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Algumas características dos fígados
de ratos com diabete tipos 1 e 2 e
suas respostas metabólicas à
Denise Silva de Oliveira
Orientadora: Dra. Fumie Suzuki-
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós
Graduação em Ciências Biológicas da
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, área de
concentração em Biologia Celular, para obtenção
do grau de Mestre
Livros Grátis
Milhares de livros grátis para download.
Este é um trabalho de equipe, realizado no Laboratório de
Metabolismo Hepático da Universidade Estadual de Marin-
gá; os resultados estão descritos e discutidos nos artigos:
1) Denise Silva de Oliveira, Fumie Suzuki-Kemmelmeier,
Ciomar Aparecida Bersani Amado, Luci Tiemi Ide and
Adelar Bracht. Glycogen levels and energy status of the liver of
fasting rats with diabetes types 1 and 2. Brazilian Archives of
Biology and Technology.
2) Denise Silva de Oliveira, Fumie Suzuki-Kemmelmeier,
Ciomar Aparecida Bersani Amado, Luci Tiemi Ide and
Adelar Bracht. The metabolic responses to glutamine of livers
from rats with diabetes types 1 and 2. Archives of Physiology and
Biochemistry (submetido).
Ficha catalográfica BCE/UEM
Oliveira, Denise Silva de
Algumas características dos fígados de ratos com
diabete tipos 1 e 2 e suas respostas metabólicas
à glutamina Maringá: UEM, 2006.
37 p., tabelas, gráficos.
Diss. (mestrado) UEM-DBQ, 2006.
Orientadora: Dr. Fumie Suzuki-Kemmelmeier
Diabete tipo 1;
2. Diabete tipo 2; 3. níveis
plasmáticos; 4. neoglicogênese; 5. ureogênese; 6.
amoniogênese; 7. consumo de oxigênio; 8. gluta-
I. Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
A utilização de glutamina é essencial para o
funcionamento normal de grande número de células e tecidos. Esta utilização
ocorre através da enzima glutaminase que, no fígado, predomina em hepató-
citos periportais. A glutaminase é considerada a enzima-chave para a utilização
da glutamina e sua atividade pode mudar sob certas condições patológicas. Em
ratos com diabete induzida pela estreptozotocina,
aumentos de até 12
foram relatados. Consistentemente, a utilização de glutamina por hepatócitos
isolados de ratos diabéticos também aumenta. Mas, um aumento máximo de
40% foi encontrado, valor modesto em comparação com o incremento na ativi-
dade da glutaminase. Nos experimentos com hepatócitos isolados o metabolis-
mo da glutamina foi medido durante 30 minutos. Porém, foi mostrado em ex-
perimentos com o fígado perfundido de ratos saudáveis, que a utilização de
glutamina possui uma fase de retardo de modo que mais de 30 minutos são
necessários para atingir condições de estado estacionário. Assim, medidas úni-
cas de metabolização de glutamina em hepatócitos isolados após 30 minutos de
incubação podem estar revelando um quadro incorreto sobre as diferenças
entre ratos controle e diabéticos se a dependência do tempo também tiver sido
alterada. Por esta razão, a influência do diabete sobre o metabolismo da gluta-
mina foi re-examinada no presente estudo. Fígados de ratos com diabete tipos
1 e 2 foram perfundidos com glutamina até atingir condições de estado esta-
cionário. Vários parâmetros, tais como neoglicogênese e ureogênese, foram
medidos com o objetivo de obter uma visão mais ampla e detalhada a respeito
das alterações causadas pelo diabete no metabolismo da glutamina. Além disto,
foram medidos vários parâmetros
tipos 1 e 2,
a carga energética, de modo a caracterizar melhor o
modelo experimental a ser utilizado.
Ratos Wistar machos (220-250 g), alimentados com rão pa-
dronizada (Nuvilab
), foram utilizados. O diabete tipo 1 e o diabete tipo 2 foram
induzidos com estreptozotocina, utilizando procedimentos tradicionais. Os experi-
mentos de perfusão foram feitos após períodos de jejum de 24, 48 ou
72 horas.
fígado foi perfundido isoladamente no modo não-recirculante com tampão Krebs/
Henseleit-bicarbonato (pH 7,4), saturado com uma mistura de O
e CO
através de um oxigenador de membrana com aquecimento simultâneo a 36
C. A
concentração de oxigênio no perfusado efluente foi monitorada por polarografia. Os
seguintes metabólitos foram dosados no perfusado efluente através de métodos
enzimáticos: glicose, lactato, uréia, amônia, glutam
3) O consumo de oxigênio de fígados de ratos com diabete 1 durante
perfusão sem substratos foi sempre menor que aquele dos outros dois grupos.
