alternately to the palm of the hand. The cold one will seem much heavier, perhaps as heavy as
two at the normal temperature, b. For heat, take two wooden cylinders of equal weight, heat
one to a high temperature by standing It on end in a metal vessel hosting in a water bath. Apply
the cylinders on end alternately to the back of the hand between the metacarpal bones or the
thumb and first finger. The hot one will seem heavier. [p. 148]
26. Pressure evenly distributed over a considerable area is less strongly felt than pressure
upon an area bordered by one that is not pressed. Dip the hand up to the wrist into water (or
better still into mercury) of normal temperature and notice that the sensation of pressure is
strongest in a ring about the wrist at the surface or the water, possibly stronger on the volar
than on the dorsal side. The ring effect is unmistakable when the hand is moved up and down
in the water.
27. Something of the refinement of the pressure sense in perceiving the unevenness of
surfaces may be seen by laying a hair on a plate of glass or other hard, smooth surface and
over it 10 or 16 sheets of writing paper. The position of the hair can easily be felt by passing the
finger tips back and forth over the surface.
28. Something might be said in support of the hairs as independent sense organs. The finest
respond with a distinct sensation of anticipatory touch, as it were, when they are moved, and
probably this accounts for a part at least or the differences between the fore-arm and finger tips
found in Ex. 21. Touch a few single hairs and observe the sensation.
Cf. Blaschko. Zur Lehre von den Druckempfindungen. Verhandl, d. Berllner physiol. Gessell.
Sitz., 27 März 1885, DuBois-Reymond's Archiv, 1885, p. 349.
On the general topic cf. Weber. op. cit.: Funke. Tastsinn und Gemeingefühl, Hermann's
Handbuch der Physiol., Vol. III. pt. 2, pp. 289-414.
This group of senses furnishes us with data respecting the positions and motions of our
members, and of our bodies as wholes. It includes senses whose existence or efficiency is
disputed e.g. (Innervation Sense and Muscle Sense) and others whose independence has
lately been asserted (e.g. Joint Sense and Tendon Sense.) This embarrasses somewhat the
selection of experiments, but those chosen are the ones that seem at present characteristic.
Many of the weightiest psychological inferences depend upon the sensations of motion and
position of the eyes. It seems best, however, to postpone the experiments upon these
sensations to the section upon vision.
Apparatus. A light wooden rod a yard long; a
tilting board and straps. For the last a board
seven feet long and 18 inches wide balanced
across a saw-horse will answer. At one end a
foot board should be fastened securely
enough to bear the weight of a man when the
board is in a vertical position. At the other end
a plumb line and semicircular scale should be
added so that the inclination of the board can
be read off at any instant. For holding the
subject securely upon the board when its
inclination is considerable, and the subject is
head downward it will be necessary to have a
couple of shoulder straps passing over the
subject's shoulders and fastening to stout
screw-eyes screwed into the board Itself or
into the foot board, and perhaps a breast
strap going about both the subject and the
Cf. Aubert, Physiolgische Studien über die Orientierung. (translation with comments of Delage's
Études expérimentale sur les illusions statique et dynamiques de direction, etc.,) Tübingen,
1888, p. 41. [p. 149]
29. In this experiment it is especially desirable that the subject should know as little as possible
of the purpose of the experiment. Cause the subject to stand erect with his back against a wail.
Choose a point on the opposite mall about the height of his shoulders. Let him, look at it, and
then require him, having closed his eyes, to point to it as exactly as possibly with a light rod
held symmetrically in both hands. Cause him also to hold the rod vertically and horizontally in
the median plane; also horizontally parallel to the frontal plane. All these he will probably be
able to do with much accuracy, or if, as sometimes happens, he shows a "personal equation,"
his error will be constant.
30. a. Cause the subject to repeat the experiment, this time turning his head well to the left
after closing his eyes. Repeat, causing the subject to turn to the right. In both cases an error of
about 15° will be observed, the subject pointing too far by that amount in the direction opposite
to that of the turning of the head. The subject will be able to hold the rod vertical or horizontal
without error. b. Cause the subject to hold the rod in what he thinks is a horizontal position in
the median plane, when his head is thrown well back; when bowed well forward. Illusions like
those observed above will result. c. Cause the subject to hold the rod in what he thinks is a
horizontal position, parallel to the frontal plane, when his head is leaned to the right; when
leaned to the left. Illusions similar to those in the previous experiments will appear. d. Repeat
experiment a, but instead of having the subject point to the designated object, have him walk
toward it keeping his shoulders square, his eyes shut, and his head turned to one side. He will
walk more and more too far toward the side away from which his head is turned. In all these
cases judgment of one cardinal direction in space alone is affected, the other two show little or
no errors.
31. After some practice and with attention to the sensations, the illusion of Ex. 30 takes another
form, namely, that the body has turned a few degrees in the same direction as the head. The
subject can now point to the chosen object; but, if required to set the end of the rod against his
breast so that it shall be horizontal and perpendicular to the line joining his shoulders, he will
make an error of about 1in the direction of the motion of the head. A similar illusion may be
found for the other directions of head turning, ii tried under proper conditions e.g. when hanging
by the hands with the arms somewhat bent.
32. The illusion is due, at least in cases a and b Ex. 30, to sensations of the position of the
eyes. As may easily be observed upon tiny other person, the eyes turn further than the head in
the direction in which it is turned. From the eyes we judge the position of the head, and thus
overjudging it, point too far in a contrary direction in trying to point to the required object. The
illusions can be produced by motion of the eyes alone. a. Holding the head erect and taking
pains not to move it when moving the eyes, turn the closed eyes as far as possible to the right
or left and then try to point to some determined object. An error like that in Ex. 30 will be
observed. Turning of the eyes upward or downward has a less satisfactory result. Instead of
closing the eyes they may be kept open if an opaque screen is held close before the face. b.
Repeat a and b of Ex. 30, voluntarily turning the eyes as far as possible in the direction
opposite to that or the turning of the head. The original error will disappear or be found to have
changed its sign.
33. Another set of illusions regarding the position of the body as a whole in space depend in
large measure on the distribution of pressure on the surfaces of the body the direction of
pressure of the movable viscera and the blood. Secure the subject properly upon the tilting
board, and have him close his eyes. Start with the board vertical, (head up). [p. 150]
The subject will probably announce that he is then leaning forward slightly. Turn him slowly
backward and require him to announce when he is vertical (head up), when he is tilted
backward at an angle of 45° from the vertical, when at an angle of 60°, when at 90°, when at
180°. Two classes of illusions will be found; angles of less than 40° will seem too small; those
from 40° to 60° will be rightly judged; those beyond 60° will seem too large. The subject will
probably say that he is vertical, head downward, when he is yet 30-60° from it.
Apparatus. -- Rotation Table. This can be made well enough for the experiments given by
laying a 7-foot board across an ordinary turning chair or screw stool without a back. The last
must turn without appreciable noise or jar. Many of these experiments could be made perfectly
well by twisting the ropes of an ordinary swing.
34. Lay the board across the stool and let the subject be seated upon it with closed eyes and
blindfolded if necessary. Turn the stool slowly and evenly in one direction or the other. The
subject will immediately recognize the direction and approximately the amount of rotation when
the rate is as slow as per second, or even slower. After continued rotation at a regular rate
the sensation becomes much less exact or entirely fails. This fact has been generalized by
Mach in the law that only change of rate, not continuous rotation is perceived. With an
exception in the case of uniform rates for short times, this is accepted by Delage. After some
pauses and short movements in one direction and the other, the subject may become quite lost
and give a totally wrong judgment of the direction of motion, if it is slow.
35. Let the subject be seated as before. a. Rotate him a little more rapidly for half a turn, and
then stop him suddenly. A distinct sensation of rotation in the opposite direction will result. b.
Repeat and when the illusory rotation begins, open the eyes. IT immediately ceases. Close the
eyes again and it returns.
36. a. Repeat experiment 35a, letting the subject give the word for stopping. At the same
instant let him incline his head suddenly backward or forward or lay it upon one shoulder or the
other. The axis of rotation of the body will appear to change in a direction opposite to that of the
inclination of the head, i.e., if the head is inclined to the right, the axis, seems to incline to the
left. The feeling is as if the body were rotating; in the surface of a cone in a direction contrary to
that of the first rotation. The head dictates the apparent axis of rotation. The same illusion
occurs if the head is inclined during the actual rotation and straightened at the word for
stopping. Turning the head to right or left introduces no such illusions, because it does not
change the axis of rotation of the head. The illusion comes out with very disagreeable strength
when the rotation is rapid and the subject changes the position of his head during the rotation,
b. Let the subject lie upon his side and rotate him rather rapidly till the sensation of rotation
becomes faint or disappears. Then let him turn suddenly upon his back or upon his other side.
The first brings the rotation about a new axis, and it is felt in its true sense, while the rotation
about the previous axis is felt in its reverse sense; the second reverses the direction of motion
completely and produces a correspondingly powerful sensation.
The change of the apparent axis of rotation with the change of position of the head points to the
location In the head of the organ by which such sensations are received. For the experiments
by which the semicircular canals are indicated as this organ see the literature cited below.
37. Another illusion of rotation (Purkinje's dizziness) is due to the [p. 151] motion of the eyes.
Let the subject whirl rapidly on his heels with his eyes open till he begins to be dizzy; while he
whirls the objects about him will seem to be turning in the opposite direction. Let him then stop
and look at an even surfaced wall while the experimenter carefully observes his eyes, picking
out a fine blood-vessel, or some other clearly marked fleck or spot as a point at which to look.
To the subject the surrounding objects will seem to continue to move in the same direction as
before, i.e., in a direction contrary to his previous rotation; the experimenter will see the
subject's eyes executing slow motions in one direction (in the direction of the original motion of
the subject) alternating with rapid motions in the other. The subject himself may be able to
perceive a corresponding irregularity of motion in the spots upon the wall at which he looks.
The illusion rests upon the subject's unconsciousness of the slow motions of his eyes. It is not
improbable that these eye motions and the sensations of attempted restoration of equalibrium
[sic] in other parts of the body are reflexly caused by the disturbance in the semicircular canals.
It should be noticed that this illusion is the exact reverse of that found with closed eyes in Ex.
36. There the subject feels a rotation of his own body contrary to that it previously received. If
he was turned at first in the direction of the hands of a watch, on being stopped he would seem
to be turning in a direction contrary to the hands. If these motions were transferred to objects
about him, they would, during the rotation, seem to move contrary to the hands and after
stopping in the direction of the hands. In the Purkinje experiment the motion of objects is not
thus reversed.
39. So far as progressive motions do not partake of rotation the sensations which they give us
are probably combinations of sensations from several different sources or sensory judgments
based thereon. For them, as for the motions of rotation, the principle holds that we perceive
changes of rate of motion, and not uniform motion; as long as the motion remains uniform we
can by an effort of imagination conceive ourselves to be moving in either direction or to be
standing still, except for the jarring. The apparatus for the study of these phenomena will be
found in railroad trains and elevators.
On the sensations of this and the preceding sections, cf. Aubert, translation of Delage above
cited; Mach, Bewegungs-Empfindungen, Leipzig, 1875; Brown, On Sensations of Motion,
Nature, vol. XL., 1889, p. 448, ff.
MUSCLE SENSE, Kraftsinn.
The real muscular sensations are probably those of pain, fatigue and the like, and are of
relatively minor importance for psychology, but the term "muscle sense " has been used to
designate that sense by which lifted weights are perceived, and is here used in that sense.
Apparatus. Set of test weights somewhat like those used for the pressure sense, but less
different one from another, (For example 100 grams (two of this weight), 101.6, 102, 102.2,
102.5, 102.8, 103,3[sic]). Weight of 2 or 3 kg.
39. Discriminative sensibility for lifted weights. a. Let the subject stand at a table of convenient
height. Place within easy reach of his right hand, and near together, one of the standard
weights (e.g. 100 gm.) and a weight to be compared with it, either the other standard or a
heavier (or lighter) one. Let the subject lift one after the other, taking care to lift them in the
same way, at the the [sic] same rate and to the same height, and give a decision as to which is
the heavier (or the lighter). Find the weight that can be distinguished from the standard in 75
per cent. of the trials. As before the ratio between the difference of these and the standard is
the index of the discriminative sensibility. The ratio will probably be about 2.5:100. b. Repeat
the experiment letting the subject lift with one hand the standard and with the other [p. 152] the
weight to be compared, keeping the same hand for each during each series of trials. Note the
discriminative sensibility as before; the discriminations will be much less fine.
In these experiments the sense of pressure might be expected to co-operate, but when it is
excluded or put at a relative disadvantage, the sensibility for differences of lifted weights is not
diminished. Weber's method of excluding the pressure sense was to wrap the weights in pieces
or cloth and lift them by the four corners together. The pressure on these corners can be
changed at will irrespective of the heaviness of the weight lifted. Compare the discriminative
sensibility found for pressure with that found for lifted weights.
40. Careful experiments on the method of such discriminations shows that the determining
factor is the rapidity with which the weight rises as it is lifted. The following experiment is one of
those upon which this conclusion rests. After having performed the second part of Ex. 39
compare the standard weight with a very much heavier weight, e.g., 2 kg., with all the
circumstances of actual careful judgment. Practice this judgment thirty times, leaving a larger
interval of time between the individual comparisons than between liftings of the weights
compared. Then at once return to the smaller weights, giving the standard to the same hand as
before and the weight to be compared to the hand that has just been lifting the 2 kg. Not only
will the weight before just recognizably heavier seem considerably lighter than the standard, but
also still heavier weights will seem so. This time the tests must be few, not more than three or
four. If more should be desirable, practice the comparison, of the standard and 2 kg. weight
again ten times before taking them. By the practice the nervous centres discharging into the the
[sic] muscles that raise the 2 kg. weight become accustomed to a larger discharge than that
required for the small weights and do not at once re-adapt themselves, but supply too great a
discharge, the weight rises with greater rapidity than the standard and is consequently
pronounced lighter.
Cf. on Muscle Sense. Weber, op. cit.; Müller und Schumann. Ueber die psycholodgischen
Grundlagen der Vergleichung gehobener Gewichte, Pflüger's Archiv, Bd. XLV, 1889, pp. 37-
112; James, Psychology. II, pp. 189 ff.
Cf. also the experiments and references on the Psychophysic Law.
Apparatus. Blackboard and chalk.
41. The evidence most frequently offered in support of this sense is clinical and therefore
beyond the scope of this course. Experiments like the following have been brought forward, but
their interpretation has been disputed. a. Stand erect before the black board with the eyes
closed and coat off, if it interferes with free motion of the arms. Draw with each hand a
conventional leaf-pattern like those in the annexed cut drawing from a to b in both cases. In
drawing try to make the lobes of the leaf of equal size, like those in Fig. A; draw each with a
single simultaneous "free hand" motion of the arm, that is, draw each with a single volitional
impulse directed equally to the two sides -- the last point is important. First draw a pair of
leaves beginning them with the hands before
the shoulders at the same height; the result
will be approximately like Fig. A. Next draw a
pair with one hand a foot lower than before;
the result will be like Fig. B. b. Bring the
hands again to the position used in drawing
Fig. A, and draw a pair or leaves having their
spices right and left. The leaves will be
symmetrical. Next begin with one hand about
a foot farther away from the median plane
than before and the other at it, but both at the
same level. Draw as before; asymmetrical
leaves will be the result. Repeat the drawing
a number of times, sometimes raising or
extending one arm, sometimes the other. In
general it will be found that notwithstanding
the intention to make equal movements of the
hands, the motions of further extension in the
extended arm and of further flexion in the
flexed arm are too short and those in the
contrary direction in each case too long. The
argument founded on this experiment runs as
follows: We think that our hands execute
equal movements, when they do not, because we are conscious of willing equal movements,
and unconscious or only inexactly conscious of those actually made. If on the contrary we
perceive motion of members by the skin, joint and muscle sensations that accompany their
motion (as the opponents of the Innervation Sense believe) we ought to know the extent to
which our hands are moved each time and not fall into the illusion that we find in these
42. Lay the hand palm downward on the edge of the table or on a thick book so that the last
three fingers shall be supported and held extended while the thumb and fiirst finger remain free.
Bend the first finger considerably at both the inner joints, and hold it in position with the other
hand. The finger tip is still movable as will be found on touching it, but it is anatomically
impossible to move it voluntarily. When, however, the effort is made to move it (the eyes being
closed) there is a sensation of motion, though no actual motion is possible.
43. Of experimental evidence against the Innervation Sense there is more.ller's experiment
(No. 40) seems conclusive against it; for if there were any sensation of nervous discharge, we
ought to know that when we go from a very heavy to a light weight the discharge is
disproportionate; but we do not. That the feeling of effort is or: peripheral and not central origin
is shown by such experiments as this of Ferrier's. a. Hold the finger as if to pull the trigger of a
pistol. Think vigorously of bending the finger but do not bend it; an unmistakable feeling of effort
results. Repeat the experiment and notice that the breath is involuntarily held, and that there
are tensions in other muscles than those that would move the finger. Repeat the experiment
again, taking care to keep the breathing regular and other muscles passive. No feeling of effort
will now accompany the imaginary bending of the finger. b. Lay the fore-arm entirely relaxed in
the scale pan of an ordinary balance (or better still of a spring balance) and put in weights
enough to compensate it exactly. Remain with closed eyes keeping the arm relaxed. It will after
a little overbalance the compensating weights, showing that at first it was not wholly relaxed. An
Inervation[sic] Sense, if we had one, ought to prevent such an illusion.
Cf. on the Sense of Innervation, Wundt. Physiologische Psychologie; I. 397. ff.; Sternberg, Zur
Lehre von den Vorstellungen über die Lage unserer Glieder, Pflüger's Archiv, XXXVII 1885, 1.
Loeb. Untersuchungen über die Orientirung[sic] im Fühlraum der Hand und im Blickraum,
Pflüger's Archiv. XLVI. 1-46, (but see also criticisms of James, Psychology, II. 516, and of
Christine Ladd-Franklin, Amer. Jour. Psy., II, 653); James. Psychology, II, pp. 486, ff.; Ferrier,
Functions of the Brain, pp. 382 ff.,(English Ed.); Funks, op. cit. [p. 154]
Apparatus. Hinged board for passive flexion
of the elbow. The accompanying cut will give
some idea of the construction of such a
board. The thin board on which the fore-arm
rests (50 cm. long by 8-10 wide) is hinged at
one end to the base board. At the other end a
cord is fastened that runs over a pulley upon
the top of a stout post. On the end of the cord
a weight is hung to counterbalance the weight
of the fore-arm. A scale (e.g. a piece or mm.
paper) on the post near the weight enables
the experimenter to read off the distance
which the end of the arm-board is raised or
lowered. It is essential that the hinge and
pully[sic] work easily and without jar. The
above is simply one way of accomplishing the
result; others will occur to those for whom this
construction is inconvenient.
44. Passive flexion at the elbow. Let the subject rest the fore-arm flat upon the arm board,
bringing the elbow over the hinge, and close his eyes; raise the fore end of the arm-board
slowly by pressing down upon the counter weight, and require the subject to announce when
he first perceives the motion of his fore-arm. It is extremely important not to mistake the
sensation of increased pressure or of jar for that of motion. With the dimensions given above,
one degree of angle corresponds to about 8.7 mm. The same apparatus may be used for
extension as well as flexion.
45. Active flexion of the last joint of the finger. The joint sensations or the fingers are less fine
than those of the elbow, but are more convenient for demonstration of active flexion. Fasten a
piece of straw, with court-plaster or otherwise, to the finger nail of the middle finger, and cut it
off at such a length that the distance from the joint of the finger to the end of the straw shall be
115 mm. With that radius 2 mm. corresponds to about 1° of angular measure. Rest the hand on
a thick book letting the last joint of the finger extend beyond the edge. Set up a millimeter scale
at right angles with the straw. Close the eyes and make the least possible region of the finger at
the last joint, having an assistant note its extent on the scale. Between one and two degrees
will probably be the least possible voluntary movement. Close attention will, probably in both
these cases, locate the chief sensation in the joint. For the more rigorous experiments required
to show its character clearly and to prove its location see the following:
Goldscheider Untersuchungen über den Muskelsinn. Do Bois-Reymond's Archiv, 1889. pp. 369
ff. and 540, also Supplement-Band, 1889. 141 ff.
Apparatus. Two or three kilogram weight and string. Vessel of mercury.
46. a. Hold the weight by the strong so that it hangs a few inches above the floor, with the arm
extended; Lower the weight rather rapidly till it rests on the floor. As it strikes, an illusion of
resistance to further motion will be perceived. This is due to the unexpected strain put upon the
muscles that lower the arm by the tension of those that have been holding the weight. The
feeling of resistance is probably a [p. 155] joint-sensation, b. Something similar is observed on
pouring a quantity of mercury from one vessel to another.
Cf. Goldscheider, op. cit.
Apparatus. Two medium sized corks. A millimeter scale at least one meter long. This can easily
be made by pasting millimeter paper upon a smooth wooden slat. A convenient scale has a
right angled triangular section. In use this stands upon the short side of the triangle, the long
side is next the subject, the hypothenuse[sic] next the observer. The millimeter paper is pasted
along the upper edge of the side next the observer.
47. Apparently symmetrical positions of the two arms. Hold a cork between the thumb and first
two fingers of each hand. Close the eyes and bring the two corks together at arms length in the
median plane before the face, having an assistant note the approximate amount and direction
of the error. The corks should he brought together rather gently so as not to betray the
character of the error to the operator, but the motions of the arms by which they are brought up
nearly to contact should be free and sweeping. The error will probably be found rather constant
in direction until the operator learns to correct it. Try bringing the corks together above the
head, and also in asymmetrical positions.
48. Let the subject seat himself at a table with the millimeter scale before him. Set a pin in the
middle of the scale and bring the pin into the median plane of the subject and make the scale
parallel to his frontal plane. Let the subject place his forefingers on either aide of the pin, and
with closed eyes, try to measure off equal distances by moving each outward along the scale.
Note the result in millimeters; for this it may be convenient to mark the middle point of the
finger-nails with an ink-line. A constant excess in the motion of one hand or the other will be
found. It is important that the subject should not open his eyes till his fingers are removed from
the scale; for he will find it difficult not to correct his error if he knows its nature. The finger tips
should rest lightly on the scale and the motions should be made by a single impulse; if they are
too slow and the subject attends to his sensations of position, the errors will be small and
uncertain. The greatest errors will probably be round for distances of 20 to 50 cm. from the
median plane. The left hand generally makes the greater excursion in right handed persons not
mechanics. b. Repeat the tests having the motions of the hands made successively instead of
simultaneously. The constant difference between the hands will not appear. c. Operate
somewhat as in a, but this time let the experimenter move one of the subject's hands passively
while the subject himself tries to move the other at the same rate and to stop instantly when the
passive motion stops. Try passive motions of the right as well as the left hand. The errors found
will generally resemble those of a. d. Let the subject start with his right or left hand 20 cm.
toward its own side of the median plane, and try to measure off equal distances on either side
of that point, using tile same hand for both distances. Indicate the point of departure with a pill
as before and mark off with another the standard distance to be reproduced. Distances outward
will be made too large, distances inward too small. In all these experiments with closed eyes
we seem inclined to judge distance rather from the intention of equal motion and the
continuance of motor sensations for equal times than from the actual peripheral sensations.
Cf. Hall and Hartwell. Bilateral Asymmetry of Functfon. Mind. Vol. IX; Loeb, Pflüger's Archiv,
XLI, 1887, pp. 107-127, also Pflüger's Archiv, XLVI, 1890, pp. 1-46.
(To be Continued.)
Apparatus. A potato and an apple; standard solutions of sweet, bitter, sour and salt; camel's-
hair brushes; battery and zinc electrodes. The standard solutions should be made of two
strengths, the stronger for testing the individual papillæ and the weaker for finding the least
proportion tastable. The following proportions of tastable substances and water are convenient.
Stronger solutions: Sugar. 40:100; Quinine, 2:100; Tartaric Acid, 5:100; Salt, saturated solution.
Weaker solutions, (for which the water itself should be without taste): Sugar, 5:100; Quinine,
2:100 000; Tartaric Acid, 5:1000; Salt, 2:100. Special solutions of Sugar for Ex. 52: 20:100,
18:100, 16:100, 14:100, 12:100, 10:100.
49. Much of what is commonly called taste is really taste plus smell or touch or both. With' the
eyes shut and the nostrils held try to distinguish, by taste alone, between small quantities of
scraped apple and potato, placed upon the tongue.
50. Distribution of the Organs of Taste. a. Using the weaker solutions and operating with a
mirror or on another person, find out as nearly as you can in what part of the tongue the
strongest sensations are produced by each. Test the tip, the sides, the back and the middle,
putting on the solutions with a camel's-hair brush and rinsing the mouth as often as necessary.
Try also the hard and soft palates. b. Dry the tongue with a handkerchief and test the individual
fungiform papillæ with the stronger solutions, applying them with fine camel's-hair pencils. It will
be found possible to get taste sensations from the single papillæ, though perhaps not all four
from each. Rinse the mouth as needed, c. Test the surface of the tongue between the papillæ
and observe that no taste sensations follow.
On a cf. Rittmeyer: Geschmacksprüfugnen. Göttingen Diss. 1885. On b and c cf. Oehrwall,
Untersuchungen über den Geschmackssinn, Scandinav. Archiv f. Physiol. Bd. II. 1890, pp. 1-
69; see also abstract by the author in the Zeitschrift f. Psych. Bd. I. 1890. p. 141.