4) A liberação de glicose de figados de ratos com diabete 1 em perfusão livre
de substratos foi muito alta no início da perfusão, sendo necessário um longo
período de pré-perfusão para diminuir os níveis basais. Valores iguais àqueles
de fígados de ratos controle e com diabete2 foram obtidos em fígados de
ratos submetidos a jejum de 72 horas.
5) A resposta à infusão de glutamina (5 mM) foi mais rápida no fígado de
ratos com diabete1 em jejum de 24 horas para cinco das variáveis medidas
neste trabalho, que foram os aumentos na produção de glicose, lactato, amônia
e uréia e no consumo de oxigênio. Os tempos médios para atingir metade da
resposta máxima (t
) foram iguais a 32,66±2,26 minutos para a condição
controle e 17,55±2,58 minutos para a condição diabete1. Em geral, durante um
período inicial de 30 minutos após o início da infusão, os aumentos gerados pela
glutamina nestes parâmetros foram consideravelmente maiores nos fígados de
ratos com diabete1. Com o progresso da infusão de glutamina a produção de
todos os metabólitos tendeu a atingir estados estacionários iguais na condição
controle e na condição de diabete1. Ao menos no tocante à produção de glico-
se, o aumento do período de jejum para 48 e 72 horas não alterou a diferença
de comportamento entre o fígado de ratos controle e diabéticos.
6) O fígado de ratos com diabete2 respondeu à glutamina de modo muito
semelhante ao fígado de ratos controle.
7) Durante 90 minutos de perfusão livre de substrato, o fígado de ratos con-
trole produziu 9,60±0,31 µmol de glicose por grama de fígado, somente 0,36
µmol g
resultantes de glicogenólise; sob as mesmas condições o fígado de
ratos com diabete1 produziu 19,14±2,29 µmol de glicose g
, quantidade atri-
buível à glicogenólise, que foi de 19,08 µmol g
. Esta glicogenólise no fígado de
ratos diabéticos foi reduzida a 11,48 µmol g
pela infusão de glutamina (90 mi-
nutos). Na condição controle, uma síntese líquida de glicogênio de 1,0 µmol g
ocorreu na presença de glutamina. Em termos globais, a nova síntese de glicose
(neoglicogênese) na presença de glutamina (90 minutos) foi similar nos fíga-
dos de ratos controle e diabéticos (32,7 e 29,3 µmol g
, respectivamente).
Os altos níveis de glicogênio hepático de ratos
com diabete1 exigem monitoramento da glicogenólise para uma correta ava-
liação neoglicogênese.
A resposta à glutamina do fígado de ratos com diabete2
não difere substancialmente daquela do fígado de ratos saudáveis (controle). O
fígado de ratos com diabete1, porém, responde diferentemente à glutamina. As
diferenças, no entanto, são transitórias e caracterizam-se principalmente por
uma aceleração dos fluxos metabólicos durante os estágios iniciais da infusão
(10-30 minutos). Com a aproximação do estado estacionário, as diferenças
tendem a desaparecer. A principal razão é que o metabolismo da glutamina na
condição controle continua a acelerar e não atinge o seu máximo antes dos 50
minutos de infusão. Marginalmente pode ocorrer também no fígado de ratos
com diabete1 uma desaceleração do metabolismo inicial da glutamina após 20
ou 30 minutos. Estes dados confirmam o metabolismo acelerado da glutamina
encontrado em hepatócitos isolados de ratos com diabete1 durante 30 minutos
de incubação. Eles sugerem, no entanto, que a velocidade da transformação
hepática da glutamina in vivo, onde predominam condições de estado estacio-
nário, é provavelmente similar em ratos saudáveis (controle) e diabéticos. Uma
transformação acelerada de glutamina em ratos com diabete1 estaria, portan-
to, restrita a episódios de transição entre diferentes estados estacionários.