51. Minimal taste. a. Find what is the greatest dilution of the weaker solutions in which the
characteristic taste can still be recognized. The same quantity, e.g., half a teaspoonful, should
be taken into the mouth at each trial and may be swallowed with advantage. Rinse [p. 304] the
mouth as required. The following are the proportions given by Bailey and Nichols for male
observers: Quinine, 1:390 000; Sugar l:199; Salt, 1:2240; Sulphuric Acid, which they used
instead of Tartaric, the proportion was 1:2080. B. The intensity of the sensation end the
greatest dilution still tastable depend on the number of taste organs stimulated. Take a portion
of one of the solutions of just testable strength found in a, add an equal quantity or water and
take a large mouthful of the mixture. The characteristic taste will still be perceived, perhaps
more strongly than before.
On a cf. Bailey and Nichols, The Delicacy of the Sense of Taste. Nature. XXXVII, 1887-88, 557;
and Lombroso und Ottolenghi, Die Sinne der Verbrecher. Zeitzchrift für Psychologie Bd. II.
1891. Pp. 346-48. Camerer. Die Grenzen der Schmeckbarkeit von Chlornatrium in wässrigar
Lösung. Pflüger's Archiv. II, 1869. 322. On b cf. Camerer, Die Methode der richtegen und
falschen Fälle angewendet auf den Geschmackssinn. Zeitschrift für Biologie, XXI, 570..
52. Discriminative sensibility for taste. For a rough determination test with the solutions of sugar
indicated above, taking first a smell quantity or the standard 20% solution, then an equal
quantity (the equality is important) of one of the weaker solutions, or first one of the weaker and
then the standard, until a solution is found that is just recognisably different from the standard.
Make this determination several times. The excess of sugar in the standard solution over the
amount in the solution Just observably weaker set in a ratio to the total percentage of sugar in
the standard measures the sensibility. Some experimenters may be able to distinguish the 18%
from the 20% solution; their sensibility would then be expressed by the ratio 2:20.
On such experiments as this cf. Keppler Das Unterscheidungsvermögen des Geschmacksinnes
[sic] für Concentrationsdifferenzen der schmeckbaren Körper. Pflüger's Archiv, II, 1869, 449.
53. Electrical Stimulation. a. Using a constant current and two zinc electrodes one above, the
other under the tongue notice the sour taste at the positive pole and the alkaline at the
On the sensations of taste in general cf. von Vintschgau, Physiologie des Geschmackssinne,
Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologie, III. (pt. 2) pp. 145-224; Oehrwall, op. cit. On acid tastes
and chemical composition cf. Corin, Action des acides sur le goût, Archives de Biologie, VIII,
fasc. 1.
Apparatus. Essence of cloves; olfactometer
or Zwaardemaker; camphor gum; yellow wax;
a dozen small wide mouthed bottles. The
essence of cloves is made by adding one part
of oil of cloves to fifteen parts of alcohol[1]
and may be diluted with water, itself odorless,
to make the solutions required in Ex. 54. For
that experiment dilutions of the essence that
will give the following proportions of oil of
cloves will be found convenient 1:50 000;
1:100 000; 1:200 000; 1:300 000; 1:400 000;
1:500000. The olfactometer of Zwaardemaker
in simple clinical form may be bought of
Mechaniker Darting Bank, Utrecht, at 1.50
mk.; but [p. 305] its construction is so simple
that it may easily be made in the laboratory. It
will be most convenient if made double as
shown in the accompanying cat. The
instrument consists of a light wooden screen, say six inches square, provided with a handle
below for easier holding. Through this screen, a little below the middle, a hole an inch and a
half in diameter is bored, and fitted with a large cork. The cork in turn is pierced with two holes
side by side an inch apart and or such size as to fit tightly upon the glass tubes next to be
mentioned i.e. about 7 mm. The glass tubes should be long enough to leave 10 cm. free behind
the screen and about 3 cm. free in front. The front ends are bent upward at right angles for
insertion in the nostrils. The odorous substances used in this instrument are applied in the form
of tubes that slide over the glass tubes behind the screen. The simplest and best for persons or
normal keenness of smell are pieces of red rubber tubing 10 cm. long and of such bore as just
to slide freely over the glass tubes (8 mm.). These pieces of rubber tubing should themselves
be slipped into pieces of tight fitting glass tubing so as to prevent the spread of the odor from
their outer surface. For Ex. 57 another odor tube, this time of yellow ware will be needed. This
can easily be made by placing a glass tube (of the size of the air tubes used in the
olfactometer) inside a tube such as is need to cover the rubber odor-tubes and filling the space
between them with melted wax. The inner tube may then be warmed by running hot water
through it till it can be withdrawn. The principle upon which the instrument works is this, namely,
that the intensity or the odor varies directly as the surface of odorous substance exposed.
When the odor-tubes are slipped onto the glass tubes of the olfactometer and pushed back
until their ends are flush with those of the glass tubes, the air inhaled through the latter contains
few or no odorous particles because no odorous surface is exposed. When, however, the odor-
tubes are pulled a little away from the screen so that they extend over the ends of the glass
tubes, they expose the odorous surface inside them to the current of air inhaled. The strength
of the odor is proportional to the area exposed, or since the bore does not change, to the length
of odor tube that extends beyond the glass tube. This last can be conveniently measured by a
scale (e.g. centimeters and half centimeters) scratched on the inner glass tubes. The length of
odor tube corresponding to a just observable odor will, of course, differ with different tubes,
from person to person, and with the temperature, but tubes of red rubber are reported to give
satisfactory results both as to original intensity and the constancy with which they keep their
odor through considerable periods of time. The length of red rubber odor tube required by
Zwaardemaker himself for a just observable odor at 18°C. is 7 mm. In use the upward turned
end of one of the glass tubes is inserted in the forward part of the nostril and the subject draws
his breath in the way most natural to him in smelling -- the proportion of odorous particles is
greater, however, when the current of air is slow than when it is rapid. The inside of the glass
air tubes will need to be cleaned of adhering odorous particles from time to time. [p. 306]
On the olfactometer and its method of use see the following papers cf. Zwaardemaker: Die
Bestimmung der Geruchschärfe, Berliner Klin. Wochenschrift, XXV, 1888. No. 47, p. 950
(abstract of the same, British Med. Journal, 1888, ii, 1295); also Lancet, London, 1889, i, 1300.
On an improved form adapted to liquid substances (and thus to substances of known and
relatively simple chemical composition) see, Compensation von Gerüchen mittelst des
Doppelreichmessers, Fortschritte der Medicin, VII, 1889, 725 ff.
54. Minimal odors. The keenness of smell may be tested with dilute solutions or odorous
substances or with the olfactometer it will be instinctive to test by both methods. a. Tests with
solutions. Pour small quantities of the solutions of oil of cloves described above into little wide-
mouthed bottles, filling each to about the same height. Mark all in an inconspicuous manner.
Set the bottles on a table a foot apart in a place where there is moderate circulation of air, in
the order of the strength of their solutions, beginning with the water and following with the
weakest solution and so on. Require the subject to smell of the bottles in succession without
lifting them from the table, beginning with the water, and to indicate that in which he first
recognizes a characteristic odor. If the solutions stand for any length or time where they are
subject to evaporation it will be safer to prepare fresh ones before undertaking a new test.
Other precautions will suggest themselves, as for example, the use of bottles of the same size
and shape, and care in filling them that some of the solution is not left clinging near the mouth.
The just observable solution will probably be found to lie between the l:100 000 and l:400 000.
b. Tests with the olfactometer. Test the sides of the nose separately. Push the odor tube on till
its end is flush with that or the glass tube, insert the bent end of the latter into the nostril as
described above, and gradually lengthen the exposed surface of the odor-tube till its odor is just
discernable. Note in millimeters the length exposed.
On a cf. Bailey and Nichols, The Sense of Smell, Nature, XXXV 1886-87, 74; Lombroso and
Ottolenghi, op. cit. under Ex. 51. On b cf. Zwaardemaker, Sur la norme de l'acuité olfactive
(olfactie), Archives Néerlandaises, T. XXV, pp. 131-148.
55. Discriminative sensibility for odors. Using the double olfactometer with both odor-tubes
drawn out far enough to give an unmistakable odor, but not too strong a one, say both drawn
out 6 cm., find how far one or the other must be drawn out (or pushed back) to make the odor
which it gives just observably stronger (or weaker) than that of the other, The test should be
made with one side of the nose only, (there is frequently a difference in sensitiveness between
the two sides, due to mechanical obstruction or other cause) unless for some reason a bilateral
form of experiment is desirable. Try a number or times, but be careful to avoid fatigue.
56. Fatigue of smell. a. Hold a piece of camphor gum to the nose, and smell of it continuously,
breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, for five or ten minutes. A very marked
decrease in the intensity of the sensation will be observed, reaching perhaps even to complete
loss of the odor. b. It is important, however, to observe that fatigue for one substance does not
cause obtuseness for all other substances, though it does for some. Smell of some essence of
cloves and of some yellow wax, then fatigue for camphor as in a and smell of the essence of
cloves and of the wax again. The odor of the wax will probably be fainter, that of the essence of
cloves unaffected.
Cf. Aronsohn, Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Geruchs, DuBois-
Reymond's Archiv, 1886, pp. 3216-57.
57. Compensation of odors. a. Experiment with the olfactometer on one side of the nose as
follows. Hold against the end of the rubber odor-tube another odor-tube of wax, partly covered
on the inside by a glass tabs of the same size as that used in the olfactometer in such a way
that the air must pass through both to reach the nose. Then gradually increase the length or the
rubber tube exposed till the odor of the [p. 307] wax is no longer perceived. If the experiment is
carefully performed a point may be found where the two odors nearly compensate and the
resulting sensation approaches zero. If the rubber is lengthened beyond this point its odor
overpowers that of the wax; if it is shortened it is overpowered by that or the wax. A mixture of
the odors is hardly to be found. b. Repeat the experiment, using the double olfactometer with
rubber on one tube and war on the other. The compensation will be observed as before though
each side of the nose receives a separate stimulus. If the two sides of the nose are not equally
keen scented the proportions of the tubes that give compensating odors will not be the same as
before. Care should of course be taken to avoid fatigue.
Cf. Zwaardemaker, Compensation von Gerüchen mittelst des Doppelreichmessers. Fortschritte
der Medicin, VII, 1889, No. 18. pp. 721-731.
On smell in general, beside the literature already cited cf. von Vintschgau, Physiologie ded
Geruchssinnes. Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologie, III, (pt. 2) pp. 225-286, and the literature
there cited.
Apparatus. A watch, 2 yards of three eights[sic] inch rubber tubing a tuning-forks (the ordinary
A forks sold at music stores at 25 cents each will answer if a couple are chosen that prolong
their sound well), and a hammer. A watch is not an ideal instrument for testing acuteness of
hearing, but has the advantage of ready accessibility and simplicity in use.
For other special instruments for testing acuteness of hearing cf. Hensen, Physiologie des
Gehörs, Hermann's Handbuch der Physiol. III. pt. 2, pp. 119-120 and the references there
given; also Jacobson, Ueber Hörprüfung und über ein neues Verfahren zur exacten
Bestimmung der Hörschwelle mit Hülfe elektrischer Ströme, Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv, 1888,
189. For apparatus for testing the discriminative sensibility for sounds cf. (for noise) Starke, Die
Messung von Schallstärken Wundt's Philos. Studien, III, 1886, 266, and Zum Mass der
Schallstärke Ibid. V, 1889, 157; (for tone) Wien, Ueber die Messung der Tonstärke, Inaug. Diss.
Berlin, 1888, also in Wiedmann's Annalen, XXXVI, 1889, 834-857.
On hearing in general cf, Helmholtz, Sensations of Tone, Eng. tr. by Ellls, Hensen, op. cit.;
Stumpf, Tonpsychologie; Wundt, Physiologische Psychologie.
58. Minimal sounds. a. Experiment in a large room, furnished (to lessen the echoes) and as
free as possible from noise. Let the subject be seated with his side toward the experimenter, his
eyes closed and his ear upon the other side plugged with cotton. Let the experimenter then find
what is the greatest distance at which the subject can still hear the tick of a watch held at the
level of his ear and on the prolongation of the line joining the two. This is easily done with
sufficient accuracy by drawing a chalk line on the door, marking off feet or meters and fractions
upon it and estimating by eye the point of the line directly under the watch. Try several times for
each ear both when the watch is being brought toward the ear and when it is being carried
away. The experimenter should from time to time cover the watch with his hand to discover
whether or not the subject really hears or is under illusion. For normal ears the distance found
may vary from 2.5 m. to 4.6 m. and may even rise to as much as 9 m. b. The subject should
notice in this experiment the very marked intermittences of the sound when just upon the limit
of audibility. It will for a few seconds be heard above doubt and a few seconds later will as
certainly not be heard.
On a cf. von Bezold, Schuluntersuchungen über das kindliche Gehörorgen, Zeitsch,[sic] f,[sic]
Ohrenheilkunde, XIV, 1884-85, and XV. 1885-86. This paper gives the results of numerous
tests on Munich school children, not only with the watch but also with the acoumeter of Politzer
and with whispered speech. On b cf. Urbantschitsch, Ueber eine Eigenüimlichkeit der
Schallempfindungen geringster Intensität, Centralblatt f. d. medic. Wissensch., 1875, 625; N.
Lange, Beiträge zur Theorie der sinnlichen Aufmerksamkeit und der activen Apperception,
Wundt's Philos. Studien, IV 1888, 390; Münsterberg. Schwankungen der Aufmerksamkeit,
Beiträge zur experimentellen Psychologie, Heft 2, 1889, 69.
59. Auditory fatigue. Cause an assistant to strike once with a hammer on the floor, or to clap his
hands. With the ears open a single [p. 308] sound, or at most a single sound and transient
echoes are heard. If, however, the ears are kept closed with the fingers till half a second or
more after the stroke (the time may easily be fixed by rapid counting), the fainter echoes will be
heard like a new stroke. In the first case, fatigue from the original sound deadens the ears to
the fainter echoes, though they may still be heard by attentive listening; in the second case they
are more strongly heard because the closed ears are unfatigued. The sound produced by the
simple opening of the ears without any objective stroke will be less if the finger is not put into
the ears, but presses the tragus back upon the opening. b. Insert in the openings of the ears
the ends of a rubber tube. Strike a tuning-fork and set it upon the tube at such a point that It
sounds equally Intense to the two ears. (The sound will then probably appear to be located in
the head midway between the ears -- at least not nearer one than the other). After a few
seconds strike the tuning-fork again, pinch the tube on one side, say the left, so as to shut off
the sound from the ear on that side, set the tuning-fork on the tube and keep it there till the
sound has become rather taint. Then allow the pinched tube to open and notice that the sound
is now stronger on the left than the right and apparently located on the left. Cf. later
experiments on the location of tones.
On a. cf. Mach. op. cit. (under Ex. 89) p. 58. On b cf. Urbantschitsch. Zur Lehre von der
Schallempfindung, Pflüger's Archiv; XXIV. 1881, 574-579 and references then, given. See also
Stumpf, Tonpsychologie, I, 360-363, where other instances of fatigue an cited.
60. Inertia of the auditory apparatus. a. Inertia tending to keep the auditory apparatus out of
function can be demonstrated as follows. Place the ends of a rubber tube in the ears and set
upon the middle of it a low tuning-fork sounding as faintly as possible. Notice that the sound
does not reach its maximum intensity for an appreciable length of time; it the fork is barely
audible this may be as much as a second or two. Be careful not to increase the pressure of the
fork upon the tube after first setting it on; for that will produce an objective strengthening of the
tone; and allow an interval of several seconds between the tests so that the auditory apparatus
may again come completely to rest. A tuning-fork that will preserve these minimal vibrations for
some seconds and complete freedom from distracting noises will be found necessary for
Cf. Urbantschitsch. Ueber das An- und Abklingen acustischer Empfindung,, Pflüger's Archiv,
XXV. 1881, 323.
61. Noise. Whether or not there is a distinctive sensation of noise different from that or a mass
of short, dissonant and irregularly changing tones is yet under debate, with something of the
weight of authority in favor of such a sensation. A little attention to the noises constantly
occurring, especially to their pitch, will easily convince the observer that a tonal element is
present. This is striking when resonators (cf. notes on apparatus for simultaneous tones) are
used, for they pick out and prolong somewhat the tones to which they correspond, but they are
not indispensable. On the other hand, attention to musical tones will often discover the
presence of accompanying noises.
Cf. Wundt, Physiologische Psychologie. I, 420; Stumpf. Tonpsychologie II, 497-514; also
Brücke op. cit. sub 69; Exner, Pflüger's Archiv XIII, 288 ff.; Mach, Analyse der Empfundungen,
Jena, 1886, 117.
62. Silence. When circumstances promise absence of external sounds, notice that many are
still present and distinct, though faintly heard. Notice also the pitch and changing character of
the subjective sounds to be heard. Our nearest approach to the sensation of absolute stillness
is this mass of faint inner and outer sensations.
Cf. Preyer, Ueber die Empfindung der Stille, Sammlung physiologischer Abhandlungen, Jena,
1877, pp. 67-72. This section on Silence is a portion of Preyer's study, Ueber die Grenzen der
Tonwahrnehmung. [p. 309]
Though musical terms are occasionally used in these experiments and some discrimination or
tones is necessary, it is believed that nothing is required beyond the average ability of the
Apparatus. The upper limit or pitch may be tested with the disk siren, with tuning-forks, with
steel cylinders and with little whistles of adjustable length. The last two instruments are most
commonly used and may be had from almost any dealer in physical apparatus, the cylinders
from $10 upward, the whistle (designed by Galton), at about $5.00. The Cambridge Scientific
Instrument Co., St. Tibb's Row, Cambridge, Eng., makes the whistle in two patterns, a simple
one at £1. 5s and a more elaborate one at £6. R. König, 27 Quai d'Anjou, Paris, also makes
two kinds, one at 12 the other at 20 fr., the latter probably a better instrument than that of the
Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. at £1 5s. For description and prices of the more expensive
kinds of apparatus consult König's catalogue.
For testing the lower limit of pitch large tuning-forks may be used or the difference tones of
small tuning-forks or of stopped organ pipes. Large tuning-forks could probably be made well
enough for demonstrative purposes by almost any blacksmith and their pitch determined
approximately by making them record their vibrations graphically upon a piece of smoked glass
for ten seconds. The large fork with sliding weights (24-16 double vibrations per sec.)
manufactured for this purpose by König costs 300 fr. and his set of high pitched forks for the
difference tone method costs 340 fr.
For Ex. 65 and others that follow, almost any musical instrument or a considerable range of
pitch will answer.
For Ex. 65c. use a piston whistle such as is sold in toy stores at five cents. Two that are in the
laboratory here reach the proper pitch when their pistons are pushed in as far se possible. It
would be easy, if still higher tones were needed, to so alter the whistles as to make these
For Ex. 67 prepare a series of forks each differing from the next by about three vibrations a
second. Half a dozen C forks such as are sold at the music stores will answer, it those are
chosen that prolong their sound well. Take one of them as a standard and make the next
sharper by filing a little at the free end or the prongs till it beats (cf. Ex. 75) with the standard
three times in a second. Count for 10 seconds, if possible, and divide the total count by 10 to
find the rate per sec., counting the first beat nought. (For precautions to be used in attempting
an accurate count cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. 443 where Ellis gives all necessary particulars.) Having
brought this fork approximately to three beats per sec. take it as a standard and make the next
fork three beats sharper than it in the same way and so on. Make also a series of forks differing
by three vibrations each, which shall be flatter than the normal C. It will be well to make a
recount for greater accuracy after the forks have had a chance to cool. In order to flatten the
forks a little as mentioned in Ex. 67 little riders of rubber tubing may be placed upon the prongs.
Make these riders by cutting off quarter inch bits from tubing that will fit tightly upon the prongs
of the forks. For the resonance bottles mentioned in the same experiment take a four ounce
wide mouthed bottle and tune it to the forks by gradually closing its mouth with a bit of glass
(e.g. a microscope slide). When the amount of closure is found which gives the greatest
intensity of sound, fix the glass in position with wax. (For picture and description of such bottles
see Meyer, Sound, pp. 102-103). A standard instrument for giving such small differences of
pitch as are represented above by the sharpened forks is made by Anton Appunn of Hanau a.
M. under the name of a Tonmesser. (See picture and description in Wundt's Physiologische
Psychologie, I, [p. 310] 431 f.) and costs for the complete instrument, with pitches ranging from
32 to 1024 vibrations per sec. and a blowing table, 1060 marks. Single octaves without the
blowing apparatus range in price from 150 to 320 marks. The same maker also offers a set of
forks giving a series of tones differing each from the next by a small fraction of a vibration (Ton-
differenz-apparat) at 96 marks. See his price list also for other apparatus useful in the
experiments of this section.
For Ex. 69 a hydrogen generator (cf. an elementary chemistry) will be necessary. In blowing the
hydrogen and air bubbles it will be found convenient to have the mixed gases in one large
bottle and to force them out by pouring in water.
For Ex. 70 a pint bottle.
Some of the apparatus suggested at the beginning of the next section will also be found useful
in this.
63. Highest tones. With the apparatus at hand for the purpose, find what is the highest audible
tone; i.e. if the cylinders are used, the shortest cylinder which still gives a ringing sound on the
stroke of the hammer, or if the whistle is used, closest position of the plunger at which a tone
can still be beard beside the rush of sir. If a number of persons are tested it is not improbable
that some will yet hear the tone after it has become inaudible for the rest.
64. Lowest tones. a. If low pitched tuning-forks are at hand, find what is the slowest rate of
vibration that can yet be perceived as a tone. In some physiological laboratories electric tuning-
forks or interrupters are at hand which have vibration rates of 25 per second. Low tones can be
heard from these, though they have many overtones. The latter can be partly damped by
touching the tines mid-way of their length with the finger and partly avoided by bringing the ear
not to the free end but to a point somewhat further toward the handle. The determination of the
lower limit of audible pitch is difficult and uncertain because of the great difficulty which
observers, even those of trained ear, find in distinguishing these lowest tones from their next
higher octaves. b. The general character of these deep tones can be demonstrated with
sufficient clearness upon the contra octave (C
-C) of a church organ if one is accessible and
tuning forks are lacking.
65. Some characteristics of high and low tones. a. High tones are smoother than low tones.
This is clear with almost all tones used in music, and particularly so with those of reed
instruments. It Is largely due to the beating of the partial tones (see Exs. 82 ff. and 75 ff.)
among themselves and even with the fundamental tones. Play the scale of the instrument at
hand from the lowest to the highest, or sing the ascending scale. The difference of roughness is
observable also with simple tones, but only at lower pitches and is even there less marked. b.
High tones except the very high, produce a more intense sensation in proportion to their
physical intensity than do low tones. Strike a low tuning-fork in which the over-tones are to be
heard and notice that the over-tones can be heard at a greater distance than the proper tone of
the fork. c. Some high tones are particularly strengthened by the resonance of the outer
passage of the ear. These generally lie between c
and c
and give to the tones of this octave a
superior strength, and ear-piercing quality. They may be demonstrated easily with a small
piston whistle like that mentioned above. Find by adjustment of the piston the point at which the
tone is most piercing. Insert in the outer ends of the ear passages bits of rubber tubing half an
inch long (which will change the resonance of the passage, making them responsive to a lower
tone) and sound the whistle again. The piercing quality will be gone and the tone appear
decidedly weaker. Remove the bits of tubing and sound the whistle as before; the original
quality and intensity reappear. [p. 311] d. Very closely associated with the pure tonal sensations
are certain of a spatial quality. Compare in this respect the sensations of the tones observed in
Ex. c above, or better still those of Ex. 63, with those of Ex. 64 or any other deep tones. Play
the scale through the complete compass of any instrument, keeping this quality in mind. e. The
emotional shading of tones changes with their pitch. Recall the descriptive terms used: Deep,
low, tuneful, sharp, acute. Play the scale and judge of the appropriateness of these terms to
match the shades of feeling that mark the tones of low, middle and high pitch, distinguishing
those that refer to pitch from those enumerated in Ex. 86 which refer to timbre.
Cf. Stumpf. Tonpsychologie. I. 202-218, II. 56-59, 514 ff.; also Mach, op. cit. Under 61, p. 120
ff. On c and e cf. Helmholtz, Sensations of Tone (2nd Eng. ed.) p. 179 and p. 69. On d cf.
James, Psychology, II, 134 ff.
66. Recognition of absolute pitch. This experiment can, of course, give accurate results only
with those of very decided musical ear and skill, but It may be tried with any subject that knows
the names of the notes. a. Strike various notes in different parts of the scale of the instrument
and require the subject to name the note given. Record the note struck and the subject's
answer. He should be seated with his back toward the experimenter or should keep his eyes
Cf. Stumpf, op. cit. I, 305-313., also II, index, Höhenurteile, for experiments on trained
67. Just observable difference in pitch. a. Test as follows with the set of mistuned forks
mentioned above. Let the subject pick out from the mistuned forks that which sounds to him
most like the normal fork, striking and holding them successively (never simultaneously) over a
resonance bottle. If all of them seem more than just observably different let him put the riders
(described above) on the one that is next higher and gradually lower he pitch by sliding them
toward the ends of the fork till the two, heard successively, are just different and no more. The
experimenter may then determine the error or the subject in vibrations per second
approximately by counting the number of beats produced by the forks when sounded together.
If the number of bests per second is less than 2 or more than 6 It will be best to get the
difference in pitch with some other of the forks first, so as to avoid too slow or too rapid
counting and from that to arrive at the difference from the standard fork. Repeat the test several
times and average the result, but take care to avoid fatigue. This experiment will not be refined
enough for testing those of keen musical ear.
Cf. Preyer. Grenzen der Tonwahrnehmung. Sammlung physiologischer Abhandlungen, I.
(Jena, 1877) 26 ff.; Stumpf. op. cit. I, 296-305; Luft. Wundt's Philos. Studien, IV. 514.
68. Differences in pitch that are just recognizable as higher or lower. It is easier to recognize a
difference than to tell its direction. a. Experiment as in 67a, but require the subject this time to
pick out and adjust a fork that is just observably sharper or flatter than the standard.
On a cf. Preyer op. cit. 28, 36. For experiments on extremely unmusical subjects cf. Stumpf,
op. cit. I: 313-335.
69. Number of vibrations necessary to produce a sensation of pitch. Arrange an apparatus for
blowing soap-bubbles with a mixture of hydrogen and air. Blow bubbles of different sizes and
touch them off with a match, either in the air, or, if proper precaution is taken to prevent the
ignition of the mixed gases in the vessel and any resonance in the pipe, while still The
explosion of these bubbles is supposed to produce a single sound wave. The pitch of the
sounds produced cannot be accurately given, but the report of the large bubbles is distinctly
deeper than that of the small ones.
Cf. Brücke, Ueber die Wahrnehmung der Geräusche, Wien. Sitzb., 3te Abth., XC, 1884, 199-
230. [p. 312]
70. The apparent pitch of tones is affected by their timbre, tones of dull and soft character
regularly seeming lower in pitch than those that are brighter and more incisive. Require the
subject to pick out on some stringed or reed instrument the tone corresponding to that
produced by blowing across the mouth of a medium sized bottle. Too low a note will generally
be chosen, at least by those without special musical training. The tones should be sounded
successively, not at the same time, during the test. Afterward they may be sounded together
and the pitch or the bottle determined approximately by finding with which tone of the
instrument its tone makes the slowest beats (cf. Ex. 75). It should be remembered, however
that it will be possible to get beats also with tones an octave lower and an octave higher than
that corresponding most nearly with the true pitch of the bottle tone. b. Repeat the experiment,
taking the pitch of the bottle first with the voice and then finding the tone on the instrument
corresponding to that sung. The illusion will probably disappear when the test is thus made.
Cf. Stumpf. op. cit. I. 176, 227-247, especially 235-245.
71. Recognition of musical intervals. Cause a familiar air to be played, first in the octave of c
and then in that of c" in the same or another key. Even those of no musical training will easily
recognize that the air (i.e. the succession of musical intervals in fixed rhythmical relations) is
the same in both cases; and any mistake or variation will be noticed as easily as if the air had
been repeated at the first pitch. The power of recognizing intervals is very much more highly
developed in persons of musical training, but any one that can whistle a tune at one pitch and
repeat it recognizably at another undoubtedly has the rudiments of it.
For exact methods of testing the accuracy of the power of recognizing intervals cf. Preyer
Ueber die Grenzen der Tonwahrnehmung, Jena 1876, pp. 38-64; and Schischmánow,
Untersuchungen über die Empfindlichkeit des Intervallsinnes, Wundt's Philos. Studien, V, 558-
600 and the references there given.
72. Pitch distance. Beside the interval relations of tones, and overshadowed by them in
musicians, are certain relations of separateness or distinctness or distance in pitch, which do
not depend on the ratios of vibration rates. Equal musical intervals (i.e. intervals between tones
that have vibration rates in a fixed ratio to each other, e.g. C D and c" d") do not correspond to
equal pitch distances. Sound the half tone interval cc-sharp[sic] through the range of the
instrument, beginning in the bass and ascending. Notice the increasing distinctness and
separation or the tones as the interval is taken higher and higher. For the very highest tones
there is probably a decrease of separateness again. The difference is most striking, however
with intervals smaller than those in common use, e.g. with quarter or eighth-tones. On the
harmonical[sic] (cf. notes on apparatus at the beginning of the next section) strike in succession
the c-sharp and d keys in the four lower octaves beginning with the lowest. In this instrument
the c-sharp key is given to another d, a comma, pr about one-ninth of a tone, flatter than the
regular d of the scale.
Cf. Stumpf, op. cit. I, 249-253; Lorenz, Untersuchungen über die Auffassung von Tondistanzen,
Wundt's Philos. Studien, VI, 1890, 26-103; also a prolonged discussion between Wundt and
Stumpf (and Engel) in succeeding numbers of the Studien and in the Zeitschrift r
Psychologie. Helmholtz, op. cit. pp. 264-65, 285, 287.
73. The effect of a given tone in a melody depends in part on the succession of tones in which it
stands. Cause a simple air, in which the same tone recurs in different successions of tones, to
be played and notice the difference in effect in the different circumstances.
Mach, op. cit. under 61, p. 130-131.
74. Tones that vary irregularly in time and in pitch are unpleasant. Test with a piston whistle. [p.
Apparatus. For the experiments of this section access to some large musical instrument is
essential, and a reed instrument is to be preferred to a piano if only one is to be used. A parlor
organ will answer in most cases, but sometimes the specially tuned Harmonical designed by
Ellis to illustrate the theories of Helmholtz (see description of the instrument in his translation of
Helmholtz's Sensations of Tone, pp. 466-469, also 17, 22 and 168), would be better. This
instrument is made as an aid to science by Messrs. Moore and Moore, 104-105 Bishopsgate
St., Within, London, E.C., at the very low price of from 8-5 to £10. For the proper tuning of the
instrument, however, a set of 19 forks is necessary costing £3-10 extra. In many of the
experiments a sonometer can take the place of a piano. A sonometer is simply a long hat box
with a very thin top which serves as a sounding board for the strings that are stretched over it.
One may be had from any physical instrument dealer at from $10.00 upward, or can be made
by a carpenter. For directions for making and dimensions see Mayer, Sound, (Appleton & Co.)
pp. 129-130.
For more perfect apparatus for the study or beats, difference tones, compound tones, timbre,
etc., consult the catalogues of König whose address has already been given, and of Anton
Appunn, rnbergerstrasse 12, Hanau, a. M. Germany. Both make resonators, those in
spherical form made by König are best and most expensive. A series of 10 corresponding to
the first ten partial tones of c (128 vibrations) costs 110 fr.; a series of 19, 170 fr. Appunn's in
conical form cost from 27 mk. for a set or 9 to 80 mk. for a set of 29.
The bottle whistles mentioned in Ex. 75 are
easily made by fitting a piece of rubber tubing
to the lip and neck of a bottle as in the cut, or
better still, by slitting the tube a little way so
that half the tube may extend an eighth or
three-sixteenths of an inch over the lip, but
care must be taken that it does not project too
A pair of octave tuning forks will also be
needed. The large forks on resonance cases
(to be had of any physical instrument dealer
at a cost of from $5.00 to $20.00 according to
pitch) are much to be preferred, because they
sound longer after once being struck, but are
not indispensable. A pair of octave forks can
be made from an a' and a c" fork by filing the
a' till it gives c'. Choose an a' fork with thick
and heavy prongs and file it in the crotch and
along the lower half of the prongs inside, distributing the filing so as to leave the prongs of
equal thickness, till it begins to beat with c" when both are struck and have their stems pressed
against the table. Then continue the filing carefully till the beats can no longer be heard. The
filing warms the fork and makes It a little flatter than when cold; this of course must be taken
into account. To make a c''' fork, if one is desired, a c" should be used and the cutting must be
at the free end of the prongs. In one made here about three-quarters of an inch was taken off.
The tuning is as before by filing until the beats with c" are first heard, then grow slower and
finally disappear. In the same way an a" may be made as the octave of a', but these small forks
do not vibrate very long. [p. 314]
75. Beats. When tones not too greatly different in pitch are sounded at the same time they
mutually interfere and mage the total sensation at one instant more intense and the next instant
less intense. This regular variation in intensity is called "beating." Exs. 67 and 70, where beats
have been need incidentally, are a sufficient introduction to them. a. The rapidity or beats
depends on the difference in the vibration rates or the beating tones. Prepare two bottle
whistles of the same size and blow both at the same time. Slow beats will probably be heard. If
not, pour a little water into one bottle (thus raising the pitch of its tone) and blow as before.
Continue adding water a little a time till the beats lose themselves in the general roughness of
the tone. Blow the bottles separately now and then to observe the increasing difference in pitch.
The same may be shown with a couple of piston whistles, if they are first adjusted to unison
and then the piston or one or the other pushed in or pulled out. b. The rate at which the
roughness of rapid beats disappears, as also the rate which produces the greatest roughness,
differs with the pitch of the beating tones. Sound the following pairs of tones which have
somewhat near the same difference in vibration rates per sec., namely, 33; and observe that
the roughness from the beats decreases and finally disappears entirely at about the fourth pair:
b' c", c' d', e g, c e, G c, C G. The a' and c" tuning forks give a vanish of roughness,
representing a rate of 80-88 per sec.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit., pp. 159-173; Stumpf. II, 449·497, especially 461-465.
76. Beats betray the presence of very faint tones both because the total stimulus is actually
stronger in the phase of increased intensity and because intermittent sensations are
themselves more effective than continuous ones. a. Strike a pair of beating tuning forks and
hold one at such a distance from the ear that it is very faint or quite inaudible. Then bring the
other fork gradually toward the ear and notice the unmistakable beats. b. Strike a tuning-fork
and hold it at a distance as in a, being careful to have the fork sidewise or edgewise, not
cornering, toward the ear. Rotate the fork one way and the other about its long axis and
observe the greater distinctness or the tone, due in this case simply to its intermittence.
77. Beats are in general attributed to the tone that is attended to; in the absence of otherwise
determining causes, to the louder tone, if there is a difference in intensity, to the lower tone, or
to the whole mass of an unanalyzed compound tone (see introduction to Ex. 82). a. Set two
properly tuned resonance bottles about a foot apart on the table. Strike two forks that beat and
hold them over the bottles. While both are about equally intense it is easy by mere direction of
the attention to make the beats shift from one to the other. b. Turn one of the forks about an
eighth of a turn about its long axis, which will weaken its tone and observe that the beats seem
to come from the other fork. By moving first one fork and then the other the location of the
beats may again be made to shift at pleasure. c. Warm the c' fork in any convenient way,
(holding it clasped in the hand will do.) This will flatten it somewhat. Strike it and the c" fork and
press the stems of both on the table at the same time, or better on the sounding board of the
sonometer. Observe that the bests seem to come from c' fork unless it is very faint. d. Tune a
string of the sonometer so that its third partial (or corresponding harmonic) beats slowly with
the c'' fork. (On partials and harmonics cf. Exs. 82-85.) Strike the tuning fork and hold it over a
resonance bottle, or press its stem against the table at arm's length from the string. Then pluck
the string and attend to its tone, the beats may seem to affect the whole compound tone of the
string. But this will not happen if the tone of the string is analyzed or if the attention is directed
to the fork. The same may be tried on the piano [p. 315] picking out from the mistuned c" forks
one that beats slowly with c" on the piano. Strike the f key and hold it down; strike the fork and
observe the bests as before.
Cf. Stumpf, op. cit. II. pp. 489-497.
78. Difference tones.[2] When two tones are loudly sounded at the same time there results
(probably from supplementary vibration of the tympanic membrane and ear bones) a third tone
of a pitch represented by the difference of the vibration rates of the two original or generating
tones. These difference tones are easy to hear when they lie considerably deeper than the
generators, when the latter are loud and sustained, and when they make a consonant interval,
though the latter is not essential. A loud difference tone may itself take the part of a generator
and produce yet another difference tone -- a difference tone of the second order -- and so on,
though difference tones of higher orders are heard with difficulty even by skilled observers of
trained ear. Difference tones are hard to hear on the piano and similar stringed instruments,
because of the rapid decline in the strength of the generators. a. Repeat Ex. 75a continuing to
pour water into one of the bottles till the difference tone appears. At first the roughness of the
beats and the difference tone may both be heard at once. Try the same with the piston whistles,
first setting them at unison and then slowly pushing the piston of one in or out while blowing
hard. The beats will almost immediately give place to a low difference tone which may be heard
ascending through several octaves before becoming indistinguishable from the generators. The
double warning whistles used by bicyclists give a fine difference tone, to which indeed they owe
their deep and locomotive like quality. b. Difference tones are strong on reed instruments.
Press the adjacent white keys of a parlor organ, or the harmonical, by twos, beginning at c and
going up a couple of octaves. If there is difficulty in hearing the difference tone, sound the
upper tone intermittently and listen for the difference tone at the instant of pressing the key. c.
Sound c" and d" which should give C for a difference tone (594-528=66). Sound also d" and e"
which should give the same (660-694=66). If, however, the tuning is inexact, as it is
intentionally in the tempered tuning of keyed instruments, these difference tones will be
somewhat different and may be heard to beat with one each other when c", d" and e" are
sounded at once. Notice that you do not get these beats when the tones are sounded in pairs.
On the harmonical this difference may be brought about by sounding one of the tones flat by
pressing its key only a little way down. The same thing may be shown with three piston whistles
blown at once, by a little careful adjustment of the pistons. d. The location of difference tones.
The location of these tones is sometimes influenced by the location of their generators, but
under favorable circumstances they seem to arise in the ears or even in the head. This is
strikingly the case, both for the blower and the listeners, with the difference tones produced
with the piston whistles.
Cf. Helmholtz op. cit., pp. 152-159; Stumpf, op. cit., II, pp. 243-257. König, Quelques
expériences d'acoustique, Paris, 1882.
79. Blending of tones. The degree to which tones blend with one another differs with the
interval relation of the tones taken. It is, according to Stumpf, greatest with the octave, less with
the fifth, less again with the fourth, alight with the thirds and sixths and least of all with the
remaining intervals. Try on the instrument the extent to which the tones forming these intervals
blend, also those forming intervals greater than an octave: double octave, twelfth, etc, b. The
blending in [p. 316] case of the octave is so complete under favorable circumstances as to
escape the analysis of trained ears. Use two tuning-forks, one an octave higher than the other,
on resonance cases or held over resonance bottles. Sound the forks, first the higher, then the
lower. For a while the higher fork will be heard sounding in its proper tone, but by degrees it will
become completely lost in the lower and a subject with closed eyes will be unable to say
whether or not it yet sounds. Stop the lower fork or remove it from its resonance bottle and
notice that the higher is still sounding. Notice the change in timbre (cf. Ex. 86) produced by the
stopping of the higher fork --something like the change from the vowel O to the vowel U (oo).
On a cf. Stumpf, op. cit. II, pp. 127·218, especially 135-142, 353; for his experiments on the
unmusical confirming his grades of blending cf. 142-173. On b cf. Stumpf, op. cit. II. pp. 352-
356, and Helmholtz, op. cit. pp. 60-61.
80. Analysis of groups of simultaneous tones. Ease of analysis depends on a number of
conditions, among others on the following. a. Analysis is easier for tones far distant in the scale.
Compare the ease of recognizing the sound of the c" fork when c' and c" are sounded together,
with that of recognizing c''' when sounded with c'. Compare also the ease of distinguishing c'
and a' with that of distinguishing c' and a". b. Analysis is made easier by loudness in the tone to
be separated. Repeat Ex. 79b sounding the c' faintly c" strongly. No difficulty will be found in
keeping the latter distinct. c. Analysis is easier when the tones make intervals with little
tendency to blend. Compare the ease of analysis or c' c" and c' a' or a' c". Also notice that the
addition or d" (octave of d' fifth of g' fourth below g") to the chord g d' g' g" produces a lees
striking change than the addition of b' (major third of g' minor sixth below g"). d. Analysis is
easier with sustained than with short chords. Repeat the last experiment making the chords
very short and notice that the difference made by inserting either d" or b' is less marked. Cf.
also Ex. 95.
Cf. Stumpf, op. cit.. II, 318-361, also his experiments. 362-382.
81. The lower tone of a chord fixes the apparent pitch of the whole. a. Repeat Ex. 79b and
notice that when the c' fork is stopped the tone appears to jump upward an octave in pitch (i.e.
it takes the pitch of the c" still sounding); but when the c" fork is removed the quality of the tone
is changed but not its pitch, b. Strike the chord C c" e" g" or G e' g' c" and compare the effect
upon the pitch of the whole mass of tone produced by omitting C or G alone with that of
omitting any one or all three of the higher tones. See also the function of the lowest partial of a
compound tone in fixing the pitch, noticed below.
Cf. Stumpf, op. cit. II, 382-392.
Compound tones which on casual hearing seem single tones but in reality are chords deserve
special attention. The tone given by the C string of a piano is made up of at least C, c, g, c', e'
and g' and generally other tones. The lowest tone of the group gives the pitch attributed to the
whole and is known as the fundamental, the other tones as over-tones. In another way of
naming them, the component tones are all partial tones or partials, the fundamental being
called the first or prime partial, the next higher the second partial and so on. It should be
observed that the first over-tone is the second partial tone, the second over-tone the third
partial, and in general that the same tone receives as a partial tone a number one higher than
se an over-tone. The vibration rates of the partial tones of a compound are generally once,
twice, three times, four times, the rate of the fundamental, and so on. In some cases, however
e.g. in bells and tuning-forks one or more of the partial tones may have vibration rates not
represented in this series and discordant with the [p. 317] fundamental tone. In what follows,
the regular series or partial tones is meant except where the contrary is specified.
On the physics and physiology of this matter and others treated in this and the preceding
section cf. Tyndall, On Sound; Blaserna, Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music; Taylor,
Sound and Music; Helmholtz, Sensations of Tone. The last is of course the great classic on all
such matters; the next to the last is very simple and untechnical and perhaps the best for those
approaching the subject for the first time.
82·. Partial tones: Analysis with resonators. If resonators are at hand the demonstration of the
partial tones will be easy. Sound on the instrument the tones to which the resonators are tuned,
and notice that they resound strongly to these tones and less strongly or not at all to other
tones adjacent in pitch. Then sound the tone to which the largest of the resonators is tuned,
and try the rest of the resonators in succession. Notice that others also resound (at their own
proper pitch), thus betraying the presence or the tones to which they are tuned, and thus the
composite character of the tone under examination. Which resonators will "speak" will depend
on the instrument used, reed instruments giving a long and perfect series, pianos and stretched
wires a perfect series generally as far as the 9th or 10th partial, and stopped organ pipes a
short series. If difficulty is found in knowing when the resonator is resounding it will be found
useful to apply it to the ear intermittently, alternating, for example, two seconds of application
with two seconds of withdrawal.
83. Partial tones: Analysis by indirect means. a. By sympathetic vibration. This succeeds
especially well with the piano. Press the c key and hold it down so as to leave its strings free to
vibrate then strike the C key forcibly and after s couple of seconds release it. The c strings will
be found to be sounding. Repeat, trying c-sharp or b instead of c they will be found not to
respond. Repeat the experiment, substituting g, c' e' g', and c"; all will be found to respond but
in lessening degrees. Other keys between C and c" may be tried but will be found in very faint
vibration if at all. b. By beats. This will succeed best with a reed instrument, e.g., a parlor organ
or the harmonical. By pressing the keys of the instrument only a little way down any of its tones
may be sounded a little flatter than its true pitch and so in condition to beat with any other tone
having that true pitch. Sound at this flattened pitch the over-tones of C in succession while C is
sounding, and notice the slow beets that result. For verification sound other tones not over-
tones of C and notice that the beats when present are much more rapid.
84. Partial tones: Direct analysis without special apparatus. The directions given here apply to
the sonometer but will be readily adaptable to any stringed instrument in which the strings can
be exposed. It is easier to hear any partial tone in the compound, if the partial is first heard by
itself and then immediately in combination with the rest. On strings this is easily done by
sounding the partials as "harmonics." Pluck the string near one end (say about one-seventh of
the length of the string from the end), and immediately touch it in the middle with the finger or a
camel's-hair brush. The fundamental will cease to sound and its octave (the second partial) will
be left sounding, as an "harmonic." With it sound also other even-numbered partials, but less
strongly. Pluck as before and touch the string at one-third its length; the third partial will now
sound out strongest, with the sixth ninth, etc., more faintly. Thus by plucking the string and
touching it respectively at one-half, one-third, one-fourth, one-fifth, one-sixth, one-seventh, one-
eighth, one-ninth and one-tenth its length from the end, the series of tones corresponding to the
2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th partials can be heard, each in large measure by
itself. In getting the higher "harmonics " it will be found better to pluck nearer [p. 318] the end
than one-seventh, end in no case should the string be plucked at the point at which it is
presently to be touched. (cf. Ex. 88b.) To hear the partial tones when sounding; in the
compound, proceed as follows. Sound the required tone as an "harmonic," and then keeping
the attention fixed on that tone, stop the string and pluck it again, this time letting it vibrate
freely. The tone just heard as an "harmonic" will now be heard sounding with the rest as a
partial. When the partial is thus made out, verify the analysis by touching the string again and
letting the tone sound once more as an "harmonic." Try in this way for the partials up to the
tenth; first for the 3d, 5th and 7th, afterward for the 6th, 4th and the 2d, which is the most
difficult of all. It has been said that analysis is easier at night, (not alone on account of the
greater stillness) when one ear is used, and that certain positions of the head favor certain
85. Partial tones: Direct analysis without apparatus. Certain parts of a compound tone are
sometimes so separated by their dissonance, intensity or pitch that they stand out with striking
clearness. Strike a tuning fork on a hard surface and observe the high, ringing, dissonant
partials. They fade out before the proper tone of the fork, and are heard best when the fork is
not held near the ear. b. As the tone of a string is allowed to die sway of itself, different partial
tones successively come into prominence. Try with a low piano string, keeping the key pressed
down while the sound fades, or on the sonometer. Something of the same kind, but less
marked, happens in the dying sway of a low tone on a reed instrument when the sir is allowed
to run low in the bellows. c. When a tone is sounded continuously for some time, for example,
on a reed instrument with one of the keys clamped down, different partials come successively
into prominence, either through varying fatigue or the wandering of attention.
Cf. Helmholtz op. cit. pp. 36-65; Stumpf, op. cit. II, 231-243, see also the index under
86. Timbre. The peculiar differences in quality of tones, (distinct from pitch and intensity) which
are known as differences in timbre (tone color, clang tint, Klangfarbe), are due to differences in
the number, pitch and intensity of the partial tones present. Compare in this respect the dull-
sounding bottle tones or the tones of tuning forks held over resonance bottles and the more
brilliant tones of a reed or stringed instrument; the first are nearly simple tones, while the
second have strong and numerous over-tones. a Notice the difference in quality between the
tone given by a tuning fork held before the ear and that given by the same fork when its stem is
pressed upon the table. In the second position the over-tones are relatively stronger. b. Notice
the differences in quality in the tone of a string when it is plucked in the middle, at one-third its
length and at about one-seventh. When plucked in the middle, many odd-numbered partials are
present and the even-numbered partials are either absent or extremely faint, and the tone is
hollow and nasal; when plucked at one-third, the third, sixth and ninth partials are wanting and
the tone is hollow, but not so much so as before; when plucked at one-seventh all the partials
up to the seventh are present (for their theoretical intensities cf. Helmholtz op. cit. p.79). c. Try
also plucking very near one end, plucking with the finger-nail and striking the string with a hard
body, e.g., the back or a knife blade; all these bring out the higher and mutually discordant
partials strongly and produce a brassy timbre. Cf. also Ex. 79b.
Cf. Helmholtz op. cit., pp. 65-119; Stumpf, op. cit., II, 514-549.
87. In successive chords the whole mass or tone seems to move in the same direction as the
part that changes most. Strike in succession the chords e' g'-sharp b' e", a a' c"-sharp e" or a c'
e' c", a c' f' c". If the attention is directed to the bass in the first example and to the alto [p. 319]
in the second the whole mass of tone will appear to descend in the first case and to ascend in
the second. If the attention is kept on the soprano part the illusion will not appear, as also when
the observer examines his sensations critically. Cf. also Ex. 77d where beats of a partial tone
are attributed to the whole compound tone.
Cf. Mach, Analyse der Empfindungen, 1886, 126-127; Stumpf, op. cit., II. 393-395.
88. Simultaneous tones interfere somewhat with one another in intensity.
a. Play the groups of notes numbered 1, 2 and 3 and observe the slight increase in the
apparent intensity of the remaining tones as one after another drops out, making 1 sound like
la, 2 like 2a, and so on. On the piano it will be well to play the notes an octave or two deeper
than they are written.
b. Play the notes marked d and notice that the increase of loudness seems to affect the note
(highest or lowest) that receives particular attention, making the effect in one case like 4a, in
the other like 4b.
Cf. Mach, op. cit. 126; Stumpf, op. cit., II, 418-423.
89. Consonant and dissonant intervals. a. The consonant intervals within the octave are the
unison, octave, fifth, fourth, major sixth, major third, minor third, minor sixth. They will be round
to decrease in smoothness about in the order given. Try them beginning with the octave and at
c, as follows: c c', c g, c f, c a, c e, c e-flat, c a-flat. Try the last four intervals also in the octave
of c" or c"' and notice that they are less rough than when taken in the octave of c. Any other
intervals within the octave are dissonant. Try c c-sharp, cd, cb, cb-flat, cf-sharp. The roughness
is due to beating partial tones and in general is greater when these stand low in the series and
are loud, and when they lie within a half-tone of each other. Work out for the tones of several of
the intervals the series of partial tones up to the eighth. In general the extension of intervals into
the second octave (taking the higher tone an octave higher or the lower tone an octave lower)
does not change the fact of consonance or dissonance, though it may change the relative
roughness. b. Those fitted by musical training to pronounce upon questions of consonance and
dissonance hold that dissonance can be perceived between simple tones under conditions that
exclude beats, and that consonance is not simply the smooth flowing of tones undisturbed by
beats. The test is easy to make -- simply to hold tuning forks making the intervals to be tested
one before each ear, and if there are beats to carry the forks far enough away in each direction
to make the beats inaudible -- but only those of musical ear can pronounce upon the result.
Cf. on a, Helmholtz, op. cit., pp. 179-197. Stumpf, op. cit. II, 470, 460. Wundt, Physiologische
Psychologie, I, 439, II, 47 ff.; Mach, op. cit., 129-130. [p. 320]
90. Consonant and dissonant chords. In order to form a consonant chord all the Intervals
between the tones used must also be consonant. The only chords of three tones which fulfil this
condition within the octave are represented by the following: Major c e g, c f a, c e-flat a-flat,
minor c e-flat g, c f a-flat, c e a. Try these and for comparison any other chord of three tones
having c for Its lowest tone.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. p. 211 ff.; Wundt, op. cit. II, 61, 67 ff.