Glutamine utilization is essential for the normal
functioning of a great number of cells and tissues. Glutamine utilization occurs
via glutaminase which in the liver is more concentrated in periportal hepato-
cytes. Glutaminase is considered a key-enzyme for hepatic glutamine utilization
and its activity changes under certain pathological conditions. Increases up to
12-fold have been reported for streptozotocin diabetic rats. Consistently, gluta-
mine utilization by hepatocytes isolated from streptozotocin diabetic rats was
also increased. However, a maximal increase of 40% was observed, a modest
stimulation if one takes into account the enormous increase in glutaminase
activity. The experiments with isolated hepatocytes have been done by measur-
ing glutamine metabolism during 30 minutes. However, it has been shown in
experiments with the isolated perfused rat liver from healthy rats that the
utilization of glutamine is characterized by a lag phase so that much more than
30 minutes are required for attaining steady-state conditions. In this way,
single measurements of glutamine metabolism in isolated hepatocytes after 30
minutes incubation can reveal an untrue picture of the real differences between
healthy and diabetic rats if the time dependence is also changed. For this
reason, the influence of diabetes on glutamine metabolism was reexamined in
the present study. Livers from rats with diabetes types 1 and 2 were perfused
with glutamine until steady-state conditions were attained. Several parameters,
such as gluconeogenesis and ureagenesis were measured in order to obtain a
more ample and detailed vision about the changes caused by diabetes in gluta-
mine metabolism. Besides this, several parameters were measured in livers and
plasma of rats
tipes 1 and 2,
such as the hepatic glycogen content,
the hepatic energy charge and the plasma levels of glucose, urea and ammonia,
in order to characterize more precisely the experimental model.
Male Wistar rats (220-250 g), fed with a laboratory diet (Nuvilab
were used. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes were induced with streptozotocin, using
traditional procedures. The perfusion experiments were done after fasting periods
of 24, 48 or 72 hours. The isolated liver was perfused in the non-recirculating
mode. The perfusion fluid was the Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4), sa-
turated with a mixture of O
and CO
(95:5) by means of a membrane oxygenator
with simultaneous temperature adjustment (36
C). The oxygen concentration in the
effluent perfusate was monitored continuously by polarography. The following me-
tabolites were determined in the outflowing perfusate: glucose, lactate, urea,
ammonia, glutamate and alanine. Metabolic fluxes were calculated from the portal-
venous differences and the flow through the liver and referred to the wet weight of
the organ. Hepatic glycogen and adenine nucleotide levels were also determined as
well as the plasma concentrations of glucose, urea and ammonia.
1) The fasting glycemy obeyed the following decreasing
sequence: diabetes1 rats (7.55±0.47 mM) > diabetes2 rats (5.91± 0.25 mM) >
control rats (4.80±0.14 mM). The plasmatic levels of urea and ammonia in rats
with diabetes1 were superior to those of control rats and rats with diabetes2.
2) The hepatic glycogen levels of rats with diabetes1 after a 24-hours fast
were much higher that those of control rats and rats with diabetes2, but they
diminished when the fasting period was extended to 48 and 72 hours. The
opposite occurred with control rats and rats with diabetes2, so that the dif-
ference between the various groups vanished after a 72-hours fasting period.
3) Oxygen uptake of livers from rats with diabetes1 during substrate-free
perfusion was always smaller in comparison with that of the other two groups.
4) Glucose release in livers from rats with diabetes1 during substrate-free
perfusion was very high at the beginning of the perfusion and a long period of
pre-perfusion was necessary for dropping the basal rates. Even so, basal rates
similar to those of livers from control rats were obtained only after submitting
the rats with diabetes1 to a fasting period of 72 hours.
5) The response to glutamine infusion (5 mM) was faster in the liver of 24-
hours fasted rats with diabetes1 for five of the metabolic variables measured in
the present work; these variables were the increases in the productions of glu-
cose, lactate, ammonia and urea and the increase in oxygen uptake. The mean
times for reaching half-maximal response (t
) were equal to 32.66±2.26
minutes for the control and 17.55±2.58 minutes for the diabetes1 condition.
During an initial period of 30 minutes after starting infusion, the increases
caused by glutamine were considerably higher in the livers from rats with
diabetes1. As the glutamine infusion was continued, however, the production of
all metabolites tended to reach steady-state levels which were similar in the
control and diabetes1 conditions. At least with respect to glucose production,
extension of the fasting period to 48 or 72 hours, did not change the difference
between the behaviour of livers from control and diabetic rats.
6) The liver of rats with diabetes2 responded to glutamine in almost the same
way as the liver of control rats.