91. Major and minor chords. Compare the chords c" e'' g" and c" e"-flat g". This unmistakable
difference in effect depends in part at least on the fact that in the major chord the difference
tones of the first order are lower octaves of c" itself, while in the minor chord one difference
tone is not such at all and if taken in the same octave with the chord would be highly dissonsnt.
For the major chord, when taken in the octave of c", the difference tones are c and c", for the
minor chord c, e-flat, A-flat. Try on a reed instrument the difference tones generated by c" e", e"
g", c" e"-flat, e"-flat g", first separately; and then while c" and g" are kept sounding, strike e" and
e"-flat alternately.
92. Cadences. Modern music requires the prominence of the key note or tonic and of the chord
in which it holds the chief place at the beginning of a piece of music and at the end. The feeling
of the appropriateness of this close and especially of the succession of chords in the following
cadences can hardly fail to appeal even to the nonmusical.
Cf. Helmholtz op. cit., 293.
Apparatus. In addition to apparatus already used, a pair of unison tuning-forks on resonance
cases will be needed in Ex. 98d, (and in several of the other experiments such large forks,
unscrewed from their cases, are almost indispensable, because the tones of ordinary small
forks are too faint and last too short a time), also a mechanical telegraphic "snapper-sounder,"
a yard-stick and a retort stand. The "snapper sounder,"[sic] common as a toy a few years ago,
can be bought of E.S. Greeley & Co., 5 & 7 Dey St., New York, at from 30 to 75 cents.
93. Unison tones heard with the two ears. a. Strike a pair of unison forks that will sound equally
loud and vibrate an equal length of time, and hold one before each ear, three or four inches
away; a single tone of rather indefinite location will be heard. As the forks are brought nearer,
their tone seems to draw by degrees toward the median plane; and when they are very loud
and near, the tone may seem to be in the head. Return the forks to their first position and then
move one a little nearer or a little farther away, and notice that the sound moves to the side of
the nearer fork. When the difference in distance has become considerable that fork alone will
be heard. b. Bring the forks again into the positions last mentioned -- one near and one far, (or
better, place one fork on a rubber tube one end of which has been inserted in [p. 321] the
opening: of the ear and hold the other fork before the other ear) and then with the free or more
distant fork make slow rythmical[sic] motions toward and away from the ear, or rotate the fork
slowly about its long axis, attending meantime to the fork on the other side. Alternate variations
in the intensity of the tone of this fork corresponding to the approach and recession oft he other
and apparently unheard fork can be heard. c. Repeat b and notice that when the changes in
intensity are considerable there is a simultaneous shitting of the place of the tone, toward the
median plane when the tone grows stronger and away when it grows fainter. These changes of
place are, however, less marked than changes in intensity and those accompanying slight
changes in intensity generally escape observation.
Cf. Schaefer, Zur interaurealen Lolalisation diotischer Wahrnehmungen, Zeitschrift für
Psychologie I, 1890, 300-309; also Silvanus P. Thompson, On Binaural Audition, Phil. Mag.
Series 5, IV (July-Dec., 1877) 274-276; VI (July-Dec., 1878) 383-391. XII (July-Dec., 1881)
351-355; On the Function of the two Ears in the Perception of Space, XIIl (Jan.-June, 1882)
406-416; and the references given by these two authors.
94. Bests heard with the two ears. a. Operate as in Ex. 93a, with forks beating three or tour
times a second. b. Try with a pair of very slow beating forks (once in two or three seconds).
Notice a shifting of the sound from ear to ear corresponding to the rate or beating. c. Try again
with a pair of rapid beating forks (twenty or thirty a second) and notice that the beats are heard
in both ears.
Schaefer, op. cit. also Ueber die Wahrnehmung und Localisation von Schwebungen und
Differeztönen. Zeit.f. Psy. I, 1880, 81-98.
95. Difference of location helps in the analysis or simultaneous tones. Compare the ease with
which the tones of a pair of octave forks are distinguished when the forks are held on opposite
sides of the head with the difficulty of analysis in Ex. 79b.
Cf. Stumpf, op. cit. II, 336, 363.
96. Judgments of the direction of sounds. These depend in general on the relative intensity of
the sounds reaching the two ears, but there is pretty good reason to believe that other things
cooperate and that tolerably correct judgments, both as to distance and direction, can
sometimes be made from the sensations of one ear. a. Let the subject be seated with closed
eyes. Snap the telegraph snapper at different points in space a foot or two distant from his
head, being very careful not to betray its position in any way, and require him to indicate the
direction of the sound. Try points both in and out of the median plane. Observe that the subject
seldom or never confuses right and left but often makes gross errors in other directions.
Constant tendencies to certain locations are by no means uncommon. b. Have the subject hold
his hands against the sides of his head like another pair of ears, hollow backward, and try the
effect upon his judgment of the direction of the snapper. c. Find approximately how far the
snapper must be moved vertically from the following points in order to make a just observable
change in location: on a level with the ears in the median plane two feet in front; opposite one
ear, same distance; in the median plane behind the head, same distance. Find the just
observable horizontal displacements at the same points. A convenient way of measuring these
distances is to clamp a yard-stick to a retort-stand, bring it into the line along which
measurements are to be made and hold the snapper over the divisions of the stick. Snap once
at the point of departure, then at a point a little way distant in the direction to be studied; again
at the first point, so that the subject may keep it in mind, and then at a point a little more distant,
and so on till a point is finally found which the subject recognize as just observably different.
Repeat, alternating snaps at the point of departure with those at a greater distance than that
Just found, decreasing the latter till a point is found where the directions can be no longer
distinguished. Make a number of tests each way and take their average. [p. 322] d. Continuous
simple tones are very difficult to locate. Place a tuning-fork on its resonance case at some
distance in treat of the subject (seated with closed eyes) another at an equal distance behind
him. With the help of an assistant strike both forks and after a little have one of them stopped
and the mouth of its resonance box covered. Require the subject to say which has been
stopped. His errors will be very frequent. Compare with this his ability to distinguish whether a
speaker is before or behind him.
Cf. on a Preyer Die Wahrnehmung der Schallrichtung mittelst der Bogepgänge, Pflüger's
Archiv, 1887; also v. Kries, Ueber das Erkennen der Schallrichtung, Zeit. F. Psy. I, 1890. 235-
251. On c cf. Münsterberg, Raumsinn das Ohres, Beiträge zur experimentellen Psychologie,
Heft, II, 1889. Rayleigh. Nature, XIV, 1876, 32.
97. Intercranial[sic] location of sounds. a. Sounds originating outside the head are not located in
the head when heard with one ear. Hold a loud sounding tuning fork near the ear or place it on
a rubber tube, one end of which is inserted in the opening of the ear, and notice that the sound
when strong may be located in the ear bat does not penetrate further. Insert the other end of
the tube in the opening of the other ear and repeat. The tone if loud will appear to come from
the inside of the head. Removing and replacing the fork several times will help to give
definiteness to the location. b. Repeat the experiment, but use a fork sounding as faintly as
possible (e.g. set in vibration by blowing smartly against it), and notice that the location when a
single ear receives the sound is not so clearly in the ear, and, when both receive it, not so
clearly in the head, perhaps even outside of it. Cf. also Ex. 98b. These experiments may also
be made with beating tones instead of a single one.
Cf. Schaefer, op. cit. under 94.
98. Location of the tones of tuning-forks pressed against the head. a. Strike a large and loud
sounding tuning fork and press its stem against the vertex. The tone will seem to come from the
interior of the head chiefly from the back. While the fork is in the same position close one of the
ears, not pressing it too tight; the sound will immediately seem to concentrate in the closed ear.
Have an assistant manage the fork and close the ears alternately. Something of the same kind
happens when a deep note is sung; close first one ear and than both and notice the passage of
the tone from the throat to the ear and finally to the middle of the head. b. Have an assistant
manage the fork and close both ears. Notice that when fork is pressed on so as to make the
tone loud the intercranial location is exact, but when the pressure is relaxed and the tone is
faint the location tends to be extracranial. c. Try setting the fork on other places than the vertex.
Notice that in the occipital and parietal regions the sound appears in the opposite ear. d. Take a
long pencil in the teeth like a bit and rest the stem of a tuning-fork vertically on it near one end
and close the ear on the other side; the sound will seem to be located in the closed ear. Then
gradually tilt the fork backward toward a horizontal position, keeping if in contact with the pencil
till its tip is opposite the open ear. The tone will change its place from the closed to the open
On a and b cf. Schaefer, op. cit. under 94; on c cf. Thompson, second article referred to under
[1] Whether this essence is of the same strength as that used by Lombroso and Ottolenghi in
their experiments to which reference is made below, the writer does not know.
[2] König distinguishes between "difference tones" and "beat tones." Both tones, however,
generally have the same pitch and the older term for them has here been retained; Strictly
speaking, however, the "difference tones" heard in these experiments are "beat tones."
By Edmund C. Sanford (1892)·
(Third Paper [pp. 474-490].)
Apparatus. Many oft he experiments of this section can be performed with very simple
apparatus, made on the spot. The following materials will be needed : Pins, cards, corks, a
candle, a couple of postage-stamps, a watch glass, pieces or colored glass, black and white
card-board (not shiny), colored papers, a light wooden rod. Four inches square is a convenient
size for the glass, of which two pieces should be cobalt blue, one red. Any colored papers will
serve; those made for artificial flowers are easy to get in large variety of tints. A fine series of
papers in Helmholtzian colors is sold by R. Jung, Heidelberg. In addition to these supplies there
is need of a double convex lens short focus, two inches or more in diameter; an ordinary
burning or reading glass would do, though those mounted on an adjustable stand, costing
$2.50 and upward from the physical instrument dealers, are more convenient; also a concave
spectacle lane.
For Ex. 99 a pink-eyed rabbit and a little modeling clay are necessary. An instrument for
facilating[sic] Ex. 103 (a Phakoscope) can be had from Jung for 25 marks; a more elaborate
instrument of the same name is quoted by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., St. Tibb's
Row, Cambridge, England, for £8-8.
For Ex. 109 and other experiments a firm
head rest of some sort is required. For most
purposes one like that shown in the cut will
answer well enough and can easily be made.
Fig. A shows a board about 20 in. high and l2
in. wide with a U-shaped opening cut in the
top to receive the lace, the chin resting at a.
Fig. B, the top view, shows the cross piece
against which the forehead rests at b. The
whole when in use is clamped to the edge or
the table. When a complete immobility of the
head is desired it is best secured by providing
a thin board cut out so that it can be put into
the mouth and taken between the jaws. If the
parts open which the teeth rest are covered
with sealing wax and are bitten upon while
the wax is still soft, not only is a firm support
for the head seemed, but the head can be
returned again exactly to its former position
after an interval, if desired. Such a mouth board could [p. 475] easily be added to the support
shown in the out. For pictures of such mouth boards cf. Hermann, Handbuch der Physiol. III, pt.
2, pp. 440, 473 and 478, also Helmholtz, Optique physiologique, p. 665 (p. 517 of the first
edition) Aubert, Physiologische Optik, p. 647.
For Ex. 110 make a saturated solution of chrome-alum in water, filter and put into a flat-sided
clear glass bottle. Dilute, if necessary, till the yellow spot can be observed as described in the
Ex. 115 requires a pair of electrodes and a
battery. The electrodes can be made by
soldering connecting wires to plates or brass
or zinc, two and a half inches wide by three
long and covering them with cloth. Some kind
of a key for opening and closing the circuit
and a commutator for changing the direction
of the current are helpful, though not
essential. Any battery giving a sufficiently
strong current will do; one of four cells of the
"gonda" pattern has proved sufficient for
demonstrative purposes, and every much
weaker one will serve for showing the flash
from electrical stimulation.
Ex. 119, involves a rotation apparatus of
some kind and a disk traced with a spiral as
in the cut. Any rotation apparatus will do, but
if the laboratory is supplied with batteries one of the small electric motors now to be had at a
very low price is easily adaptable for use and is extremely convenient.[1] A Porter motor,
retailing at $3.00, has been used with success In this laboratory. It is well to have the disk
large, a foot in diameter, and the line of the spiral thick, three eighths of an inch across, and a
good black.
In a number of experiments black or white screens are to be used. A simple piece of black or
white card-board will generally answer but sometimes the more permanent form indicated in
the cut is convenient. It consists of an upright board 18 inches high, seven eights[sic] of an inch
thick and 12 Inches wide, firmly fixed on a wooden base. In the cut the base in made too large.
One side of the upright is covered with black card-board (or painted a dull black), the other with
white card-board.
Of models helpful in understanding the
mechanism and functions of the eye there are a
number. Anatomical models are quoted, among
others, by Jung (12 marks); by Kny & Co., 17
Park Place, New York, ($5.00 to $28.00); by
Queen & Co., 924 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
(Auzoux models, $19.00 and $20.00 without
duty). Of physiological models, the best for
accommodation and the like is Kühne's optical [p.
476] eye made by Jung, at 65 marks, by the
Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., at £7. The
action of the muscles and the behavior or the eye
in motion is illustrated by the Ophthalmotrope,
described with cut by Helmholtz, Optique
physiologique p. 678, (p. 527 in the German
edition).This instrument is to be had of Jung, at
25 marks. Of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument
Co., for £10; and of other dealers also. Another
instrument for the same purpose, called the Blemmatotrope is described by Hermann in Pflüger's
Archiv, VIII, 1873, p 305. The motions of the eye and their effect on the retinal image, such
especially as those mentioned in Ex. 123, are finely shown by the Phenophthalmotrope of
Donders, described in v. Graefe's Archiv für Ophthalmologie, Bd. XVI, 1870, and Bold by Jung at
30 marks. An improved form of the instrument is to be had of D.B. Kagenaar, Rijks-Universiteit,
Utrecht, at 40 guilders. Suggestions for simple illustrative apparatus will be found with the
description of the experiments.
Standards and rods with clamps and universal joints, thought not distinctively for visual
experiments, are by far the most important of the general conveniences of a laboratory. They
enter into the setting up of very many experiments and a liberal share of even a small
appropriation may well be invested in them. Ordinary clamps can be bought in all sizes at the
hardware stores at prices from ten cents upward. The standards and couplers to be had from
the chemical and physical instrument dealers are made for another purpose and are not very
satisfactory in the psychological laboratory. Those made for physiologists and photographers
are better. Wilhelm Petzoldt, Bairische Str. 13, Leipsig[sic], makes a considerable variety of
which the following have been found useful in the physiological and psychological laboratories
of Clark University. Standards: simple tripods with interchangeable rods of 9 and 13 mm.
diameter, 6.50 marks, and large tripods with leveling screws In two of the feet and carrying two
of the above mentioned rods, at the same time, 16 marks. Table-clamps, which screw on to the
edge of the table and are bored to receive the rode, thus taking the place of tripods: two kinds,
one bored for the 9 mm. rods, but having only a vertical hole, 2.75 marks; the other bored for l3
mm. rods having both horizontal and vertical holes, 3.50 marks. Couplers to fit both sizes of
rods: those for the 13 mm. rod (of iron) and connecting the rods only at right angles, 2 marks,
those for the 9 mm, rods (of brass) and connecting the rods either at right angles or parallel
2.75 marks. Petzoldt also makes smell clamps of various sizes, like those furnished with the
chemical sets, mounted upon the 9 mm. rods, at 3 marks. The advantage of these rods and
couples, is that they fit nicely and can be set up so as not to wobble. By using several rods and
couplers a universal motion can be secured, but not so conveniently, as by the ball-joint clamps
and swivel couplers made for photographers' use by Otis C. White, of Worcester Mass. These
allow extreme freedom or movement, and when fastened do not slip nor wobble. The ball joints
are made to clamp on the edge of the table or to screw upon the end of rods. The first can be
had in great variety of sizes, a convenient one fitting half inch rode costing $1.25. The swivel
couplers allow the coupling of the rode in any position relative to each other, those of size to
connect half inch and quarter inch rods costing 50 cents. Rods of various diameter and length
may also be had with the ball-joints and swivel clamps. In purchasing for a laboratory from
several makers it would be well to fix upon standard sizes for rods and fittings so that all may
be interchangeable; and also to fix upon a standard size and number of threads to the inch for
all screws cut upon the rods so that any clamps, pulleys or other small pieces of apparatus,
made to screw upon one, [p. 477]
On Vision in general cf. Helmholtz, Handbuch der physiologischen Optik. (The second German
edition has reached page 400: the latest complete edition is the French translation. Optique
Physiologique, Paris. 1867). Aubert. Grundzüge der physiologischen Optik, Leipzig, 1876. (a
portion of Graefe and Saemisch's Handhuch der ges. Augenheilkunde). Le Conte, Sight, New
York. 1881. Beaunis, Nouveaux Éléments de Physiologie Humaine. Paris. 1888, (Beaunis, like
Helmholtz, gives bibliographies). Wundt. Physiologische Psychologie. II, 82-209. Hermann's
Handbnch der Physiologie. Bd. III, Th. 1, Leipzig. 1879.
The references following the experiments below are made chiefly to Helmholtz, the pages of
the new German edition, the French edition, and, in parenthesis following the latter, of the first
German edition being given, but the experiments of this section are more or less fully discussed
In almost all of the works just mentioned and in many others besides.
99. The retinal image. The mechanisms of the eye accomplish two things: the projection of a
well defined image on the retina; and the ready shifting of the eye so as to bring successive
portions of the image into the best position for vision. The retinal image is readily seen in the
unpigmented eye of a pink eyed rabbit. Chloroform the rabbit, remove the eyes and mount
them in clay for readier handling. Make a thick ring of clay with an internal diameter a little
greater than that of the comes of the rabbit's eye, place the eye comes downward in the ring
and lay a similar ring upon it to keep it in place. It can now be handled easily and turned in any
direction. Turn it toward the window and from behind observe the inverted image on the retina.
Bring the hand into range and move it to and fro observe that the image of distant objects is
more distinct than that of the hand. If convex and concave lenses are at hand (spectacle lenses
will answer) bring them before the eye and observe that the effect upon the retinal image is
similar to that seen subjectively when they are held before the observer's own eye. Reverse the
eye, holding it retina side toward the window, and observe the radiating and circular fibres of
the iris. The eye must be fresh, for if long removed it loses its transparency.
100. Accommodation. The sharpness of the retinal image depends on the adjustment or the
crystaline lens, which must be such as to focus the light from the object under regard upon the
retina. The lens must be thicker and rounder for near objects, thinner and flatter for more
distant ones. These adaptations of the eye are known as Accommodation. The changes in the
clearness of the retinal image are easy to observe subjectively. Hold up a pin or other small
object six or eight inches away from the eyes. Close one eye and look at the pin with the other.
The outline of the pin is sharp, but the outlines of things on the other side of the room behind it
are blurred. Look at these and the outline of the pin becomes blurred. Notice the feeling or
greater strain when looking at the nearer object. The experiment is somewhat more striking
when the nearer object is a piece of veiling or wire gauze and the farther a printed page.
On this and the next two experiments cf. Helmholtz, Physiologische Optik, 2nd Ed. pp. 112-118,
French ed. pp. 119 (90)-126 (96).
101. Accommodation. Scheiner's experiment. a. Pierce a card with two fine holes separated by
a less distance than the diameter of the pupil, say, a sixteenth of an inch. Set up two pine in
corks distant respectively eight and twenty inches in the line of sight; close one eye and holding
the card close before the other with the holes in the same horizontal line look at the nearer pin;
the farther pin will appear double; look again at the nearer pin and while looking cover one of
the holes with another card; one of the images of the farther pin will disappear, the left when
the left hole is covered, and the right when the right is covered. Look at the farther pin or
beyond it and repeat the covering, covering the left hole now destroys the right image of the
nearer pin and covering the right destroys the left. Why this should be so will be clear from the
diagrams below. The upper diagram illustrates [p. 478] the course of the rays of light when the
eye is accommodated for the nearer pin; the lower diagram when it is accommodated for the
farther pin. A and B represent the pins; S and S the pierced screen; d and d' the holes in the
screen; c and c the lens; a'ba" and b"ab' the retina; A', A", B', and B", the positions of the
double images; the solid lines the course of the rays from the pin accommodated for; the dotted
lines the course of the rays from the other pin; the lines of dashes the lines of direction, i.e.,
those giving the direction in which the images appear to the observer. In the upper diagram the
rays from B are focused to a single retinal image at b, while those from A, being less divergent
at first, are brought to a focus nearer the lens, cross over and meet the retina at a' and a", and
since each hole in the screen suffices to produce a retinal image, cause the pin to appear
double, and its two images are referred outward as usual with retinal images along the lines of
direction, (which cross a little forward of the back surface of the lens, in the crossing point of
the lines of direction), the right retinal image corresponding with the left of the double images
and vice versa. If now the right hole in the screen be closed the left retinal image and the right
double image disappear. The case of accommodation for the farther pin will be clear from the
lower diagram, if attention is given to the dotted and dashed lines. It will also be easy to explain
why moving the card when looking through a single pin hole causes apparent movements or
the pin not accommodated for, and why in one case the movement seems to be with the card
and in the other case against it. b. Stick the pins into the corks so that they shall extend
horizontally, and examine them with the card so held as to bring the holes above one another.
c. Arrange the holes thus: and observe that the triple image of the nearer pin (when the
farther is fixated) has the reverse figure Scheiner's experiment can easily be illustrated
with a double convex lens and a pierced screen of suitable size.
102. The Range of accommodation. a. Find by trial the nearest point at which a pin seen, as In
Ex. 101, can be seen single. This is the near point of accommodation. For the short-sighted a
far point may also be found, beyond which double images reappear. b. Find how far apart in the
line of sight two pins may be and yet both be seen single at one and the same time. Try with
the nearer at 20 cm., at 50 cm., at 2 m. That portion of the line of sight, for points in which the
same degree of [p. 479] accommodation is sufficient, is called the line of accommodation. The
length of the line Increases rapidly as the distance of the nearer object from the eye increases.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. G. 114, 119. Fr. 122 (93), 123 (97).
103. The Mechanism of accommodation. a. The change in the lens in accommodation is chiefly
a bulging forward of its anterior surface. This may be observed as follows. Let the subject
choose a far and a near point of fixation in exactly the same line or vision, class one eye and fix
the other upon the tar point. Let the observer place himself so that he sees the eye or the
subject in profile with about half the pupil showing. Let the subject change his fixation at
request, from the far to the near point, being careful to avoid any sidewise motion of the eye.
The observer will then notice that more of the pupil shows and that the farther side of the his
seems narrower. This change
is due to the bulging forward
of the front of the lane. If the
change were due to
accidental turning of the eye
toward the observer the
farther edge or the iris should
appear wider instead of
narrower. b. Purkinje-Sanson
images. The changes in the
curvature of the lens may also
be observed by means of the
images reflected from its front
or back surfaces and from the
front of the cornea. Operate in
a darkened room or at night.
Let the subject choose far and
near fixation points as before.
Let the observer bring a
candle near the eye of the subject at a level with it and a little to one side and place his own
eye in a position symmetrical to the candle on the other side of the subject's line of eight.
Careful examination will show three reflected images of the flame; one on the side of the pupil
next the light, easily recognizable, bright and erect, reflected from the surface of the cornea; a
second nearer the centre of the pupil and apparently the farthest back of the three, erect like
the first, but very indistinct, (more like a light cloud than an image), reflected from the anterior
surface of the lane; and a third, a mere point of light, near the side of the pupil farthest from the
flame, inverted and reflected from the posterior surface of the lens. When the observer has
found these three images the subject should fixate alternately the near and far points chosen.
As he fixates the near point the middle image will grow smaller, advance and draw toward the
corneal image; when he fixates the far point the image will enlarge, recede and move away
from the corneal image. The following diagram after Aubert illustrates the movement of the
middle image; the full lines indicate the positions of the comes and lens and the course or the
rays of light when the eye is accommodated for the far point; the dotted lines indicate the
anterior surface of the lens and the direction or the ray reflected from Its surface when the eye
is accommodated for the near point. Three images similar to those in question can be observed
on a watch glass and a double convex lens herd In the relation of the comes and crystaline.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. G. 131-141. especially 131-134. Fr. 142 (104)-154 (112), especially 142
(104)-146 (101). Aubert, Physiologische Optik. 444.
104. Chromatic aberration. Of the various defects of the eye as an optical instrument only one
will be mentioned here, namely, chromatic aberration, and that because it has been supposed
to offer a possible means of inferring the relative distance of objects from the eye. The [p. 480]
different colored rays of light are not equally retracted by the lens, the violet most, the red least,
and the other colors In order between. The point at which parallel violet rays are brought to a
focus is therefore nearer the lens than the point for red; and in order that the same degree of
accommodation may serve to show a red lighted object and a violet lighted object at the same
time and both with full distinctness, the red must be somewhat farther away. a. The aberration
can easily be observed by looking at a small gas or candle flame through a piece of cobalt blue
glass which transmits light from the two ends of the spectrum chiefly. Hold the glass eight or
ten inches before the face and fixate some point on it the flame will appear pinkish with a blue
border. Fixate some point considerably beyond the flame; the flame is now bluish and the
border is a fine red line. b. Look at the edge of the window frame next the pane, and bring a
card before the eye so about half the pupil is covered; if the card has been brought up from the
frame aide, the frame will be bordered with yellow; if from the pane side, with blue. In ordinary
vision these fringes do not appear, because the colors overlap one another and produce a
practically colorfess [sic] mixture. c.v. Bezold's experiment. Something similar may be
observed, on regarding the parallel lines of the left figure under Ex. 111 with imperfect
Cf. Helmholtz. op. cit. G. 156-164; Fr. 172 (125)-119 (131). Beaunis, Nouveaux éléments de
physiologie humaine. II. 506. v. Bezold, v. Graefe's Archiv F. Ophthalm., XIV, Heft 2, 1-29.
105. Accompanyments or accommodation. a. Notice that as the subject in Ex. 103
accomodates [sic] for a near point, his pupil grows smaller, and as he accommodates for a far
point, grows larger. Cf. Also Ex. l06, b. Degrees of accommodation suitable for objects at
different distances are habitually associated with the amounts of convergence of the lines of
sight necessary to fix the eyes upon such objects, and a little practice is necessary before the
convergence and accommodation can be dissociated. Place a couple of postage stamps six
inches apart on the table and look at them from a distance of twelve or fifteen inches with
crossed eyes so that the left eye looks at the right stamp and the right eye at the left stamp; the
lines of sight now cross only a few inches from the eyes and the accommodation is for that
distance and not for the true distance of the stamps, as is betrayed by the blurring of their
images. Holding a pencil at the crossing point of the lines of sight is helpful in first attempts at
crossed vision.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. G. 130. Fr. 142 (104).
106. Entoptic phenomena: Muscae volitantes, etc. Fix a lens of short focus at some distance
from a bright gas or candle flame. a. Set up in the focus of the lens a card pierced with a very
fine hole, bring the eye close to the hole and look toward the light; the eye should be far
enough from the hole to prevent the edge of the lens from being seen; the rays of light that now
reach the eye are divergent and the crystaline lens does not bring them to a focus on the retina,
but only refracts them to such a degree that they traverse the eye nearly parallel and thus in
suitable condition for casting sharp shadows upon the retina or objects on or in the eye. The
lens will appear full of light, and in it will be seen a variety of shadings, blotches and specks,
single or in strings, the outward projection of the shadows just mentioned. The figures in this
luminous field will vary from person to person, even from eye to eye, but in almost every eye
some will be found that move and some that remain fixed and only move with the eye. Of the
moving figures some are due to particles and viscous fluids on the surface of the eye; they
seem to move downward and are changed by winking. Notice for example the horizontal bands
that follow a slow dropping and raising of the upper [p. 481] lid. Others, the muscae volitantes
are frequently noticed without any apparatus, they appear as bright irregular threads, strings of
beads, or groups or points, or single minute circles with light centres. They seem to move
downward in the field and consequently actually move upward in the vitrious humor where they
are found. Of the permanent ones, some are due to irregularities of structure or small bodies in
the lens and its capsule (spots with dark or bright centres, bright irregular lines, or dark
radiating lines corresponding probably to the radial structure of the lens); others of a relatively
permanent character can be produced on the cornea by continued rubbing or pressure on the
eyeball. b. The round spot of light in which these things are seen represents the pupil, and the
dark ground around it the shadow or the iris. Notice the change in the size of the spot of light,
as the eye is accommodated for different distances (cf. Ex. 105), and as the other eye is
exposed to, or covered from, the light. The change begins in about halt a second. It shows the
close connection of the iris mechanisms or the two eyes and is typical of the way in which the
two eyes co-operate as parts of a single visual machine. Some of these entoptic observations
may be made with a pierced card alone, or simply by looking directly at a broad expanse of
clear sky with out any apparatus at all.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. G. 184-192 and Tafel I. which represents the appearance of several of
the entoptic objects; Fr. 204 (149)-214 (156) and Pl. V; also pp. 548 (419)-558 (427).
107. Retinal blood-vessels, Purkinje's vessel figures. a. Concentrate a strong light, (preferably
in a dark room) or even direct sunlight, with a double convex lens of short focus on the sclerotic
in the outer corner of the eye of the subject, requesting him to turn the eye toward the nose and
giving him a dark background to look toward. Make the spot of light on the sclerotic as small
and sharp as possible and give to the lens a gentle to and fro or circular motion, and after a
little the subject cannot fail to see upon the field which the light makes reddish yellow the dark
branching figure of the shadows of the retinal vessels. Notice that the area directly fixated, is
partially surrounded, but not crossed by the vessels. In this lies the yellow spot (macula lutea)
or area of clearest vision of the retina, not, however, to be observed in this experiment. The
centre from which the vessels radiate lies in the point or entrance of the optic nerve. In this form
of the experiment the light radiates in all directions within the eye from the illuminated point of
the sclerotic. b. Somewhat the same kind of an image of the vessels is to be secured by
moving a candle about near the eye, below it and a little to one side. In this experiment some
indication of the region of the yellow spot is to be seen. In this form of the experiment the light
enters by the pupil, forms an image on a part of the retina somewhat remote from the centre
and this retinal image is the source of light by which the vessel shadows are cast. c. Look
through a pin hole in a card directly at the clear sky or any other strongly illuminated even
surface or at a broad gas flame. Give the card a rather rapid circular motion and the finer retinal
vessels in the region of the yellow spot will readily be seen, among them also a small colored or
slightly tinted spot (best seen perhaps by gas light) representing the macula, and in its centre a
shadowy dot (representing the fovea or point of clearest vision) which appears to rotate when
the motion of the card is circular. If the card is moved horizontally the vertical vessels alone
appear; it vertically, the horizontal vessels. Notice also the granular appearance of the macula;
the granulations have been supposed to represent the visual cones of that region. The finer
retinal vessels can also be seen when looking at the vacant field or a compound microscope, it
the eye is moved about rapidly. In all of these cases it is important that the shadows be kept
moving; it they stand still, they are lost. The explanation [p. 482] is partly physiological, the
portions of the retina on which the shadows rest soon gain in sensitiveness enough to
compensate for the less light received, and partly psychological, moving objects in general
being more readily attended to, and those whose images rest continously [sic] on the retina
without motion being particularly subject to neglect. Once having become acquainted with the
appearance of these vessel figures it is often possible to see traces of them without any
apparatus. Parts of them, with something of the projection of the yellow spot, map sometimes
be seen for an instant as dark figures on the diffusely lighted wells and ceiling or as light figures
on the dark field or the closed eyes when the eyes are opened and closed after a glance at the
window on first waking in the morning, or in blue when looking at the snow and winking on a
bright morning, or projected on the sky and keeping time with the pulse after a rapid walk up
Helmholtz op. cit. G. 192-198. Fr. 214 (156)-211 (161).
108. Retinal circulation. Look steadily through two or three thicknesses of blue glass at the
clear sky or a bright cloud, and observe a large number of what seem to be bright points darting
hither and thither like bees in a swarm or rapidly blown snow-flakes. Careful observation will
also establish that the bright points are followed by darker shadowy ones. Pick outs speck on
the window to serve as a fixation point, look at it steadily and observe that while the movements
or the points seem irregular the same lines are retraced by them from time to time. When
several of their courses have been accurately observed, repeat the experiment for
demonstrating the finer retinal vessels (Ex. 107 c.) and notice that fine vessels are found which
correspond to the courses which the points seem to follow. These flying points can be seen
without the glass by a steady gaze at an evenly lighted bright surface, and some times a
rhythmic acceleration of their movement will be found, corresponding to the pulse. Helmholtz
explains the phenomenon as due to the temporary clogging of fine capillary vessels by large
blood corpuscles. The bright lines (the apparent tracks of bright points) are really the relatively
empty capillary tubes ahead or the corpuscles, which, after an instant, are driven onward by
others crowding behind and in turn give the shadow that apparently follows the bright points.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. G.198; Fr. 221 (837), 555(425), Rood, American Journal of Science, 2d
Series, XXX, 1860, 264-265, 385·386.
109. The Blind-spot. Mariotte's experiment. The point of entrance or the optic nerve is
unprovided with visual end-organs and is irresponsive to light. a. This insensitiveness is easily
demonstrated with the diagrams below. Close the left eye and keeping the right fixed on the
asterisk in the upper diagram move it backward and forward till a point is found where the black
oval disappears. For the blind spot of the [p. 483] left eye use the second diagram. The blind
spot may be demonstrated simultaneously in both eyes by the use of a figure like that below
enlarged a couple of times. The experimenter should look at the asterisk while he holds a sheet
of paper in the median plane of his head, to prevent each eye from seeing the other's part of
the diagram.
b. To draw the projection of the blind-spot, arrange the head support described above, piece
opposite the face at a distance of about 18-inches, a vertical sheet or white paper and put a dot
on it for a fixation point. Fasten upon the end of a light rod a bit of black paper about 2 mm.
square or blacken the end of the rod with ink. Bring the face into position, close one eye, and fix
the other upon the dot. Move the rod slowly so as to bring the little square over the part or the
white paper corresponding to the blind spot, dotting on the paper the points where the square
disappears or reappears. Repeat at various points till the outline of the projection of he blind
spot is complete. If the mapping is carefully carried out, the map will probably show the points
of departure of the large blood vessel, that enter with the nerve.
Helmholtz, op. cit. G. 250-254, Fr. 284 (210)-288 (214).
110. The yellow spot, macula lutea. The projection of the yellow spot in the visual field can be
made visible in several ways. Two have already been mentioned in Ex. 107; others are as
follows. a. Close the eyes for a few seconds and then look with one or them through a flat sided
bottle of chrome alum solution at a brightly lighted surface (not yellow) or the clear sky. In the
blue green solution a rose colored spot will be seen which corresponds to the yellow spot. The
light that comes through the chrome alum solution is chiefly a mixture of red and green and
blue. The pigment or the yellow spot absorbs a portion of the blue and green and transmits the
rest, which makes a rose colored mixture, to the visual organs behind it. b. The region of the
yellow spot may be seen as an area of somewhat deeper shade when the eye looks at on
evenly lighted surface like the ceiling, and the illumination is made intermittent by moving the
spread fingers to and fro between the eye and the ceiling.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. Fr. 548 (419)-551 (421). On a. cf. Maxwell, On Color-vision at different
points of the Retina, Report of the British Assoc., 1870; or Vol. II, pp. 230-232 of Maxwell's
Scientific Papers. Cambridge, 1890.
111. Visual cones in the fovea. Bergmann's experiment. Place the left hand diagram in a good
light and look at it from a distance of a yard and a half or two yards. Observe the apparent
bending and beading of the lines. This is supposed to be due to the mosaic arrangement [p.
484] or the visual cones. The cones that are touched by the image of one of the white lines are
stimulated in proportion se are more or less touched. Those that are much stimulated furnish
the sensation of the white line and its irregularities, those that are little stimulated join with
those that are not touched at all to give the image or the black line and its irregularities. This is
schematically represented in the right hand cut.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit., G. 257-258, Fr. 293 (217)-294 (218). Bergmann, Zeitschrift für rat. Med.,
(3), II, 88.
112. Acuteness of vision, minimum visibile, and size of the cones in the fovea. Place the
parallel line diagram used in the last experiment in a good light and walk backward from it till
the lines can just no longer be distinguished as separate. If the experimenter's eyes are not
normal he should use glasses that fit his eyes for distinct vision at the distance required.
Measure the distance between the eye and the diagram and calculate the angle whose apex
lies in the crossing point of the lines of direction (about 7 mm. back of the cornea and 16 mm. in
front of the retina) and whose base is the distance from the middle of one line of the diagram to
the middle of the next; in this diagram 1.58 mm. This angle measures the least visible extent
when discrimination is involved; the least luminous extent that can still impress the retina is far
smaller, as witness the visibility or the stars. On the supposition that if the sensations of two
cones are to be separable they must be separated by an unstimulated, or at least by a less
stimulated, cone, it has generally been considered that the cones could not subtend a greater
angle than that found in this experiment, 60"-90" representing 0.004-0.006 mm. on the retina,
and this agrees well with microscopical measurements. But as Helmholtz notices(Phys. Opt.
2nd ed. p. 260) this experiment does no more than prove that there are on the retina rows of
sensitive elements the middle lines of which are separated by the angular distance found in the
experiment. The elements themselves, if properly arranged may be somewhat larger.
Calculation of the number of such elements in a sq. mm. of the retina based on this view of the
experiment agrees well in the case of Helmholtz's own determination with the result of
microscopical counting. b. The discriminative power or the retina falls off rapidly in all directions
from the fovea, more rapidly above and below than in a horizontal direction. Arrange a head
rest and perpendicular plane as in Ex. 109 b. Place upon the end of the rod used in that
experiment a card on which have been made two black dots 2 mm. in diameter and 4 mm. from
centre to centre. Move the card horizontally toward the fixation point, beginning beyond the
point at which the two dots can be distinguished and moving inward till they can just be
distinguished. Measure the distance from the fixation point and repeat several times both to the
right and left of the fixation point and above and below, holding the card so that both dots are in
each case equally distant from the fixation point.
Helmholtz, op. cit., G. 255-264, Fr. 291 (215)-301 (223).
113. Mechanical stimulation of the retina. a. Phosphenes. Turn the open or closed eye as far as
possible toward the nose and press on the eyelid at the outer corner with the finger or the tip of
a pen holder. On the opposite side of the visual held will be seen a more or less complete circle
of light surrounded by a narrow dark band, outside of which again is a narrow band of light.
Notice the color of the light seen. Get the phosphenes by pressure at other points of the eye
ball. b. Press the eye moderately with some large object, say the angle of the wrist when the
hand is bent backward, and continue the pressure for a minute or two. Peculiar palpitating
figures will be observed and [p. 485] strange color effects. The former Helmholtz compares to
the tingling of a member that is "asleep." c. Standing before a window close the eyes and turn
them sharply from side to side. As they reach the extreme position in either direction observe
immediately In front of the face a sudden blue spot surrounded by a yellow band. A second
fainter spot farther from the centre in the direction of motion may also be seen. The yellow ring
is due to the stimulation of the portion of the retina in the region of the blind spot in the eye that
turns inward. The blue spot represent the blind spot in the same eye. Cf. Explanation in the
latter part of Ex. 115.
Helmholtz, op. cit. G. 235-259. Fr. 266 (196)-270 (200). Le Conte, American Journal of
Psychology, III. 1889-90, 364-366.
114. Idio-retinal light, light chaos, light duet. Close and cover the eyes so as to exclude all light,
or experiment in a perfectly dark room. Let the after effects of objective light fade away and
then watch the shifting light clouds of retinal light. The cause of the retinal light is not altogether
clear, but it is supposed to be a chemical action of the blood on the nervous portion of the
visual apparatus. Aubert estimates its brightness at about half the brightness of a sheet of
paper illuminated by the planet Venus when at its brightest. b. When awake in the night time in
a room that is almost perfectly dark (e.g. in which the form of the window and the large pieces
of furniture cannot be made out) notice that the white clothing of the arms can be seen faintly
as they are moved about, but not when they are still. In the last case the very faint light they
reflect is not sufficient to make them distinguishable from clouds of idio-retinal light.
Cf. Helmholtz op. cit. G. 242-243, Fr. 274 (202)-275 (203). On b. cf. Helmholtz. Die Störung der
Wahrnehmung kleinster Helligkeitsunterschiede, Zeitschrift für Psyhologie. I, 1890, 6-9.
115. Electrical stimulation of the visual apparatus. Moisten thoroughly with strong salt water
both the electrodes and the portions of the skin to which they are to be applied. Place one of
the electrodes on the forehead (or on the edge of the table and lay the forehead upon it), the
other on the back of the neck; or, if the current is strong enough, hold it in the hand or lay it on
the table and put the hand upon it. At each opening or closing of the circuit a bright flash will be
seen, whether the eyes are closed or open. With the eyes closed and covered the effects of the
continuous current may be observed. In this case it is well to apply the electrode slowly and
carefully so as to avoid as much as possible the flash caused by the sudden closing of the
circuit. When the positive electrode is on the forehead, the negative on the back of the neck a
transient pale violet light will be seen distributed generally over the field and forming a smell
bright spot at its centre. Sometimes traces of the blind spot appear. The violet light soon fades
and on opening the circuit, there is a notable darkening of the held with a momentary view of
the blind spots as bright disks. When the negative electrode is on the forehead, the: positive on
the back of the neck, the phenomena are in general reversed, the darkening occuring [sic] on
closing the circuit, the violet light on opening it. Helmholtz sums up these and other
experiments as follows: "Constant electrical circulation through the retina from the cones
toward the ganglion cells gives the sensation of darkness, circulation in the contrary direction
gives the sensation of brightness." (Phys. Opt. 2nd ed. 247). That the blind spot should appear
as a disk of different color from the rest of the held seems to be due to the fact that the
sensitive parts of the retina immediately surrounding it are somewhat shielded from the electric
current, and as usual their condition is attributed to the blind spot also. The experiment is not
entirely a pleasant one, on account of the feeling [p. 486] which the current produces in the
head, the electrical taste in the month and the reddening of the skin under the electrodes.
Cf. Helmholtz, op.·cit. G. 243-248, Fr. 275 (203)-281 (207).
116. After-images, accidental or consecutive images, After-images in which the relations of light
and shade of the original object are preserved are called Positive After-images. Those in which
these relations are reversed (as in a photographic negative) are called Negative After-images.
Positive after-images are of changing colors, but most important to notice here are those of the
color of the object (like colored), and of the complementary color (opposite colored). Negative
after-images, so far as observed, are always opposite colored. All after-images, especially the
positive, can best be observed in the morning when the eyes are well rested. a. Negative after-
images: look steadily for a minute at a fixed point or the window, then at a white screen or an
evenly lighted unfigured wall; the dark parts of the window will now appear light and vice versa.
Get a lasting after-image and look at a corner of the room or at a chair or other object of
uneven surface; notice how the image seems to at itself to the surface upon which it rests. After
a little practice it is also possible at desire to see the image floating in the air instead of lying on
the background. b. Look steadily at a bright colored object or some bits of colored paper, then
at the screen; observe that the colors of the after-images are approximately complementary to
the colors of the objects producing them. Negative after-images are some times very lasting
and for that reason are those most frequently noticed in ordinary experience; they are a
phenomenon of retinal fatigue. c. Positive after-images. Look for an instant (one-third of a
second) at the window, then close and cover the eyes, or look at a dark surface; for a very
short time an after-image like the original object in color and distribution of light and shade can
be seen. The positive after-image is of short duration and is not so readily observed as the
negative; it is a phenomenon of retinal inertia, or the prolongation of retinal excitation. d.
Colored positive after-images. Look for an instant at a gas flame through a piece or red glass,
then close the eyes and observe the red image; repeat the experiment continuing the fixation of
the flame for half a minute; the resulting after-image will be bright as before but of the
complementary color. e. Get an after-image of the window of not too great an intensity, and
alternately project it on a sheet of white paper and the dark field of the closed and covered
eyes; it will be found negative on the white back-ground and positive on the dark. f. Get a good
after-image of the window and observe with closed and covered eyes the play of colors as the
image fades. Try several times and observe that the order of succession is the same.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. Fr. 446 (338), 471 (357)-500 (380). Wundt, Physiologische Psychologie,
3rd ed I,472-476.
117. Effect of eye-motions on after-images. Get a moderately strong after-image of the window;
look at the wall and keep the eyes actively in motion; the image will be seen with difficulty while
the eye is in motion; when the eye is brought to rest, however, it will soon appear. In general
any visual stimulus that moves with the eye is less effective than one that does not.
Cf. Exner, Das Verschwinden der Nachbilder bei Augenbewegungen. Zeitschrift für
Psychologie, I, 1890, 47-51.
118. The seat of the after-image. An after-image due to exclusive stimulation of a single eye
may under proper conditions sometimes seem to be men with the other unstimulated eye. From
this it has been inferred that the seat or after-images was central, not peripheral; that is, in the
visual centres of the brain, not in the [p. 487] eye. The following experiments show, however,
that the after-image is really seen with the eye first stimulated, and so render the hypothesis of
a central location unnecessary. a. Look steadily for several seconds at a bit of red paper on a
white ground, using only one eye, say the right, and keeping the other closed; when a strong
after-image has been secured, remove the paper, close the right eye, open the left and again
look steadily at the white ground; after a little the field will darken and the after-image will
reappear. If the red does not produce a sufficiently lasting image, substitute for it a gas flame or
some other bright object. That we have really to do, however, with the eye originally stimulated,
(its present dark held being superposed upon the light one of the other eye) appears from the
results of b and c. Get the after-image as before; then open both eyes and bring a bit of card-
board before the eyes alternately; bringing it before the left eye rather brightens the image
bringing it before the right dims or abolishes it; the image is therefore chiefly affected by what
affects the right eye. c. Get the after-image again and close and cover both eyes; observe the
color of the after-image as projected on the dark held; then open the left eye, letting the right
eye remain closed and covered; the after-image will be seen, not in the color it has when the
right eye is open and the image is projected in the light field, but in that which it has in the dark
field of the closed eye.
Cf. Delabarre. On the seat of Optical After-Images, American Journal of Psychology, II. 1888-
89, 326-328.
119. After-images of motion. Fasten upon the rotation apparatus a disk like that in the first cut
on page 475. Then look at a page of print or into the face of a by-stander and notice the
apparent shrinking (if the spiral has seemed to run outward) or swelling (if the spiral has
seemed to run inward). Illusions of increase or decrease of distance sometimes accompany
those of motion. These after-images of motion have been explained as due to unconscious
persisting movements of the eyes. This is probably incorrect, for in the present case it would
seem necessary that the eyes should move in all directions at the same time.[2]
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. Fr. 766 (603)-769(605). Bowditch and Hall, Optical Illusions of Motion,
Journal of Psychology, III, 297-307. Mach, Bewegungsempfindungen, Leipzig, 1875, pp. 59-61.
(see also pp. 61-65 for yet another kind of after-image) and Analyse der Empfindungen, Jena,
1886, pp. 65-67.
This term is
used to
designate the
enlargement of
bright surfaces
at the expense
or adjacent
dark surfaces.
It is most
marked when
the bright
surface is
intense and the accommodation is imperfect, but is not absent with perfect accommodation.
Even with perfect accommodation, and much more so with imperfect accommodation, the line
of juncture of a bright and dark surface is not really a sharp line but a narrow band of gray of
which more than [p. 488] the proper amount is credited to the white, for reasons to be brought
out in the section to follow on the Psychophysic Law. The following are some of the common
cases of irradiation: a. Hold a ruler or a straight edged piece or black card-board close before a
gas or candle flame so se to cover a portion of it, and notice that the flame seems to cut into
the edge, and if there are differences in brightness the brightest parts cut in deepest. b. Notice
that the white squares in the diagram below, when brought into a strong light, seem larger than
the black, though they measure the same in size.
c. Irradiation of dark lines. A black line on a white surface (or a white line on a black surface)
may some times be enlarged by the greater part or its gray fringe, because near the outer edge
of the fringe the blackness (or for white lines, the whiteness) decreases very rapidly and so
seems to make a boundary. Look at the accompanying diagram through a lens that will make
accommodation very imperfect. The narrow black strips will appear larger for the reason just
mentioned, while the lower black areas will be cut into as in the ordinary cases of irradiation,
giving to the white stripe between the shape of a club with the handle uppermost. Helmholtz
suggests with reason that these two phenomena, having quite different causes, should have
different names, and the term "irradiation" be confined strictly to such enlargement of white
surfaces as takes place with exact
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit., G. 394-400, Fr. 425
(321)-433 (327).
121. Reflex movement of the eye. The eye is
a mooing as well as a seeing member and its
motor functions are of great importance for
psychology. Of the first importance is the
constant reflex tendency of the eye to move
In such a way as to bring any bright image
lying on a peripheral part of the retina, or any
to which attention is directed, into the area of
dearest vision. Many evidences of this
tendency will be found in the ordinary course
of vision. By way of experiment, try to study
attentively a musca volitans or a negative
after-image that is just to one side of the
direct line of sight. The apparent motion of
the object measures the energy of the reflex.
122. Associated movements of the eyes. The two eyes form a single visual instrument and
even when one eye is closed it follows to a considerable degree the movements of its open
companion. a. Close one eye and, resting the finger-tip lightly on the lid, feel the motions of the
eye as the other looks from point to point of the visual held. b. Get a monocular after-image as
in Ex. 118 and when it has become apparently visible to the open eye, notice that it seems to
accompany that eye as it takes one fixation point after another in the field of regard.
123. Motions of the eyes when the lines of sight are parallel, Donders's and Listing's laws. All
motions of the eye can be interpreted as rotations of greater or less extent about one or more
of three axes: a sagittal axis, corresponding nearly with the line of sight; a frontal axis,
extending horizontally from right to left; and a vertical axis. All these intersect in the centre of
rotation of the eye. Now it is easily conceivable that for any position of the line of sight, e.g. 15°
to the right and 10° upward, there would be an infinite number of positions that the eye might
assume by rotation about the line of sight itself. As a matter of fact, however, it does not
assume an indefinite number of positions, but one and only one, no matter by what route the
line of sight may have come to that point. This is the law of constant orientation [p. 489] or
Donders's law. Listing's law goes further and asserts that the position is not only fixed, but is
such as the eye would assume if the line of sight were moved from its primary position
(approximately that in which the eye looks straight forward to the horizon) to the point in
question without any rotation at all about the line of eight, but about a fixed axis standing
perpendicular at the centre of rotation to both the primary and the new position of the line of
sight. The advantage to vision of the constancy or orientation and the exclusion of rotation
about the line of sight is considerable, especially in determining directions in the held of regard.