7) During a substrate-free perfusion period of 90 minutes the liver of control
rats produced 9.60±0.31 µmol glucose per gram liver, only 0.36 µmol g
resulting from glycogenolysis; under the same conditions the liver of rats with
diabetes1 produced 19.14±2.29 µmol glucose g
, an amount attributable to
glycogenolysis which was equal to 19.08 µmol g
. This glycogen degradation in
the liver from diabetic rats was reduced to 11.48 µmol g
by glutamine infusion
(90 minutes). In livers from control rats net glycogen synthesis of 1 µmol g
occurred in the presence of glutamine. In global terms, new glucose synthesis
(gluconeogenesis) in the presence of glutamine (90 minutes) was the similar in
livers of control and diabetic rats (32.7 and 29.3 µmol g
, respectively).
The high levels of hepatic glycogen in
fasted rats with diabetes1 require monitoring of glycogenolisis for a correct
evaluation of gluconeogenesis.
The response to glutamine of the liver from
rats with diabetes2, when under isolated perfusion, does not differ substantially
from that one of the liver from healthy rats (control). The liver of rats with
diabetes1, however, responds differently to glutamine, but the differences are
transient and characterized mainly by an acceleration of the metabolic fluxes
during the initial stages of glutamine infusion (10-30 minutes). When approach-
ing steady-state
the differences tend to disappear.
The main reason
is that the glutamine metabolism in control livers continues to accelerate and
does not reach its maximum before 50 minutes infusion. To a smaller extent it
also occurs because the accelerated initial glutamine metabolism in diabetes1
livers is downregulated after 20 or 30 minutes. These data confirm the ac-
celerated glutamine metabolism found in hepatocytes isolated from rats with
diabetes1 during 30 minutes of incubation. They suggest, however, that the
velocity of hepatic transformation of glutamine in vivo, where steady-state con-
ditions predominate, is probably similar in both healthy (control) and diabetic
rats. An accelerated transformation of glutamine in rats with diabetes1 would
does be restricted to episodes of transition between two different steady-states.
Glycogen levels and energy status of the liver of fasting
rats with diabetes types 1 and 2
Denise Silva de Oliveira, Ciomar Aparecida Bersani Amado, Mirian Carvalho Martini,
Fumie Suzuki-Kemmelmeier and Adelar Bracht
Laboratory of Liver Metabolism; University of Maringá; e-mail: [email protected]; 87020900
Maringá (Brazil)
Glycogen levels and the energy status of livers from fasting rats with diabetes types 1 and 2 were
measured. The main purpose was to obtain basic information for planning investigations on gluco-
neogenesis from several substrates in fasting diabetic rats. Diabetes1 rats presented very high levels
of blood urea; blood ammonia was also increased. In diabetes2 rats the blood urea and ammonia
levels were within the normal range. After a 24 hours fast the hepatic glycogen levels of rats with
diabetes1 were 18.7 times higher than those of livers from normal rats. Rats with diabetes2 presented
2.6 more hepatic glycogen than control rats. In diabetes1 rats the glycogen levels decreased when the
fasting period was extended to 48 and 72 hours. The opposite occurred with control and diabetes2
rats so that after a 72 hours fast all groups presented nearly the same hepatic glycogen levels.
Consistently, glucose release by perfused livers from diabetes1 rats was considerably higher during at
least 60 minutes after initiating perfusion although the difference tended to diminish along with the
perfusion time. The hepatic ATP content of diabetes1 rats was similar to that of the control rats; in
diabetes2 rats the hepatic ATP content was increased. It can be concluded that regulation of glycogen
deposition and degradation in rats with diabetes1 differs markedly from that of rats with diabetes2
which, in turn, behave similarly to normal healthy rats.
Key words: Diabetes type 1; diabetes type 2; rats; hepatic glycogen; hepatic energy status.
In spite of decades of experimental efforts there
are many aspects of the hepatic metabolism of
diabetic animals that have not yet be satis-
factorily clarified. Contradictory observations
are frequently found in the specialized literature.