The correctness of these laws is easy to demonstrate, a. Donders's law. Cut in a sheet of black
cardboard two slits an eighth of an inch wide and six or eight inches long, crossing at right
angles. Set the cardboard in the window or before some other brightly lighted surface. Arrange
a head rest at some distance and when the head is in position, get a strong after-image of the
cross, fixating its middle point. Then, without moving the head, turn the eyes to different parts of
the walls and ceiling. The image will suffer various distortions from the different surfaces upon
which it is projected, but each time the eye returns to the same point the image will lie as
before. If the wall does not offer figures by which this can be shown, have an assistant mark the
position of the image upon it. The after-image is of course fixed on the retina and can move
only as the eye moves. b. Listing's law. Make over the cross used in a into an eight rayed star
by cutting two other narrow slits across its centre. Arrange the card before a brightly lighted wall
and parallel to it at a height a little less than that of the eyes when the head is in position. Draw
lines or stretch threads on the wall that shall appear to continue the rays of the star upward and
right and left, and downward if convenient. Fix the head rest directly before the star at a
distance of five or six yards or more, adjust the head so that when the after-image of the star is
carried along the horizontal or vertical line its corresponding ray will coincide exactly with the
line. When this condition is fulfilled for both lines the eyes and lines of sight are in the primary
position. When the primary position has been found, carry the after-image along the lines
prolonging the other rays and observe that as before the after-image of the ray coincides with
its line. This would be found true, for all except extreme positions, of all other rays, and shows
that the eye does not in such motions rotate about the line of sight. c. In motions from other or
secondary positions, however, there Is such a rotation. Turn the head somewhat to one side or
tip it forward or backward from the primary position repeat b and notice that the lines of the
after-image betray some rotation.
Cf. Helmholtz, op. cit., Fr. 601 (462)-610 (470), 621 (479) ff. Le Conte, Sight, pp. 164-177.
124. Actual movements of the eyes. Rapid
motions of the eyes are not executed with
mechanical exactness according to Listing's law,
though it gives correctly the end position
reached. The axis of rotation is not quite
constant and the lines passed over by the point
of sight are therefore not quite straight. This is
easy to observe; as follows. In a dark room turn
down the gas till it burns in a flame not more than 8 or 10 mm. high. Then using this as a point of
departure in the primary position look suddenly from it to other points of fixation in various
directions about it, and notice the shape of the long positive after-images that result from the
motion of the image of the flame, over the retina. These will probably have the shape of the radii in
the left hand figure below. The newest part of the after-image is that next the light, the oldest part
is that next the fixation point, for example at a. If the points of the after-image curve are now
interpreted in the order or time, it [p. 490] appears that the eye at first moved rather rapidly toward
the right but rather slowly upward, while at last it moved rather slowly toward the right and rapidly
upward. Plotting the curve accordingly we get the reverse curve shown in B which shows the true
track of the fixation point. It is said that for some eyes the after-images, though curved, do not
coincide with those figured in A.
Cf. Wundt. Beiträge zur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung, Leipsig[sic], 1862, pp. 139 ff. 202.
Hermann's Handbuch der Physiol. III, Th. 1. 450-451.
125. Convergent movements of the eyes. When the lines of sight converge, the movements of
the eye do not follow Listing's law. When the lines of sight converge in the primary position both
eyes rotate outward; as the lines of sight are elevated, the convergence remaining the same,
the outward rotation increases; as they are depressed, the rotation diminishes and finally
becomes zero. On a sheet of cardboard draw a series of equi-distant parallel vertical lines one
or two inches apart and eight or ten inches long, drawing the left half of the group in black ink,
the right half in red. Cross both sets midway from top to bottom by a horizontal line, red in the
red set and black in the black set. Fasten the cardboard fist upon a vertical support and arrange
the head rest in front of it. The horizontal line of the diagram should be on a level with the eyes.
a. Fasten a bit of wire vertically between the eyes and the diagram in such a way that it can be
moved to and from the eyes. Bring the head into position and look at the wire, but give attention
to the diagram. It will be seen that the red and black lines are not quite parallel and that they
are less nearly so as the wire is brought nearer the face. The red lines (seen by the left eye)
seem to incline a little toward the right and the black lines (seen by the right eye) toward the
left. As the wire comes near and the convergence is great the horizontal lines will also show the
rotation. This apparent rotation of the lines is not, as in the case of the after-images, a sign that
the corresponding eye has rotated in the way that they have, but that it has rotated in the
opposite way. b. Repeat this with the head much inclined forward (the equivalent of elevating
the eyes) and with it thrown far back (equivalent of depressing the eyes) taking care that the
wire is always at the same distance from the eyes. In the first case the apparent rotation of th
[sic] lines is increased, and in the second decreased to zero or even transformed into rotation in
the opposite direction.
Cf. Helmholtz, op.cit. Fr 609 (468)-610 (470). Le Conte, Sight, 177-191. Hermann's Handbuch
der Physiol. III, Th. 1. 496 ff.
126. Involuntary movements of the eyes. Lay a small scrap of red paper on a large piece of
blue. Fixate some point on the edge of the red. After a few seconds of steady fixation, the color
near the line of separation, will be seen to brighten, now in the red and now in the blue. This is
due to the small unintentional movements of the eyes.
[1] For fuller information on rotation apparatus see the introduction to the section on color-
vision, to follow.
[2] My assistant Mr. T. L. Bolton, has noticed that these after-images are subject to illusory
transference like those of Ex. 118.
V. -- VISION. (Continued.)
The aim of the following experiments is not to adjudicate conflicting color theories, but rather to
present the most important experimental facts that all color theories must regard.[1]
Authoritative accounts of the theories may be found as follows: Young-Helmholtz theory;
Helmholtz Handbuch der physiologischen Optik,[2] 2te Aufl., pp. 344-350. G
290-294, 320-
321, 367; F. 380-387, 424-425, 484. Also Popular Scientific Lectures, 1st Series, New York,
1885, pp. 249-256. Hering's theory; Hering Zur Lehre vom Lichtsinne, pp. 70-141, (two
communications to the Vienna Academy, April 23 and May 15, 1874); Ueber Newton's Gesetz
der Farbenmischung, pp. 76-79, a very brief account of his own in connection with a general
account of theories. These are the most prominent theories, and something on them, especially
on the first, will be found in the physiologies and in some works on the use of color in the arts.
Other theories more or less different from these will be found as follows: V. Kries: Die
Gesichtsempfindungen und ihre Analyse, Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv, 1882, Supplement-Band,
vi, 1-l78. Wundt: Physiol. Psychol., 2te Aufl.. pp. 453-456; 3te Auh., 491-496. Also Philos.
Studien, IV, 1888, 355-389. Donders: Ueber Farbensysteme Archiv für Ophthalmologie, XXVII,
1881, H. 1. Noch einmal die Farbensystem, ibid., XXX, 1884, 1. Göller: Die Analyse der
Lichtwellen durch das Auge. Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv, 1888. Christine Ladd Franklin, Eine
neue Theorie der Lichtempfindungen. Zeit. für Psychol., IV, 1892, 212.
On color vision in general may be mentioned, besides these works of Helmholtz, Hering and
Wundt: Fick: Qualität der Lichtempfindungen, Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologie III, Th. i,
pp. 160-232. Maxwell: On the Theory of Compound Colours [p. 391] and the Relation of the
Colours of the Spectrum, Phil. Trans. 1860; and On Colour Vision, Proc. Royal Institution of
Great Britain, VI; reprinted in Maxwell's Scientfic Papers, I, 410-440; II, 267-280. Rood:
Students' Text-book of Color, New York, 1881. Aubert: Physiologie der Netzhaut, Breslau,
1865; also Grundzüge der physiologischen Optik, Leipzig, 1878, pp. 479-572. This work forms
part of the second volume of Graefe und Saemisch's Handbuch der gesammten
Augenheilkunde. Charpentier: La Lumière et les Couleurs, Paris, 1888. Von Bezold: The
Theory of Color in its Relation to Art and Art Industry, Boston, 1876. Benson: Manual of the
Science of Colour, London, 1871, pp. xii, 58. Chevreul: The Principles of Harmony and
Contrast of Colors, London, 1859. LeConte: Sight, New York, 1881. Ladd: Elements of
Physiological Psychology, New York, 1887. Beaunis: Nouveaux Éléments de Physiologie
Humaine, Paris, 1888; and other standard physiologies.
Apparatus. In addition to the blue and red glass, the colored papers and the black and white
cardboard used in the previous section, there will be required for this, pieces of yellow, green
and violet glass, or of colored gelatine (see below), a small pane of clear glass, a mirror, a
sheet of white tissue paper or other semi-transparent paper, and pieces of gray paper or
cardboard of different intensities. Gray papers can be made by painting white paper over with
India ink; or a tolerable substitute may be made by overlaying black paper or cardboard with
one or more thicknesses of tissue paper.
For some of the contrast experiments (Ex. 141 ff.) the gummed parquetry rings and the lentil
dots used by the kindergarteners are extremely convenient, and are not expensive. The rings
are 1, 1 1-2 and 2 in. in diameter and 1-8 in. broad and are to be had in a considerable variety
of colors; the dots are 1-4 in, in diameter, and in six colors. See catalogue of the Milton Bradley
Co., Springfield, Mass., pp. 49 and 71.
The standard of color when exactness is important is, of course, the spectrum; and
experiments with pure (i.e., monochromatic) spectral colors are the final appeal. The apparatus
required for a complete study of color sensations with spectral colors, especially when
quantitative results are aimed at, is extremely refined and correspondingly expensive. The
spectrophotometer pictured on p. 355 of Helmholtz's Physiologische Optik, 2te Aufl., is quoted
by the makers, Franz Schmidt und Haensch, Stallschreiber-Strasse 4, Berlin, S., at mk. 750.
Other apparatus of similar purpose ranges from mk. 375 to mk. 3500. The spectrophotometer
of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. costs £15. Simple qualitative experiments like those
of this section can, however, be made without very expensive apparatus, and for the most part
without spectral colors. Where spectral colors are employed a simple prism (costing from 15
cents upward), or at most an ordinary spectroscope, such as is found in every chemical and
physical laboratory, will serve amply. A pocket spectroscope even, costing from $5 or $6
upward, will show a good deal, and is useful in determining approximately the composition of
light transmitted by colored glass. If nothing more is done, it is desirable that the experimenters
familiarize themselves with the appearance of the spectral colors and the chief Fraunhofer lines
as landmarks in the spectrum. By combinations of thin sheets of colored gelatine, light that is
practically monochromatic can be secured; see a paper by Kirschmann, Ueber die Herstellung
monochromatischen Lichtes, Wundt's Philos. Studien, VI, 1891, pp. 543-551. Such sheets are
used before calcium lights in the [p. 392] theatre for the projection of colored lights upon the
stage end may be had of dealers in stereopticons. A. T. Thompson & Co. 13 Tremont Row
Boston, sell red, yellow, green, blue, violet and purple in sheets, 20 1-2 x 16 3-4 inches, at 25
cents a sheet. For many purposes these sheets are as good or better than colored glass.
For the study of the phenomena of color-mixing
with artificial colors, the most satisfactory
instrument is the color top or rotation color-mixer
in some one or other of its numerous forms. One
of these was mentioned in the introduction to the
previous section on the Mechanism of the Eye
and Vision in General, namely, a little electric
motor. All the experiments of this section that
require a color-mixer can be made with such a
one. Many it not all of them could be made with
the color tops sold as toys, or with the very
simple one suggested by Dr. Bowditch in his
Hints on Teaching Physiology, to wit, a button-mold fitted with a peg and spun with the fingers.
One made of a button-mold an inch and three quarters in diameter and carrying disks two and a
half inches in diameter, shows the contrast effects of Ex. 142d as elegantly se could be desired.
The disks me held in place by apiece of rubber tubing of very small bore fitting snugly upon the
stem and twisted down upon the disk like a nut. Larger apparatus specially designed for color-
mixing may be had of all physical instrument dealers. Among the rest may be mentioned the
Farbenkreisel made by R. Rothe, Mechaniker des physiologischen Instituts der k. k. Universität,
Prag (Wenzelsbad), at mk. 30. A fine instrument by the same maker for rotating a horizontal
disk either by toot or hand, with additional parts for studying the color-blindness of the
peripheral parts of the eye, costs mk. 160. The color-mixer of the Milton Bradley Co.,
Springfield, Mass., costs $10, including disks, etc.; the color-mixers of the Cambridge Scientific
Instrument Co., St. Tibb's Row Cambridge, England, cost £6-10 and £10. R: Jung, Heidelberg,
has rotation apparatus, including one that moves by clock-work at mk. 50-65 with disks. The
important thing in such a piece of apparatus is that it should rotate rapidly enough to give a
smooth and steady mixture of two colors when these occur but once each upon the disk, e.g.,
to give an even gray with a disk that has a solid 180° of black and a solid 180° of white; When
this is the case the two disks may be slipped together, as in the cut, and any required
proportion of the colors easily arranged. It the rotation is not sufficiently rapid the sectors must
be made smaller and more numerous, e.g., four sectors of black of 45° each separated by tour
sectors of white of the same size. This is not difficult when the proportions of color are to
remain constant, but where adjustments are to be made the multiplicity of sectors is a
disadvantage. Rothe and the Milton Bradley Co. supply colored paper disks in considerable
variety evenly cut, and this is an important point, for if the cutting is inexact the disks will appear
with bothersome fringes of color when in rotation. The centre hole in Rothe's disks is of course
cut to fit the Rothe color mixers. His disks may be had in two sizes, 20 cm. and 11 cm. in
diameter, at prices ranging from 60 to 105 kr. per doz. for the large, and 20 to 30 kr. for the
small, according to color. Colored papers of excellent color and surface (shiny papers are to be
avoided) may be had of R. Jung, Heidelberg. [p. 393] A rotation apparatus that will serve
excellently for class demonstrations is a carpenter's polishing lathe, which is to be obtained at
some hardware stores and sells at $4.50. It can be screwed to the table and worked by the
hand or foot. Unfortunately it can hardly he made to rotate rapidly enough to blend 180° of
white with 180° of black, but for fixed disks with more numerous sectors it works excellently;
and though made for so remote a purpose can be used without change and will carry disks up
to a foot in diameter. With a very little alteration it mould carry them twice as large. Perhaps a
maximum of simplicity is reached in the use of a boys' "buzzer" as a color-mixer which the
writer has heard recommended, but never tried. Special disks for use in certain experiments
are shown in cuts accompanying them.
In addition to the color-mixer and disks, a stereoscope end stereoscopic diagrams (see cuts
accompanying the experiments) and a double retracting prism will be needed. Any stereoscope
will answer but the hood and the central partition should be removed. The double refracting
prism may be purchased at no very great expense from dealers in physical instruments.
In Ex. 142b and 148b a smell wooden frame made by fixing two pieces of board 6x6 in.
together at right angles, is needed (see diagram accompanying Ex. 142b). The convenience of
the instrument is much increased if guide strips of wood or metal are attached to the vertical
and horizontal pieces, so that the diagrams to be used upon them will be held in place and yet
be easily interchangeable, For exhibiting a very deep black in Ex. 130a, a black box may be
prepared as follows. Make a light tight wooden box 8x10x12 inches in size; cut a two-inch hole
in one end and have the whole painted a dull black, both within and without. Before closing it
finally, divide it by a slanting partition running obliquely upward and forward from the back edge
of the bottom to a point on the top about four inches from the front. The front side of this
partition should be covered with black velvet. In comparison with the black that is seen on
looking through the hole against this slanting velvet, the gray character of the black paint, of
ordinary black cardboard, and even of black velvet, is easily recognized.
The easiest test for color-blindness is made with colored worsteds, which may be had of any
dealer in oculists' supplies. An approved selection of colors in sufficient variety is sold by N. D.
Whitney & Co., 129 Tremont street, Boston, Mass at $2.50. A small card of wools for testing
color vision is to be found on the inside cover of Galton's Life History Album, London,
Macmillan & Co., 1884.
Apparatus is helpful in measuring out the color fields In Ex. 128, though it need not be
elaborate. At its simplest two things are necessary: something for steadying the head, and a
broad surface perpendicular to the line of sight on which to map out the color fields. A block on
which to rest the chin and a convenient wall might do. If something a little more permanent is
desired, the headrest shown in the last section (American Journal of Psychology, IV. 1891-82,
474) can be clamped to the front edge of a narrow table, and a screen of light boards (or better,
a wooden frame covered with black or gray cloth) fastened about a foot back from it. This
distance must not be great, or the screen will need to be of excessive size. It is well to paste a
vertical and horizontal scale upon the screen crossing at the point immediately before the eye,
so that distances may at once be read off. Such an instrument is known as a campimeter. A
more perfect instrument for this purpose is the perimeter. Of this instrument there are many
forms; that of Priestly Smith is perhaps as convenient as any except the most elaborate [p. 394]
ones. In this instrument, not to attempt a detailed description, the place of the screen is
supplied by a curved arm that can be turned about an axis at the point on which the eye is
fixed, and in turning would describe a hemisphere of which the eye is the centre and the fixation
point the pole. The arm is marked for every and the limits of the field of vision on any
meridian can at once read off and recorded. The record is made by a needle prick in a diagram
carried by the instrument, a new diagram being inserted for each eye tested. The price of this
instrument from R. Jung Heidelberg, is mk. 60, from New York dealers $30.
For Ex. 145 end 151 an apparatus devised by Hering and described by him in the Zeitschrift für
Psychologie, I 1890, 23-28, is extremely convenient. It is made by R. Rothe of Prag at 28
marks. The apparatus is simple, however and any carpenter can make of wood one that will
answer. The first aim of this instrument is to secure a binocular mixture of blue and red. For
that purpose blue and red glasses before the eyes may be used, provided that a good deal of
white can also be mixed in with the color of the glass. This is done by letting the glasses stand
at an angle before the eyes and reflect on their upper surface the images of suitably placed
white screens. The quantity of white light is regulated by the position of the screens with
reference to the source of illumination and by the inclination of the colored glasses. The
following cut shows diagrammatically what the arrangement of glasses and screens is.
In the cut W
and W
are the screens just
spoken of R and B the red and blue glasses,
W a white surface carrying a narrow black
strip at s, and k is the point upon which the
eyes are fixed. In an instrument made by a
carpenter for the laboratory of Clark
University, the following plan was followed; it
is here reproduced not because it is the best,
but for the sake of definiteness. The stuff
used in the instrument was almost all seven-
eighths of an inch thick, and that thickness
may be understood except where something
else is stated. The base is a board 30 in.
long;, 12 in, wide. In the middle of this is
placed another board 12 in. long and 10 in, wide, leaving a margin of an inch on each side and
of nine inches at the ends. This little platform bears the white cardboard corresponding to W in
the diagram. On the nearer edge of this platform is fastened an upright post 15 in. high, 3 in.
wide. At its upper end on the forward side this post carries the frames that hold the glasses R
and B. The glasses are 4 in. square, and are framed on three sides only, the upper edge being
left tree so that the glasses may come close to the eyes. The frames are small pieces of board
8 in, long, 5 in, wide with a square piece (three and three-quarters inches on the side) taken
from the middle of their upper ends, leaving them like U with very square corners and a heavy
bottom. Over these square holes the glasses are fastened. The frames are fastened with a
single screw each to the post, the screws penetrating the frames about an inch and a half from
the free edge of the glass. When in position, the glasses rise about three-quarters of an inch
above the top of the post, and stand like the sides of a roof. They do not quite meet, however
but leave a space for the observer's nose between them when the apparatus is in use. The
screws that hold [p. 395] the frames should be tight enough to hold the frames in position, but
not so tight as to prevent their turning in adjustment. On the front of the post and about six
inches upward from its foot is a wire about three and a half inches long extending forward from
the surface of the post and perpendicular to it. At its end is a little button of cork, the fixation
point k in the diagram. The side screens of the instrument are exactly alike and the description
of one will do for both. Each screen is a piece of half -inch board 9 in, wide and 13½ in. long.
This board turns midway from top to bottom on a horizontal axis and in a light frame just large
enough to enclose it. The frame itself is fastened to a broad piece of board which forms its base
and rests in turn on the base board of the instrument. A peg in the middle of the first of these,
fitting into a hole in the last, allows the rotation of the frame and screen about a vertical axis.
The screen is thus made adjustable in any direction. Its face is covered with white cardboard.
The only remaining part of the instrument is the strip of black paper, a quarter of an inch wide,
represented by s in the diagram, which is pasted on W perpendicular to the post. It is highly
Important that W be without speck or spot, and that the colored glasses be as free from flaws
as possible. The instrument as described is intended for binocular contrast. For binocular color-
mixing, other pieces of glass besides red and blue are needed for other combinations and the
black strip is not required.
Another simple demonstrational instrument of Hering's contriving is for the study of changes of
brightness in colors and can also be adapted for contrast. Its principle is the same as that used
in the side screens in the last instrument, namely, change of position with reference to the
source of illumination. A white card, provided that its surface is not shiny, receives a maximum
of light and looks brightest when it stands perpendicular to the light. As it is turned and the light
falls obliquely upon it, it receives less and less and looks darker and darker. If it is shiny, as
most paper and cardboard are, this change is not uniform, but this does not much interfere in
this instance. The paper used should however, be dull finished. The instrument at its simplest is
a tall box open in front and with a hole in the top to look through. It is painted black inside and
contains a screen that can be turned about a horizontal axis, and thus receive light
perpendicularly or obliquely as desired. It is, however, convenient to have a frame instead of a
permanent screen so that, a number of cards of different color or brightness can be
interchanged, and to have the box double so that two frames can be used side by side and
comparative tests can be made. When contrast is to be introduced, a second pair of frames
above the first and high enough so as not to shade them are introduced. The cards that are
used in these upper frames must each be pierced with s hole, say 2x4 cm., near the middle, in
such a position that when the eye looks through them from the top of the box, nothing but the
card in the frame below can be seen. The hole must be carefully and cleanly cut, and the edge,
if it shows white, must he colored like the surface of the card. When such a hole is looked at
with a single eye, it is easy to conceive the part of the lower card seen, not to be really below,
but a part of the upper card itself. This illusion might be strengthened by the use of a feebly
convex lens to exclude exact accommodation. Changes of the inclination of the upper frame
(provided there is no reflection from its undersurfaces) can produce no real change in the
illumination of the lower one, but very striking changes seem to follow such changes of the
upper one. This instrument in finished form, though without the additional [p. 396] frames for
contrast, can be had like Hering's other apparatus of his mechanic, R. Rothe, Prag.
Many of the color experiments to follow can be demonstrated before a considerable audience
by the use of a projection lantern, and some makers of lanterns have diagrams for contrast
colors, etc. Their preparation, however, can offer little difficulty to those familiar with the use of
the lantern and with the ordinary forms of the experiments.
A given color sensation may be changed in three ways: in color-tone, in intensity and in
saturation, or to use Maxwell's terms, in hue, shade and tint. Changes in color-tone are such as
are experienced when the eye runs through the successive colors of the spectrum. Changes in
intensity are changes in the brightness of the color. Changes in saturation are such as are
produced by the addition of white; when much white light is added, the color is a little saturated.
Changes in intensity and saturation if excessive involve some change of color-tone also. The
number of primary colors is various in various theories; red, green and violet (or blue) are
selected by the supporters of the Young-Helmholtz theory, red, green, yellow and blue by
Hering Mach and others, while Wundt is indisposed to make any particular ones more original
for sensation then the rest.
127. Color-blindness. Holmgren's method. Spread the worsteds on a white cloth in good
daylight. Pick out a light green (i.e., a little saturated green) that leans neither toward the blue
nor the yellow; lay it by itself and require the person to be tested to pick out and lay beside it all
other skeins that are colored like it, not confining himself, however, to exact matches, but taking
somewhat darker and lighter shades also, so long as the difference is only in brightness and
not in color-tone. Do not tell him to pick out "the greens" nor require him to use or understand
color words in any way; simply require the sorting. If he makes errors, putting grays, light
browns, salmons or straws[3] with the green, he is color-blind; if he hesitates over the
erroneous colors and has considerable difficulty his color-vision is probably defective, but in a
less degree. If the experimentee makes errors, try him further to discover whether he is red-
blind or green-blind by asking him to select the colors, including darker and lighter shades, that
resemble a purple (near magenta) skein. If he is red-blind, he will err by selecting blues or
violets, or both; if he is green-blind, he will select green or gray, or both, or if he chooses any
blues and violets, they will be the brightest shades. It he makes no errors in this case after
having made them in the previous case, his color-blindness is incomplete. Violet blindness is
rare. Complete certainty in the use of even such a simple method as this is not to be expected
without a full study of the method and experience in its application.
On color-blindness and methods of testing for it cf. Helmholtz: Op. cit. G
357 372[sic]. 456-
462; G
294-300, 847-848; F. 388-400. Jeffries: Color blindness, its dangers and its detection,
Boston. 1879 (this work contains a seventeen-page bibliography on color-blindness and kindred
topics); also an article on Color-blindness in the Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences,
New York, 1886 II, 241. Rayleigh and others: Report of the Royal Society's Committee on
Colour Vision. Proc. Royal Soc., LI, no. 311, July 19, 1992. Hering: Zur Diagnostik des
Farbenblindheit, Archiv für Ophthamologie, XXXVI, 1890, Heft I, 217-233; also Die
Untersuchung einseitiger Störungen des Farbensinnes mittels binocularer Farbenleichungen.
Archiv f. Ophtal., XXXVI, 1890, H. 3, 1-23. See also a [p. 397] paper by Hess in the same
place, pp. 24-36. Kirchmann: Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Farbenblindheit. Wundt's Philos.
Studien. VIII, 1892, Heft 2 i. 3; Helmholtz, Hering, Kirschmann and others give exact methods
for determining the particular colors that are lacking. On differences in the apparent extent of
the spectrum in different observers, see Morgan: Animal Life and Intelligence. pp. 280-283.
128. Vision with the peripheral portions of the retina. a. Campimetry. Color-blindness is normal
on the peripheral portion of the retina. At the very centre the pigment of the yellow spot itself
interferes somewhat with the correct perception of mixed colors containing blue (cf. Ex. 110). In
a zone immediately surrounding this all colors can be recognized. Outside of this again is a
zone in which blue and yellow alone can be distinguished, and at the outermost parts not even
these, all colors appearing black, white, or gray. The zones are of course not sharply bounded,
but blend into one another, their limits depending on the intensity and area of the colors used.
a.[sic] With the campimetrical apparatus at hand, find at what angles from the centre of vision
on the vertical and horizontal meridians of the eye the four principal colors, red, yellow, green
and blue can be recognized; try also for white. Keep the eye steadily fixed on the fixation mark
of the instrument and have an assistant slide the color (say a bit of colored paper 5 mm. square
pasted near the end of a strip of black cardboard an inch wide) slowly into the field from the
outside. It will be well to move the paper slowly to and fro at right angles to the meridian on
which the test is made, so as to avoid retinal fatigue. Take a record of the point at which the
color can first be seen with certainty. Repeat several times and average the results. The size of
the colored spot shown should be constant for the different colors, and the background
(preferably black) against which the colors are seen should remain the same in all the
experiments. b. Repeat the tests with a colored square 10 mm. on a side, and notice the earlier
recognition of its color as it approaches from the periphery. c. Try bringing slowly into the field
(best from the nasal side) bits of paper of various color, especially violet purple, orange,
greenish yellow and greenish blue; or better, hold the bit of paper somewhat on the nasal side
of the field and turn the eye slowly toward it, beginning at a considerable angle from it. If the
paper is held before a background containing a line along which the eye can approach the
paper, the eye will be assisted in making its approach gradual. Observe that on the outer parts
of the retina these colors first get their yellow or blue constituents, and only later the red or
green, and appear in their true color. If the range of choice is sufficiently large it may be
possible to find a red (inclined toward red purple), a green (inclined toward the blue), which, like
pure blue and yellow, change only in saturation and not at all in color tone as they move inward
toward the centre of the field. These four colors are the Urfarben or primary colors of Hering.
Helmholtz: Op cit.. G
372-374 F. 398-400. Hess: Ueber drn Farbensin bei indirektem Sehen.
Archivr Ophthalmologie. XXXV, 1889, H. 4. Hering: Ueber die Hypothesen zur Erklärung der
peripheren Farbenblindheit. Arch. F. Ophth. XXXV, 1889 H. 4. pp. 63-83; XXXVI, H. 1, 264.
Fick: Zur Theorie des Farbensinnes bei indirektem Sehen, Pflüger's Archiv, XLVII, 1890, 274-
285. Aubert, Phys. Opt., 539·546.
129. Changes in color tone. With spectral lights, change of vibration rate, if not too small,
means change of color tone, but equal changes in vibration rate do not involve equal changes
in color tone. The change of color tone is most rapid in the green region of the spectrum, less
rapid at the red and violet ends. a. With the spectroscope and daylight and the characteristic D,
E, F and H lines. The D line lies in the golden yellow, E the green, F in the blue, and H at the
end of the violet. Between the D line and [p. 398] the F line, the vibration rate changes from 526
to 640 billion vibrations per second, and the color runs from yellow, through green to blue, while
from F to H with the greater change in vibration rate from 640 to 790 billion per second, the
change is only from blue to violet. c.[sic] Notice the tendency of the succession of spectral
colors to return upon itself, shown in the resemblance of the red and violet.
Helmholtz: Op. cit., G
289, 320. G
237, F. 319. Rood: Op. cit., 27. Wundt: Op. cit., 1, 429.
Fick: Op. cit., 173-175, 183. Aubert. Phys. Opt., 530.
130. Changes in intensity. Black and white. Black and
white are the extremes of intensity in the series of
grays. The ordinary black and white of conversation
are considerably short of these extremes. a.
Compare a bit of black velvet or black cardboard with
the black of the black box described above. b.
Compare ordinary white paper in diffused light with
the same in direct sunlight or with a brightly
illuminated white cloud. c. Just observable
differences with medium intensities. Prepare a disk
like that shown in the accompanying cut by drawing
along a radius of the disk a succession of short lines
of equal breadth. Let the breadth of the line
correspond to about one degree on me edge of the
disk. Since the breadth of the line is everywhere the
same, it will occupy a relatively greater portion as it
nears the centre. When the disk is set in rapid rotation, each short line will give a faint gray ring,
those at the outer edge being very faint, those nearer the centre darker. Find which is the
faintest ring that can be seen, and calculate the proportions of black and white in it.[4] The ratio
of the black to the white measures approximately the just observable decrease in intensity
below the general brightness of the disk. The results of Helmholtz and Aubert are respectively:
Helmholtz, 1:117 to 1:167. Aubert, 1:102 to 1:186, the differences depending on the intensity of
the general illumination of the disk. Some wandering of the eyes is helpful, but too rapid
motions of the eyes, which tend to break up the even gray of the rings, must be avoided. It is
absolutely essential to have the rotation very rapid and perfectly free from vibration -- so rapid
that with the moderate motions of the eyes, the uniform gray of the rings is not disturbed. If
great rapidity is impossible replace the single black line by two of proportionately less breadth
on opposite sides of the disk, or by four at 90°.
Helmholtz: Op. cit., G
384-393, G
, 310-316, F. 411-419. Aubert: Physiol. Optik., 489-492.
131. Changes in intensity. Colors other than black and white. At their maximum intensity, all
colors tend toward white or yellowish white, green becoming first yellow and then white, red
progressing hardly beyond the yellow, but blue and violet easily reaching white. [p. 399] a. Fix a
prism in the sunlight so that it projects an extended
spectrum on the wall. Hold a card, pierced with a pin-
hole before the eye, and bring the eye successively
into the different colors, looking meanwhile through
the pin-hole at the prism. Something of the same kind
may be seen by looking through pieces of colored
glass at the disk of the sun behind a cloud (in which
case the portions of the cloud seen at the sides of the
glass afford a means of comparison), Or at the image
of the sun reflected from an unsilvered glass plate, or
by concentrating light from colored glass on white
paper with a convex lens. b. It is easy to reduce the
intensity of colors with the color-mixer by spreading
the light of a colored sector over the whole surface of
a disk otherwise black.[5] Make a succession of
mixtures of red and black on the color-mixer, beginning with a proportion of red that makes a
barely observable change and increase the proportion till the red decidedly predominates in the
mixture. Place a smaller disk of black over the larger disks so as to have a standard black in
the field. If any of the red shows through either black disk several of the latter should be used
together to prevent it. Try also with the other chief colors. Disks like the diagram (in which
shaded parts stand for color and solid black for black) show the whole series of such gradations
at once though not quite so satisfactorily. c. Carry a number of small slips of colored paper into
a darkened room, or look at them through a fine needle hole in a card, and notice the order in
which they lose their color quality. d. Adjust the spectroscope so that the chief Fraunhofer lines
can be seen, and then gradually narrow the slit through which the light enters the instrument.
Observe that red, green and violet-blue with a trace of yellow persist longer than the
intermediate colors, and that when all the color is gone, there still remains some light in the
region of the green. This experiment must be performed in a dark room, or the observer must
envelope his head and the ocular of the instrument with opaque cloth. e. Purkinje's
phenomenon. In a light of moderate brightness, choose a bit of red paper and a bit of blue
paper that are about equal in intensity and saturation, or better, make such a pair with the
color-mixer by adding white or black till the intensity and saturation appear the same. Carry
both into the full sunlight and notice which appears brightest. Carry both into a darkened room,
or observe them in deep twilight, or through a very fine needle hole in a card, or even with
nearly closed eyes, and again notice which seems brightest. Cf. also Ex. 142a.
Helmholtz: Op. cit., or G
402-444; on a, 284-285, 322-324.,465, 466; on b, 469, 471-472; on e,
428-430, 443-444. G
, 234, 280, 281, 317-321. F 315, 369, 370, 420-425. Fick: Op. cit., 200-
202. Aubert. Phys. Opt.. 531-536. Rood: Op. cit., 181-194. For measurements of the just
observable differences of intensity for different colors, see Helmholtz: Op. cit., G
Aubert, Phys. Opt., 531; Fick: Op. cit., 177; and the references given by them. Benson: Op. cit.
132. Changes in saturation. Repeat Ex. 131b, using colored sectors or stars on white disks
instead of black. If star disks are used, it is best to give the rays of the star a leaf shape, for the
smaller quantities of color toward the outer ends of the narrow rays fail to [p. 400] make can
impression on the white. Notice the paling of the color when mixed with white and relatively
preponderating effect of the latter. Notice also a tendency to change in color tone as well as in
saturation, especially when the amount of color is small. Red tends toward rose, orange toward
red, indigo toward violet, blue-green toward blue, etc. According to Rood's experiments with the
color-mixer, yellow-green and violet are unchanged; Helmholtz with spectral colors gets
somewhat different results.
Helmholtz: Op. cit. G
322, 476-471. G
281, F. 369. Aubert: Phys. Opt., 531-532. Rood: Op.
cit., 194-201.
133. Size of the colored field. The color sensation is not independent of the size of the retinal
area stimulated, if the latter is small; and is also affected by the background against which the
small colored area is seen. Paste on pieces of black and white cardboard small squares of
several kinds of colored paper, one series 5 mm. square, one 2 mm. square and one 1 mm.
square. Walk backward from them and notice their loss of color. Observe also the changes in
Helmholtz: Op cit., G
374-375, G
300, F. 399-400. Aubert: Phys. Opt., 536-539. E. Fick: Nitiz
über Farbenimpfindung, Pflüger's Archiv. XVII. 1878, 152 153·
134. Some Phenomena of Rotating Disks. Talbot-
Plateau Law. In several experiments of this section use
has been made of rotating disks in studying colors and
color combination. All such use depends on the
phenomenon of positive after-images (Cf. Ex. 116,
Amer. Jour. Psychol., IV, 1891-92, 486). A disturbance
set up in the retina does not at once subside but lasts
an instant after the removal of the stimulus. If stimuli
follow in sufficiently rapid succession the disturbances
are added to one another and fused and the result is the
same as though the stimuli had reached the retina
simultaneously. The rate of succession necessary to
give a uniform sensation is from 25 to 30 per second,
the rate depending on the illumination of the disk, the
higher rate being required for the greater illumination.
When once this uniform sensation has been reached
the color and brightness of any given concentric ring of the disk are the same that it would have if
all the light reflected from it were evenly distributed over its surface, and no further increase in
rapidity produces any effect upon its appearance. This is the Talbot-Plateau law. Rotate a disk like
that shown in the cut, increasing the rapidity till the innermost portion gives a uniform gray. When
this occurs, the rate of recurrence in the outer ring is 32 times more rapid than in the innermost,
and yet no difference in shade is to be seen. To show that the gray is actually of the same
brightness that would come from an even distribution of the light reflected from the whole surface
of the ring, look at the disk when at rest through a double convex lens held at such a distance
from the eye and disk that no distinct image is termed, but the disk looks an even blur of gray.
When the disk is put in rapid rotation the gray remains unchanged. [p. 401]
On rotating disks and their phenomena in general cf. Helmholtz, op. cit., G
480-501, G
355, F. 455-471. On the Talbot-Plateau law cf. Helmholtz, op. cit., G
482-483, G
338-340. F.
446-450. Aubert, Phys. Opt., 515-516.
135. Some Phenomena of Rotating Disks. Brücke's experiment. As the disk used in the last
experiment is allowed gradually to go slower and slower, there will be observed in one ring after
another, beginning with the inner one, just as it loses its uniform character, a notable
brightening. The white sectors now have opportunity to produce their full effect upon the retina
before they are succeeded and their impression cut off by black sectors.
Helmholtz, op. cit., G
481-485, G
338-341, F. 446-450. Aubert, Phys. Opt., 510.
136. Some Phenomena of Rotating Disks. The Münsterberg-Jastrow phenomenon. a. When
the disk used in the last experiment gives a uniform gray, pass rapidly before it a thin wooden
rod or thick wire, and notice that a multitude of shadowy images of the rod will appear on the
disk. The number of images is greatest in the portion of the disk having the most frequent
interchange of black and white. b. Exchange the disk for one carrying two or more colors.
Notice the repetition of the phenomenon, and that the colors of the images are the colors
(otherwise completely blended) which the disk actually carries. The explanation of the
phenomenon is not altogether clear, but the sudden changes of the background against which
the rod is seen seem to have an effect not unlike that of a stroboscopic disk or of intermittent
illumination, which would show the rod at rest in its successive positions.
Jastrow: A Novel Optical Illusion. Amer. Jour. Psych., IV, 1891-92, 201-208.
137. Some Phenomena of Rotating Disks. Fechner's colors. Relate the disk used in Ex. 119 or
that used in 134, or indeed almost any black and white disk with a less rapidity than that
required to give a uniform gray keeping the eyes from following the motion of the disk, and
notice the play of colors on its surface. These vary with the rate of the disk and the intensity of
the illumination. The colors may not at once appear, but are not difficult to get with steady and
attentive gazing. The colors owe their existence to an analysis of the light of the white sectors,
depending, not on the different wave lengths of the colors, as in the case of the prism, but on
the differences in the times at which the different primary color sensations reach their maximum
in sensation. The intermittent stimulation causes a rise and fall in the intensities of the
fundamental sensations, but the instant of greatest excitation is not the same for all.
Helmholtz. op. cit., G
530-532, G
380-381, F. 500-502. Aubert, Phys. Opt., 560.
138. Color-mixing. A general law of color-mixing, and one upon which almost all experiments
with artificial colors must depend, may be stated as follows: Like appearing colors produce like
appearing mixtures.[6] Thus an orange that is mixed from red and yellow spectral lights will
produce the same purple when mixed with violet that spectral orange of like intensity would
itself produce. The colored papers with which the experiments below are made are very far
from simple colors (as can easily be seen by looking at scraps of them on a black background
through a prism), yet they produce the same mixtures that spectral colors of equal tone,
intensity and saturation would do. Three colors properly selected [p. 402] from the whole range
serve to produce by their mixtures all the intermediate colors (though generally in less
saturation) besides purple and white (i.e., gray). The colors generally selected are red, green
and violet. Green cannot be mixed from colors that themselves do not resemble it, i.e., it can be
mixed from yellow-green and blue-green, but not from yellow and blue, and not in anything like
spectral saturation. a. Mix a yellow from red and green on the color-mixer. The yellow produced
will be dark, and as a test of its purity should be matched with a mixture of yellow and black
made with smaller disks set on above the first. In the same way mix a blue from green and
violet that shall match a mixture of blue and black. b. from red and violet or blue, mix several
shades of purple between violet and purple. c. From red, green and violet, mix a gray that shall
match a mixture of black and white on the small disk.
For demonstrational purposes the result of mixing two colors in different proportions can be
shown on a single disk of the star form (see Ex. 131) by painting the star in one color and the
ground of the disk in another (or by pasting colored papers instead of painting), but in either
case some trial will be necessary to determine the proper size for the rays.
Helmholtz, op. cit., G
311-316 320-322, 325-323, 350- 357, 375-376, 473, 485, G
279-281, 282, 341, F. 359-365, 367-369, 450. Aubert, Phys. Opt., 521-524, 527-528.
139. Complementary Colors. The combination of red, green and violet mentioned in the last
experiment is not, the only combination that mill give white or gray. For every color there is
another or complementary color, which mixed with it will give a colorless combination. Some of
these pairs are red and blue-green, yellow and indigo blue, green and purple, blue and orange-
yellow, violet and yellow-green. a. Try several of these pairs upon the color-mixer, matching the
resultant gray carefully with a mixture of black and white on the small disk. It will probably be
found in some cases that no possible proportions of the co papers at hand will give a pure gray.
In that case a little of the color complementary to that remaining in the gray must be added.
Suppose the red and blue-green papers give, when combined, gray with a tinge of brown (i.e.,
dark orange), a certain amount of blue or indigo must be added to compensate. For example,
with certain papers 180° of blue-green, +36° indigo +144° red make a gray that matches 90°
white +270° black. To see the true complement of the red used it is then necessary to prepare
a disk carrying green and indigo only in the proportions of 180 and 36, i.e., 300° blue-green. 60°
indigo. In the same way the complement of the blue-green used is a bluer red than that of the
red paper, and may be seen by itself by mixing 288° red with 72° indigo. It is very important
here and in all cases where a resultant white or gray is to be observed, to have some
undoubted white or gray in the field to prevent illusions over very faint tinges of color. b.
Negative after-images when projected on a colorless gray or white surface are seen in colors
complementary to those that give rise to the after-images. Compare a pair of complementary
colors found in this way with the same pair as found on the color-mixer.
Helmholtz. op. cit., G
316-319, G
277-278. F. 365-367. Aubert, Phys. Opt., 521-524.
Complementary colors can be well seen with polarized light. See pictures of the schistoscope,
an instrument for showing them by this meant in Rood, op. cit., 162; description of Rose's
chromatometer (Farbenmessser). Helmholtz, op. cit., F 397; also the Leukoskop, Helmholtz,
op. cit., G
368, and references there given.
140. Other Methods of Mixing Colored Lights. a. The
simplest of these methods is by reflection and
transmission. The colors to [p. 403] be mixed are
pieced on a horizontal surface on opposite sides of a
vertical glass plate. The eye is brought into such a
position that the reflected image of the colored held
on the eye side appears to overlie the held on the
other side seen through the glass. The glass must of
course be of good quality and clean. The relative
intensity of the colors can he varied by varying their
distance from the glass. Bringing the colors near the
glass or raising the eye, strengthens the reflected and weakens the transmitted light. Strips of
paper placed with their ends next the glass will show an even blending from a mixture in which
one predominates to one in which the other predominates, provided the illumination is equal. To
mix two colors in exactly equal proportions, arrange them with black and white, as in the
diagram below.
Adjust the glass till the grays made by the black and white at the ends exactly match; the colors
will then be mixed half end half.
By substituting a bit of glass on a black background for one of the colors and then placing the
instrument so that a portion of clear sky may be reflected in the glass, it is possible to mix sky
blue with its complement, or with any other color.
b. Colored areas placed side by side can be mixed with the aid of a double retracting prism.
The prism doubles both fields and causes a partial overlapping. In the overlapped portion the
colors are mixed.
c. Spectral colors can be mixed though in an inexact way without more apparatus than a prism
and a piece of black cardboard. Fit a piece of black cardboard into the window frame so that it
shall cover one pane completely. Cut in the middle of it two narrow slits (1-2 mm. wide and 10
cm. long), meeting each other at right angles and making a broad V. The cuts should be clean
and sharp and the slits of uniform width. Look at this V from a distance 10 or 12 feet, holding
the prism vertical. Each arm of the V will give a spectrum, and where they cross. some spots of
mixed color may be made out, especially the red and violet giving purple, and red and green
giving yellow. The early studies of Helmholtz were [p. 404] made with apparatus arranged on
this principle, but more refined. If lines finer than can conveniently be out in the cardboard are
desired, they can easily be made (after a suggestion of Prof. Pickering) by tracing them on a
piece of smoked glass. If the sunlight is allowed to fall on a prism and the spectrum is caught
on a white wall or a screen, colors may be mixed with a double refracting prism like the colored
fields mentioned above.
d. Something may be done in the way of mixing colored lights with a prism and narrow stripe of
paper or a diagram like Plate I, or still better, a similar diagram in which black takes the place of
white and vice versa. Since a prism refracts different kinds of light to different degrees, it
produces a multitude of partially overlapping images or a bright object, which appear to the eye
as colored fringes. (Observe through a prism a square inch of white paper on a black
background.) These overlapping images may be illustrated by the following diagram, in which
the horizontal lines stand for the images and the capital letters for the colors of light producing
In the area a b c d all the images overlap and the white of the paper is still seen. Toward the left
from a, however the different kinds of light gradually fail, beginning with the red. The successive
colors from greenish blue to violet result from the mixture of what remains. At the other end a
similar falling away of the colors the succession from greenish yellow to red. In Fig. 1, Plate I,
spectra seen on the upper and lower edges of the square are brought side by side; on one side
red, orange and yellow, and on the other greenish blue, blue and violet. The colors that stand
side by side are complementary pairs both in color tone, intensity and saturation for the
greenish blue is the white or the paper less the red, and the blue the same less the red, orange
and yellow, and so with the rest; and if the two spectra could be exactly superposed they would
make precisely the white from which they originated.
If a very narrow strip of white upon a black ground is looked at through the prism, the images
overlap less and another color appears, namely, green, as may be seen in Fig. 2 on the narrow
white band between the black bars. When, on the other hand, a narrow black band on a white
ground is taken, the spectra of the white surface above and that below partially overlap and
give another set of mixtures. If the diagram is held near the prism at first and then gradually
withdrawn from it, the advance and mixing of the spectra can easily be followed. Besides the
greenish yellow at one end and the greenish blue at the other, there are a rich purple,
complementary to the green beside it, and a white between the purple and the greenish yellow.
The last is a white produced by the mixture of the blue of one spectrum with the
complementary yellow of the other.
In Fig. 3 are shown a number of color mixtures with different proportions of the constituents. In
the spectra from the white [p. 405] triangle appear mixtures of each color in the spectrum seen
on the white band in Fig. 2, with every other color found there. Upon the black triangle in the
spectra from the white edges above and below are seen mixtures similar to those on the black
band in the same figure. The diagram should be at such a distance from the prism that a little of
the white and black triangles can yet be seen.
On methods of color mixing cf. Helmholtz. op. cit., G
350-357, 485, 491-493; G
303-306, 346-
349; F. 402-407, 450, 457-461. Aubert. Phys. Opt., 521-524,. Maxwell, op. cit. On a and d
Benson, op. cit.
141. Contrast. The effect of one color on another when not mixed with it, but presented to the
eye successively or in adjacent fields, is known as contrast. Two kinds are distinguished,
Successive contrast and Simultaneous contrast. The color that is changed or caused to appear
upon a colorless surface, is known as the induced color; the color that causes the change is
celled the inducing color. Successive contrast is largely a matter of negative after-images, and
their projection upon different backgrounds. Successive contrast: a. Prepare a set of colored
fields of the principle colors, including white and black, say 3x5 inches in size, and some small
bits of the same colors, say 1 cm. square. Lay a small square on the black held, get a strong
negative after-image and project it first on the white and then on the other fields. Notice that the
color of the after-image spot is that of the held on which it is projected minus the color that
produced the spot; e.g., the after-image of red projected on violet looks blue and on orange
looks yellow. Or, to say the same thing in other words, the color of the spot is a mixture of the
color of the after-image with the color of the ground upon which it is projected. Thus the blue-
green after-image from the red, when mixed with violet, gives blue; when mixed with orange
gives yellow. Notice that when the image is projected upon a field of the same color it causes
the spot on which it rests to look dull and faded but when it is projected upon a field of
complementary color it makes the spot richer and more saturated. In general, colors that are
complementary or nearly so are helped by contrast, those that resemble each other more
nearly are injured in appearance. b. These effects in even greater brilliancy can be seen by
laying the small square of color directly on the larger colored surface, staring at it a few
seconds and then suddenly puffing it away with the breath. Cf. also Ex. 126. c. This contrast
effect may be so strong as actually to overcome a moderately strong objective color. Place a
small piece of opaque orange paper in the middle of a pane of red glass and look through the
glass at a clear sky or bright cloud. The strength of the induced blue green will be sufficient to
make the orange seem blue. d. The contrasting color may even be made to appear upon a
surface faintly tinged with inducing color. Rotate one of the disks used in Ex. 132 or Ex. 131b
rapidly enough to produce an even mixture. Bring the eye within six or eight inches of the disk,
stare steadily at the centre for ten or twenty seconds; then suddenly draw back the head. The
complementary color will appear to rush in upon the disk from all sides. The explanation is that
after the withdrawal of the head the retinal image of the whole of the disk rests upon the part
before fatigued by the intensely colored center of the disk.
Helmholtz. op. cit., G
537-542, G
388-392, F. 510-515.
142. Mixed contrasts. When special precautions are not taken to exclude successive contrast,
both kinds co-operate in the general effect. Some of the results are striking and beautiful. a.
Colored [p. 406] shadows. (1) Arrange two lights so that they shall cast a double shadow of a
pencil or small rod upon a white surface, and regulate the brightness (or distance) of the lights
so that the shadows shall be about equally dark. The daylight will answer for one light if it is not
too strong, but it must come from an overcast sky, for the from a blue sky is itself blue.
Introduce different colored one after another before one of the lights and notice the beautiful
complementary color that immediately appears in the shadow belonging to that light. Cf. also
Ex. 144. (2) Use a blue glass and adjust the relative intensities of the lights so that the yellow
shadow appears at its brightest, and notice that it seems as bright as or brighter than the
surrounding blue. As a matter of fact, however, it receives less light than the surrounding
portions, for as a shadow it represents the portion of the held from which the light is partly cut
b. Mirror contrasts. (1) Ragona Scinà's experiment. Place upon the horizontal and vertical
surfaces of the frame described above, white cards carrying black diagrams. Any black spot will
answer but for this experiment diagrams made up of sets of heavy concentric black rings (lines a
quarter of an inch wide) separated by white rings of triple width, give an excellent effect. The
diameters should be so chosen that a black ring on the horizontal diagram shall correspond to a
white one on the vertical and vise versa, and shall appear to lie in the midst of the white when the
diagrams are combined in the way immediately to be described. A pair of diagrams made up of
parallel black bars, a quarter of an inch wide, separated by quarter inch spaces, and so placed in
the instrument that they give a checker-board pattern when combined, are useful for keeping in
the field a true black with which the changed colors can he compared. The diagrams being in
place, hold between the two at an angle of 45° a pane of colored glass, say green, and observe
that the black of the horizontal diagram seems tinged with the complementary color that is, purple.