For example, earlier experiments with isolated
hepatocytes of alloxan diabetic rats have lead to
the conclusion that hepatic gluconeogenesis
from alanine, pyruvate and fructose is con-
siderably increased in this preparation (Wagle et
al., 1975). Experiments with the isolated per-
fused rat liver, however, concluded that gluco-
neogenesis from lactate, glycerol and sorbitol is
not affected by alloxan and streptozotocin in-
duced diabetes, whereas gluconeogenesis from
alanine is absent in these animals (Ferraz et al.,
1997). Kleckner et al. (1987), however, had
found diminished rates of gluconeogenesis from
lactate in perfused livers from alloxan diabetic
rats. A common characteristic of all these
experiments is that livers from diabetic rats
present high rates of basal glucose release, i.e.,
before the introduction of the gluconeogenic
substrates. This could be due to glycogenolysis
or gluconeogenesis from endogenous substrates.
Actually, there are indications that the glycogen
levels of diabetic rats in the fasting state are
much higher than those in normal healthy rats
(Gannon and Nuttall, 1997), so that the elevated
basal rates of glucose release observed by
several authors could be the result of glyco-
genolysis. The present work represents an
attempt of investigating in detail how the hepatic
glycogen levels of diabetic rats behave during
various fasting periods. Such a study is im-
portant because it will produce basic information
which can be used for planning future
experiments in which gluconeogenesis from
several substrates in fasting diabetic rats will be
investigated. In order to widen the scope and
reach of the investigation both rats with diabetes
types 1 and 2 were analyzed. In addition, other
parameters were measured such as liver weight
and the hepatic energy status
Materials. All enzymes and coenzymes used in
the enzymatic assays were purchased from
Sigma Chemical Co. (St Louis, USA). All
standard chemicals were from the best available
grade (98-99.8 % purity).
Animals and diabetes induction. Male Wistar
rats weighing 220–250 g fed with a standard
laboratory diet (Nuvilab
) were used in all
perfusion experiments. Type 1 diabetes (dia-
betes1) was induced by injecting adult rats with
streptozotocin. Streptozotocin was dissolved in
citrate buffer (10 mM; pH 4.5) and a single dosis
of 50 mg/kg was injected intraperitoneally. After
12 days blood glucose of fed rats was measured
and animals presenting glycemic levels equal or
above 16 mM were selected for the experiments.
Control rats were injected intraperitoneally with
citrate buffer (10 mM, pH 4.5).
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (diabetes2) was in-
duced as described by Portha et al. (1974). Male
newborn (2 days old) Wistar rats were injected
intraperitoneally with streptozotocin (150 mg/
kg) dissolved in citrate buffer (10 mM; pH 4.5).
Seven weeks later, diabetes was confirmed by
urine glucose levels, 24 hours urinary volume
and water intake. The protocol for these
experiments was approved by the Ethics Com-
mittee for Animal Experimentation of the Uni-
versity of Maringá.
Liver perfusion. Hemoglobin-free, non-recir-
culating perfusion was done according to the
technique described by Scholz and Bücher
(1965). For the surgical procedure, the rats were
anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of
sodium thiopental (50 mg/kg).
After cannulation of the portal and cava veins
the liver was positioned in a plexiglass chamber.
The flow was maintained constant by a
peristaltic pump (Minipuls 3, Gilson, France)
and was adjusted between 30 and 35 ml min
depending on the liver weight. The perfusion
fluid was Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer
(pH 7.4), saturated with a mixture of oxygen and
carbon dioxide (95:5) by means of a membrane
oxygenator with simultaneous temperature ad-
justment at 36
C. The composition of the Krebs/
Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer is the following:
115 mM NaCl, 25 mM NaHCO
, 5.8 mM KCl,
1.2 mM Na
1.18 mM MgCl
, 1.2 mM
and 2.5 mM CaCl
. Glucose in the
outflowing perfusate was measured enzymat-
ically (Bergmeyer and Bernt, 1974).
Analytical. Glycogen was determined in freshly
isolated livers from anesthetized rats (sodium
thiopental, 50 mg/kg). Portions of approximately
2 g were freeze-clamped with liquid nitrogen.
This sample was homogenized and extracted
with 8 ml of 6% HClO
. The supernatant was
neutralized with 5 N K
and used for
enzymatic glycogen assay (Kepler and Decker,
For the measurement of the cellular adenine
nucleotide contents livers were freeze-clamped
in liquid nitrogen, homogenized and extracted
with perchloric acid. The neutralized extracts
were used for the enzymatic assay of ATP
(Lamprecht and Trautschold, 1974), ADP and
AMP (Jaworek et al., 1974).
Plasma concentrations of glucose, urea and
ammonia were assayed by collecting blood from
the vena cava. Blood was collected by means of
a syringe containing heparin after a surgical
incision into the abdominal cavity of
anaesthetized rats (sodium thiopental, 50
mg/kg). After sedimenting the blood cells in a
refrigerated centrifuge (10 minutes, 7000 rpm),
plasma was used for the enzymatic assays of
urea (Gutmann and Bergmeyer, 1974), ammonia
(Kearney and Kun, 1974) and glucose (Berg-
meyer and Bernt, 1974).
Treatment of data. Statistical analysis of the
data was done by means of the Statistica
program (Statsoft
, 1998). Mono- or multi-
variate variance analysis was applied according
to context with post-hoc testing; p < 0.05 was
adopted as a criterion of significance.
Table 1 shows some characteristics of the
plasma of rats with diabetes types 1 and 2 in the
fasted state. After a fasting period of 24 hours
the plasma glucose concentrations of both rats
with diabetes1 and 2 were, respectively, 57.3%
and 23.1% above the normal values. These
values are smaller than those ones normally
found in fed diabetic rats (Portha et al., 1974;
Gannon and Nuttall, 1997). The ammonia and
urea concentrations of rats with diabetes2 were
normal, but rats with diabetes1 presented con-
siderably higher urea (+401.5%) and ammonia
(+90.9%) concentrations. These higher blood
urea and ammonia concentrations in rats with
diabetes1 are probably reflecting the higher rates
of aminoacid degradation (Squires et al., 1997)
which also increase the urinary urea excretion
(Kim et al., 2005). However, the increased urea
excretion is combined with a much higher
urinary volume and lower urinary urea
concentrations (Kim et al., 2005). The high
blood urea concentrations are, thus, the conse-
quence of both higher aminoacid catabolism and
impaired renal function. Investigations about the
urea cycle in the liver of diabetes1 rats are
highly desirable because this tissue is the main
source of urea. It is interesting to note that rats
with diabetes2 do not present such visible
alterations in nitrogen catabolism.
Figure 1 illustrates the changes in the hepatic
glycogen contents and the relative liver weights
as a function of the fasting time. Rats with
diabetes1 presented higher liver weights per
body weight (g liver per 100 gram body weight)
after a 24 hours fast. The difference vanished,
however, when the fasting period was increased.
For rats with diabetes2, the relative liver weight
was similar to that of the control rats, irrespec-
tive of the fasting period. The higher liver
weights of diabetes1 rats after a 24 hours fast
could be caused, partly at least, by their high
glycogen contents because of the pronounced
hygroscopic properties of this polysaccharide.
As shown in Figure 1 rats with type 1 diabetes
contained high levels of hepatic glycogen after a
24 hours fast, the diabetes1/control ratio equal to
18.7. It should be noted that the relatively high
levels of hepatic glycogen in 24 hours fasted
diabetes1 rats, 55.8 µmol g
are actually much
lower than the maximal levels normally attained
by normal fed rats which may reach values as
high as 330 µmol g
(Bazotte et al., 1990). Rats
with type 2 diabetes also presented higher he-
patic glycogen levels, namely 8.2 µmol g
, but
Figure 1. Evolution of liver weight and glycogen
content as a function of the fasting time in control
rats and rats with diabetes1 and 2. Statistically
significant differences between diabetes1 and control
or diabetes2 and control are indicated by asterisks (p
< 0.05). Bars represent mean standard errors of a
minimum of 3 and a maximum of 17 determinations.
Figure 2. Rates of glucose production by rat livers
as a function of time after connecting the liver to
the perfusion apparatus. Livers were perfused with
Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4). Sam-
pling of the outflowing perfusate was initiated im-
mediately after connecting the liver to the perfusion
apparatus. Glucose in the outflowing perfusate was
measured enzymatically. Data are means ± mean
standard errors of 6 (control) and 12 (diabetes1) liver
perfusion experiments.
Perfusion time (minutes)
mol min
Fasting time (hours)
Glycogen content (µmol glucosyl per gram liver)
, Control
Diabetes 1
, Diabetes 2
Liver weight (g per 100 g body weight)
the diabetes2/control ratio was only 2.76.
Prolongation of the fasting period produced
decreases in the glycogen levels of rats
with dia-
betes1 and increases in the glycogen levels of
rats with diabetes2 as well as in control rats. At
72 hours all groups presented similar hepatic
glycogen concentrations. These observations
mean that no net glycogenesis took place in
diabetes1 rats during the period between 24
and 72 fast. Net glycogen synthesis, however,
must have occurred in control and diabetes2 rats
during the same period. In the absence of
exogenous sources this net glycogen accumula-
tion must have occurred at the expense of
gluconeogenesis, which in turn, depended ex-
clusively on endogenous sources.