This contrast color may often be improved by slightly altering the inclination of the glass, or by
changing the relative illumination of the diagrams by interposing a colorless screen between one
or the other of them and the source of light, or by shifting the whole instrument. The mechanism of
this experiment will be readily understood after a consideration of the accompanying cut. The
glass plate is represented by CD, the black portion of
the vertical diagram by the projection opposite A, that
of the horizontal diagram by the projection at B. The
light reaching the eye from the white portion of the
horizontal diagram is colored green by the glass; that
from the white portion of the vertical diagram is
reflected from the upper surface of the plate, and is
therefore uncolored[7]. The mixture of the two gives a
light green field. For simplicity, we may assume that
no light comes from the black portions of the
diagram. In the portion of the light green field
corresponding to the black of the vertical diagram,
the white component will be wanting and the green
will appear undiluted; in the portion corresponding [p.
407] to the black of the horizontal diagram, the green
component will be wanting and the faint white (i.e.,
gray) should appear by itself. It does not, however,
because of the contrast color induced upon it. As a
matter of fact, the black portions are not absolutely
black; the small amount of light that comes from them tends on one hand to make the green
one (image of the black of the vertical diagram) a little whiter, and on the other hand to
counteract the contrast in the purple one by adding to it a little green. Try the experiment with
other glasses than green. (2) Another form of the mirror contrast experiment is as follows.
Place a mirror where the sky or a white surface of some kind will be seen reflected in it. Lay
upon its surface a plate of colored glass, green for example, and hold a little way above it a
narrow strip of black cardboard or a pencil. Two images will be seen: one a vivid green, the
other a complementary purple. The green image belongs to the surface reflection of the colored
glass, as may be proved by observing that when the strip of cardboard touches the surface, the
green image touches it also. The explanation will readily be understood from the accompanying
In the diagram, A represents a white surface, C the strip of cardboard,, E the plate of green
glass, F the glass of the mirror. As in Ragona Scinà's experiment, the which surface is reflected
unchanged from the upper surface of the green glass. A good deal of the light, however,
traverses the green glass again, and finally, as a strong green, mixes with the white reflected
from the surface of the green glass, forming, as in Rogona Sainà's experiment, a light green
field. The black strip C is reflected at O, that is to say at O is a place where the white from the
surface A is cut off, and only green from M, by was of S, is present, hence its image appears
green. But C is also reflected at T (or its light is wanting there), so that the white reflected from
R is unmixed with green. By contrast, it appears purple. It is easy, by substituting for C a gray
strip that will send some light through the glass at O and R, to show that contrast can suppress
an actually present objective color. [p. 408]
c. Meyer's experiment. Lay on a large colored held a small piece of gray or even black paper
(e.g., 1 cm. wide by 2 cm. long), and cover the whole with a piece of semi-transparent white
paper. The contrast color will appear on the gray paper. If thin tissue paper is used, more than
one thickness may be needed for the beet result. R. Jung, Heidelberg, sells a book (for
Becker's Florversuche) of alternate leaves of colored and tissue paper with two gray rings
attached, made expressly for Meyer's experiment. Paper mats, woven one way of gray paper
and the other of colored, show this contrast beautifully, as Hering mentions. They may easily be
made from kindergarten materials.
d. Mixed contrasts with the color-mixer. (1) Disks made on the pattern of the cut at the left show
beautiful contracting grays.
The same can be shown also by laying a number of small sheets of tissue paper over one
another in such a way that they partially overlap making a portion where there is but a single
thickness, and next it a portion where there are two thicknesses, and next that again one of
three thicknesses, and so on. When the whole is held up to the light, the contrasts of adjacent
portions are very easily seen. (2) Contrast colors can be shown finely with disks like that in the
cut at the right, in which the shaded portions represent color, the black portions black and the
white, white. A little care is necessary in fixing the proportions of the color to white and black in
the disks for contrast colors, but in general the brightness of the gray should be About that of
the color.
On a cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. F 517-519, 531; G
393-395, 405; G
551-553. Hering Ueber die
Theorie des simultanen Contrastes von Helmholtz; Dir farbingen Schatten, Pflüger's Archiv, XL,
172. V. Bezold, op cit.
On b (1) Helmholtz, op. cit. F 531-532; G.
405-406; G.
557-558. Hering: Ueber die Theorie
des simultanen Contrastes von Helmholtz; Der Speigelcontrastversuch. Pflüger's Archiv, XLI,
1887, 358-367. Wundt op. cit., I, 482. See also the physiologies in general..
On b (2) cf. Dove: Versuche über subjective Complementarfarben, Pogg. Ann., XLV, 1838, 158.
Helmholtz, op. cit. F 532, G.
406, G.
558. V. Bezold, op. cit.
On c. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 523, 530-531, G.
398, 404-405 G.
547-548. Hering: Ueber die
Theorie des simultanen Contrastes von Helmholtz; Der Contrastversuch von H. Meyer und die
Versuche am Farbenkreisl. Pflüger's Archiv, XLI, 1887, 1-29.
On d. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 538-543, G.
411-414 G.
544-547. Hering op. cit. on c. V. Bezold,
op. cit. Meyer, Pogg. Ann., XCV, 170. Phil. Mag. Ser. 4 IX, 547.
For quantitative measurements of contrast grays cf. Ebbinghaus, Die Gesetzmässigkeit des
Helligkeitscontrastes Sitzber. d. k. Preus. Akad., Berlin, Sitz. v. 1, Dec., 1887. Lehmann: Ueber
die Anwendung der Methode der mittleren Abstufungen auf den Lichtsinn: Die quantitative
Bestimmung des Lichtcontrastes. Wundt's Philos. Studien, III, 1886, 516-528. [p. 409]
143. Conditions that influence contrast. a. Contrast effects are stronger when the colors are
near together. (1) Lay a bit of white paper on a black surface, e.g., a piece of black velvet, and
notice that the paper is whiter and the velvet blacker near the margin of the paper than
elsewhere, notwithstanding that the eye moves about freely. This has received the name of "
Marginal contrast" (Randcontrast). (2) On a piece of gray paper, the size of a letter-sheet, lay
two strips of colored paper close side by side (e.g., pieces of red and yellow or of green and
blue, 1 cm. wide by 4 cm. long). Below them to the right and left as far apart as the paper will
permit, lay two other strips of the same size and color, red on the red side of the former pair,
yellow on the yellow side. Notice the effect of the difference in distance on the contrasting pairs.
Contrast of this sort is at a minimum when one color entirely surrounds the other.
b. Effect of size. When the area of the inducing color is large and that of the induced color is
small, the contrast is shown chiefly on the latter; when the two areas are of about equal size, as
in a(2) above, the effect is mutual. Try with large and small bits of paper upon a colored field.
c. Borders and lines of demarkation[sic] that separate the contrasting areas tend to lessen the
effect by excluding marginal contrast. Repeat Ex. 142c, using two slips of gray paper 5 mm.
wide by 2 cm. long, substituting a piece of moderately transparent letter paper for the tissue
paper. When the contrast color has been noted, trace the outline of one of the slips with a fine
ink line upon the paper that covers it. Notice that the color nearly or quite vanishes. This
experiment and others like it play an important part in the psychological, as opposed to the
physiological, explanation of simultaneous contrast (see Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 538 f., G.
406 f.,
559 f., but cf. also EX. 144). Such a black border will, however, also make a weak objective
color invisible. A disk like that in the cut accompanying Ex. 142d, when provided with a second
contrast ring, marked off on both its edges with a firm black line, shows a weakening of the
induced color in the bordered ring.
d. Saturation. Contrast effects are generally most striking with little saturated colors. (1)
Compare the effect of increasing decreasing and extinguishing the second non-colored light in
the colored shadow experiments. It is necessary, however, to see to it that reflected light from
the walls and surrounding objects does not complicate the experiment. (2) Compare the
intensity of the contrasts in Meyer's experiment (Ex. 142c) before and after the application of
the tissue paper. Notice also the part played by the white light mixed with the colored light in
the mirror contrast experiments above. Powerful contrasts with the most saturated colors can
be observed, however, when the proper conditions are fulfilled.
On helpful conditions in general cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 513-514, G.
390-391, G.
On c. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 539-542, G.
411-414, G.
On d. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 528-524[sic], G.
144. Simultaneous contrast. The effects of simultaneous contrast are often lost in the more
striking ones of successive contrasts, and the first requisite of an experiment on simultaneous
contrast is the exclusion of the successive. This is not difficult in experiments in colored
shadows. a. Place a piece of white paper in such a position that it may be illuminated at once
from the window (if the day be overcast) and from a gas-jet. Set upon it a small block or other
object, about by 3 inches in size, and either black or white [p. 410] in color. Light the gas
and observe the two shadows, one cast by the light from the window, the other by the gas. The
first will appear yellowish, the second clearly blue.[8] Adjust the distance and position with
reference to the light so that the shadows shall appear about equally dark, and the blue shadow
shall be as sharply bounded as possible, and to that end have the shadow cast by the edge
rather than the flat side of the flame. The color of the yellowish shadow is objective and due to
the yellow of the gas-flame, that of the blue is due to the contrast, but largely as yet to
successive contrast. Put a dot in the centre of the blue shadow, to serve as a fixation-point, and
another on the edge. Fasten a paper tube (preferably blackened inside) so that it can easily be
shifted from one dot to the other. Cut off the gas-light by holding a card between it and the
block; adjust the tube so that the dot in the middle of the shadow may be fixated without any of
the parts of the field outside of the shadow being seen. Wait until all of the blue has
disappeared from the shadow, and then, still looking through the tube, remove the card. The
field remains entirely unchanged and appears, as before, a colorless gray. The former blue
color is thus shown to be subjective and due to contrast with the yellow lighted area in which it
lies. b. Cut off the gas-light again and adjust the tube so that the dot in the edge of the shadow
may be fixated. Taking great precaution not to move the eye, withdraw the card. The part of the
field of the tube filled by the shadow will appear bluish, that of the remainder reddish-yellow.
After a little time of steady fixation, cut off the gas-light once more and observe the instant
reversal of the colors. The shadow now appears in reddish-yellow the rest of the field blues.
The color of the shadow, both before and after the final interposition of the card, is due to
simultaneous contrast, in the first case with the reddish-yellow light, and in the second with its
Helmholtz explains all cases of simultaneous contrast as errors of judgment; in the case of the
colored shadow, for example, we mistake the yellow of the gas-lighted field for white and
consequently find the shadow which is really gray to be bluish. In the case of this particular
experiment, Hering and Delabarre seem to have shown this psychological explanation
unnecessary and a physiological one all sufficient, and Hearing has done the same for other
forms of experiments.
Cf. on simultaneous contrast in general. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 515-547, G.
392-418, G.
542 ff.
Hering. op. cit., under Ex. 142. On colored shadows, cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 517-519, G.
396, G.
On Helmholtz's theory, cf. Helmholtz, op. cit. F. 543-538, G.
392, 407-411, G.
543 ff. Hering,
op. cit. under Ex. 142; also, Ueber die Theorie des simultanen Contrastes von Helmholtz: Die
subjective "Trennung des Lichtes in zwei complemtäre Portionen."
Delabarre: Colored Shadows, in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, II, 1888-89, pp.
636-643. For quantitative measurements of simultaneous contrast, see Kirschmann: Ueber die
quantitativen Verhältnisse des simultanen Helligkeits und Farben-Contrastes, Wundt's Philos.
Stud., VI, 1890.
145. Simultaneous contrast. Hering's binocular method, a. Use the binocular color-mixer
described above in the note on apparatus. Set a red glass in the right frame, a blue glass in the
left. Look fixedly through the colored glasses of the instrument at the cork ball below, bringing
the eyes close to the glasses and the [p. 411] nose between them. Adjust the side screens till
the white ground below appears in a uniform light violet from the binocular mixture of the red
and blue(cf. Ex. 153). The narrow strip of black paper on the white is seen double, the right
hand image bluish, the left yellowish. b. The possibility of successive contrast is, however, not
yet excluded. That may be accomplished as follows: Lay a sheet of black paper over the whole
of the white field and its black strip; rest the eyes; and finally, when everything is in readiness,
and the eyes again fixed on the ball, swiftly draw away the black paper. The contrast colors are
seen on the instant, before any motions that might introduce successive contrast have been
Hering argues that this experiment is conclusive against the psychological explanation of
simultaneous contrast, unless a separate unconscious judgment is to he made for each eye, for
that which consciously appears is a light violet held, and the contrast color to that should be a
greenish-yellow, and both images of the strip should be alike, whereas, as a matter of fact, the
images appear in different colors, neither of which is the color required.
Hering: Beitrag zur Lehre vom Simultankontrast. Zeitschr. F. Psychol. I. 1890. 18-28). For a
different experiment supporting the same conclusion. see Hering's paper.
146. Influence of judgment in visual perception. While in the previous experiment a
psychological explanation seems sufficient for the facts, psychical action is not excluded, even
by Hering, from a considerable share ill sense perception. In the: following experiments
judgment coöperates in the result. a. Place upon the color-mixer a short-pointed star of white
cardboard, or even a square when in sufficiently rapid rotation, it appears as a white central
circle surrounded by a more or less transparent ring. While it is in rotation bring behind it a
broad strip of black card board of somewhat greater length than the diameter of the star from
point to point. As the edge of the card advances it can be seen not only behind the transparent
ring, but, apparently, also behind the opaque central circle, and the portions of the latter in front
of the black card seem darkened by its presence. The illusion holds, though with a lightening
instead of a darkening effect when a white card is moved behind a black star. The illusion fails
by degrees it the card is kept motionless, but may be observed to a certain extent when the star
is at rest. b. Cover a piece of black cardboard smoothly with tissue paper and notice that it
seems, at first, blacker than it afterwards proves to be on comparison with other grays. c. In
mixing colors by reflection (Ex. 140a). notice the tendency to see one color through the other
instead of seeing the mixture of the two. This tendency may be so strong at first as to interfere,
to a certain extent, with the success of the experiment. Cf. also Ex. 152.
On the difficulty of judging small differences in the color of surface that present other small
unlikenesses, cf. Hering, op. cit. under Ex. 142c.
On a., Sanford. Science, XXI. 1893, 92.
147. An effect exactly the reverse of contrast appears when a figure in black or white is placed
upon a colored ground. The black figure appears to darken the ground and the white to
brighten it. This is a method often used in polychromatic decoration. Observe the effect on the
blue ground in Fig. 4, Plate I. It may be observed occasionally in plaid fabrics, and is shown
very satisfactorily in kindergarten mats woven in checker-board pattern of colored and gray
papers. If a set of grays is used so that the strips may range from a black at one side to a white
at the other, the corresponding shading of the colored paper is striking.
V. Bezold, op. cit. 182-183, and Plate V. [p. 412]
148. In general the two eyes coöperate to bring about a single visual result, but the union of the
impressions upon the two retinæ is influenced by a number of circumstances. a. If the stimulus
to one eye is considerably stronger then that to the other, the sensation in the latter is in most
cases totally suppressed. Close one eye and look at a sheet of white paper with the other
letting the open eye move about freely. There is no tendency for the darkened field of the
closed eye to assert itself. b. When, however, the effect of the stimulus in the open eye is
somewhat weakened by steady fixation, such a tendency is to be observed, and the whole of
the field of the open eye, except a small area about the point fixated, may be, from time to time,
suppressed by the dark field of the closed eve. A slight motion will however, instantly restore
the first. Cf. also Ex. 118. c. A field that contains sharply marked objects or contours will
generally triumph over one that does not. Try combining the letters below in such a, may that
the B's are superposed. In these the white field of either eye which corresponds to A or C in the
other eye will generally not triumph over the letters.
On the Binocular Phenomena of Light and Color in general, see Fechner: Ueber einige
Verhältnisse des Binocularen Sehens, Abhandlungen der kgl. sächs. Ges der Wiss. VII. 1860,
pp. 339 584. Helmholtz, op. cit. F 964-999, G.
767-796. Hering: Hermann's Handbuch der
Physiol., III. Th. I, 380 385, 576-577, 591-601; Beiträge zur Physiologie, 308-316. Aubert:
Grundzüge der physiologischen Optik, 499-503, 550-554. Wundt: Physiol. Psychol. 3te. Aufl. II.
177-179, 183-189. Ebbinghaus: Ueber Nachbilder im binocularen Sehen und die binocularen
Farbenerscheinungen überhaupt, Pflüger's Archiv, XLVI. 1890. 498-508. Titchener. Ueber
binoculare Wirkungen monocularer Reize. Wundt's Philos. Studien. VIII. 1892. 231-310.
Chauveau: Several articles in the Comptes rendus, CXIII. 1891, 358, 394, 439, 412.
149. Fechner's paradoxical experiment. Hold close before one eye a dark glass, such as is
used in protecting the eyes, or a piece of ordinary glass moderately smoked over, or even a
black card with a good sized pin-hole in it, allowing the other eye to remain free. It is easy to
see that the binocular field is darkened by the interposition, of the dark glass. If, however, the
eye behind the glass is closed, or the light wholly cut off from it by holding a black card in front
of the glass, the field appears decidedly brighter that is to say, cutting off a portion of the
stimulus received by the total visual apparatus, has caused an increased intensity of sensation.
The experiment fails for very dark and very light glasses. Several explanations have been
given, but that of Aubert, according to which the sensations of the two retinæ blend in a sort of
average result when the difference is not too great, but one wholly suppresses the other when it
is very great, seems to be the most satisfactory and with this Hering also in the main agrees.
150. Rivalry. When the two retinas are stimulated separately with strong light of different colors,
or are confronted with otherwise incongruous fields, i.e., fields that cannot be given a unitary [p.
413]interpretation, there result a peculiar instability and irregular alternation of the colors over
past or the whole of the combined fields of vision. This apparent struggling of the fields is
known as Retinal rivalry. Hold close before one eye a piece of blue glass, before the other a
piece of red glass, and look toward the sky or a brightly lighted uniform wall. The struggle of
colors will at once begin. The same may be observed with a stereoscope when the usual paired
photographs are replaced by colored fields, or even with no apparatus at all, when both eyes
are closed and turned toward a bright sky and one of them covered with the hand. Rivalry has
been explained as due to fluctuations of attention, and some observers find that it can be more
or less controlled by attention (Helmholtz); Fechner discusses the attention theory, and finds it
insufficient. Hering and others regard the changes as of a purely physiological origin. Cf. Ex.
151. Prevalence and rivalry of contours. By "contours" is here meant lines of separation where
fields of one color border upon fields of another color. a. Combine stereoscopically the two bars
below, and notice that it is the contours that suppress the solid parts of both the black and
white. This figure gives excellent results when colors are substituted for the black and white.
Notice a similar triumph of the contours of the cross over the lines, and of the lines over the
central black of the cross in Fig. XI, or an enlargement of it.
b. Notice the rivalry of the contours in all of these figures. c. Such diagrams as Figs. XI and XII
are suitable for the study of the part played by attention in rivalry. While it is doubtful that mere
attention to one field or the other will cause it to predominate, it yet seems possible by indirect
means to cause it to do so. If attention is given to an examination of the lines and small squares
in Fig. XI, or it one of the series of lines in Fig. XII is counted, they will appear to be somewhat
assisted in their struggle with the cros
[sic] or the other set of lines. d. A printed page has a
decided advantage. [p. 414] Try a diagram in which a printed page is brought into competition
with a field of heavy cross lines. The lines will be found to yield to the print, at least, at the point
at which the reader is looking. Two printed pages, however, become hopelessly mixed, and it is
hard to say how much of the advantage, when a single one is used, is due to its superior power
as a holder of attention, and how much to its excellence as a set of contours. A portion of the
power of contours is probably to be explained by the mutual intensification of both the black
and the white by contrast, but a part is perhaps due to a strong tendency, observable in other
cases also, for the eyes (and attention) to follow lines, and especially outlines.
152. Luster. When one of the rival fields is white and the other colored (especially when one is
white and the other is black) there results, besides the rivalry, a curious illusion of shine or
polish, known as Binocular lustre [sic N.B. Sanford used "Luster" at the start of this section, but
"lustre" thereafter]. a. Examine in the stereoscope a diagram made like the accompanying cut,
and notice the graphite-like shine of the pyramid. The explanation seems to be that polished
surfaces, which at some angles reflect light enough to look white, and at others appear in their
true color have often in previous experience given rise to such differences of sensation in the
two eyes, from which in this instance we infer a polish on the object seen in the diagram. b. A
species of monocular lustre (or transparence) is to be observed when black or white or colors
are combined by means of the reflection color-mixer, especially when the inclination of the plate
is so changed that one color appears to be reflected in the surface of the other or to be seen
through and behind it. The experiment works well when real objects are reflected in the surface
of the glass, the reflecting power of the latter appearing as if transferred to the horizontal
surface on the opposite side.
153. Binocular color-mixing. The result of simultaneous presentation of different colors to the
two eyes is not always rivalry or lustre. If the colors are not too bright and saturated and the
fields are without fleck or spot to give one the predominance, a veritable though somewhat
unsteady mixture of the colors may result. a. Place a red and a blue glass of equal thickness in
the binocular color-mixer, and adjust the side screens till the proper amount of white light is
mixed in with that transmitted from below. The mixture will be seen on the white field below. Try
also with other combinations of glasses. The mixtures obtained in this way are not exactly the
same in appearance as the monocular mixtures studied above. b. The same effect maybe
conveniently obtained with a stereoscope, from which the middle partition has been removed.
[p. 415] Try with equal areas of dull colors of little saturation. Hering recommends two squares
of red and two of blue, set at equal distances in a horizontal line, the two reds on one side, the
two blues on the other. When the middle pair are combined stereoscopically they show a mixed
color while the unmixed colors can be seen for comparison beside them. He also suggests the
use of lenses to prevent sharp focusing of the eyes upon the contours, which interfere with the
mixture. Complementary colors are said to be more difficult to fuse than those standing nearer
in the color scale. Cf. Also Ex. 149. For diagrams that bring in binocular perspective to aid in
mixing the colors and for a specially adapted stereoscope, see Chauveau.[10]
154. Binocular contrast. The side-window experiment. Stand so that the light from the window
falls sidewise into one eye, but not at all into the other. Place in a convenient position for
observation a strip of white paper on a black surface. The paper when looked at with both eyes
appears perfectly colorless. On looking now at a point nearer then the bit of paper (e.g., at the
finger held up before the face), double images of the bit will be seen. The two images will be
different in brightness and slightly tinged with complementary colors. The image belonging to
the eye next the window (which may be recognized by its disappearance when that eye is
closed) will appear tinged with a faint blue or blue-green color, the other with a very faint red or
yellow. The light that enters the eye through the sclerotic is tinged reddish-yellow and makes
the eye less responsive to that color the white of the paper strip therefore appears bluish. It
appears darker partly for a similar reason, and perhaps also, as Fechner suggests, because it
lies in a field which for the eye in question is generally bright. The reddish color of the other
eye's image of the strip is explained as due to contrast with the first, but whether this contrast is
a purely psychical matter or whether it is to be explained by the action of the stimulus in the first
eye upon the second, as there seems some reason to think, is as yet uncertain. Its greater
brightness is probably due to the fresher condition of the eye to which it belongs, and to
contrast with its less brilliant field. The same thing is often to he noticed when reading with the
lamp at one side, or even when one eye has been kept closed for a short time while the other
has been kept open. The double images are in nowise essential; simple alternate winking will
show decided differences in the condition of the two eyes.
155. Binocular after-images. Lay a bit of orange-colored paper on a dark ground, and provide
two white cards. Hold one of the cards close to the left eye, but a little to one side, so as not to
hide the bit of paper. Hold the other eight or ten inches from the right eye in such a way as to
hide the paper. Look at the paper for a few seconds with the left eye, then bring the card before
it. A faint, washy, orange-colored positive after-image will appear on the card before the right
eye. This after-image is supposed to belong to the right eye's half of the visual apparatus,
possibly to the central, i.e., cerebral, part.
[1] For concise statements of these facts, see Wundt, Physiologishe Psychologie. I, 487 (cited
by Ladd. Phys. Psych., 338), also p. 501, and Christine Ladd Franklin. Zeit. für Psych. IV,
19892, 212.
[2] The second edition of Helmholtz's great work is as yet incomplete. The latest complete
edition is the French translation. Optique Physiologique, Paris, 1867. To facilitate reference
when pages are cited, the numbers are given preceded by G
for the second German edition,
and by G
for the first German edition. and by F. for the French translation. Occasional errors in
the pages for G
may hare crept in, for that edition was not at hand and the pages for it have
been taken from the double paging in G
and F. The error can hardly amount, however. to
more than a page one way or the other.
[3] It is difficult to give the tints accurately in words. The experimenter should consult the
colored charts given in the books of Jeffries mentioned in the bibliography.
[4] The formula (or the amount of black, assuming that the radial line is absolutely black, and
taking some arbitrary point of the line. e.g., the middle point, for the calculation. is of course
b/2pr, where b is the breadth of the radial line and r the distance of the chosen point from the
centre of the disk.
[5] Since the black of the disk is really a very dark gray, this is not absolutely pure experiment,
but is sufficiently exact for the purpose.
[6] This law of course has reference to the mixture of colored lights and not to mixtures of
pigments upon the palette.
[7] A small portion is also reflected from the lower surface of the glass, so contributes a small
amount of green.
[8] This setting of the experiment succeeds best when the daylight is weak, as for example, just
before the lights are usually lighted in the evening. If the experiment is to he made in broad
day, the light must be reduced by curtains or otherwise; if at night there must be two lights. one
corresponding to the window and one to the gas, and the latter must shine through a pane of
colored glass. If yellow glass is used the colors will be the same as those in this experiment.
[9] The experiments that follow can all be made with the stereoscope. but practice will enable
the experimenter to combine the diagrams with free eyes. either by crossing the lines of sight
(fixating a point nearer than the diagram), or by making them parallel or nearly so (fixating a
point beyond the diagram). This skill the experimenter should try to acquire. In these
experiments it is important that the eyes should be of approximately equal power and if the
poorer eye cannot be helped with lenses, the vision of the other must be some what reduced by
the interposition of a sufficient number of plates of ordinary glass.
[10] Comptes rendus. CXIII, 1891, p. 442.
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