Since diabetes1 rats present relatively high
glycogen levels, glucose release by perfused
livers of such animals should be relatively
pronounced if no exogenous gluconeogenic
substrates are added to the perfusion fluid. This
hypothesis was tested by perfusing livers form
both control and diabetes1 animals with
substrate-free perfusion fluid. Sampling of the
outflowing perfusate for glucose assay was
initiated immediately after connecting the liver
to the perfusion fluid. The results are shown in
Figure 2. Glucose release from control livers
was small and almost constant over the 60
minutes perfusion time. Livers from diabetes1
animals, however, showed initially very high
rates of glucose release, the diabetes1/control
ratio being equal to 15.6 at time zero. These high
rates diminished progressively during the sub-
sequent time and the diabetes1/control ratio was
reduced to 3.59 at 60 minutes perfusion time.
Table 1
Plasma concentrations of glucose, ammonia and urea in 24-hours fasted control and diabetic rats. Blood
was collected and analyzed enzymatically. Data are means ± SEM. Asteriscs are used to indicate values differing
statistically from the corresponding controls according to the Student-Newman-Keuls test applied after
monovariate variance analysis (p < 0.05).
Compound Control Diabetes1 Diabetes2
4.80±0.14 (n=5) 7.55±0.47* (n=18) 5.91±0.25* (n=9)
0.11±0.01 (n=8) 0.21±0.03* (n=11) 0.14±0.01 (n=7)
4.83±0.26 (n=8) 24.22±1.68* (n=11) 4.74±0.42 (n=7)
Table 2
Hepatic contents of adenine nucleotides in 24-hours fasted control and diabetic rats. The liver freeze-
clamped in liquid nitrogen, extracted with cold perchloric acid and the adenine nucleotides were determined
enzymatically. Data are means ± SEM. Asteriscs are used to indicate values of the diabetes1 or diabetes2
conditions differing statistically from the corresponding controls according to the Student-Newman-Keuls test
applied after variance analysis (p < 0.05).
µmol (gram liver wet weight)
Control (n=13)
1.42±0.17 1.16±0.05 0.35±0.05 2.93±0.11
Diabetes1 (n=2)
1.32±0.07 0.87±0.06* 0.23±0.04 2.42±0.18*
Diabetes2 (n=9)
2.16±0.08* 1.11±0.02 0.25±0.02 3.52±0.08*
This decrease represents most probably the
progressive diminution of the glycogen stores in
consequence of glycogenolysis.
Table 2 shows the tissue contents in adenine
nucleotides of livers from control, diabetes1 and
diabetes2 animals after a fasting period of 24
hours. Diabetes1 rats presented a small tendency
toward smaller ATP levels, but only the ADP
levels were statistically smaller than those found
in control livers. As a consequence, however,
the sum of total nucleotides (ATP+ADP+AMP)
was also somewhat smaller in diabetes1 rats.
Diabetes2 rats, on the other hand, presented
significantly higher ATP levels with no
significant changes in AMP and ADP levels. In
consequence, these rats also presented a higher
content in total adenine nucleotides. These
results do not reveal any significant ATP
depletion in diabetic rats after a 24 hours fast.
The reasons for the higher ATP levels in livers
from diabetes2 rats cannot be inferred from the
present data, but the phenomenon is clearly
worth of more specific investigations.
In conclusion, it is quite apparent that investiga-
tions concerning gluconeogenesis in livers from
diabetes1 rats must take into account the
relatively high glycogen levels which are
unavoidably associated to glycogenolysis in the
perfused liver, with high and declining rates of
glucose release. For distinguishing gluconeo-
genesis from glycogenolysis under these condi-
tions it will be indispensable to use radioactive
precursors which allow to measure newly
formed glucose in a specific manner. Alterna-
tively, gluconeogenesis can also be evaluated if
the glycogen levels are simultaneously
measured so that the appropriate corrections can
be done. Simple subtraction of the very high
basal rates after infusion of a gluconeogenic
substrate (Ferraz et al., 1997; Akimoto et al.,
2000) is a highly risky procedure which is likely
to lead to erroneous evaluations of the true
gluconeogenic activities.
Akimoto, L.S., Pedrinho, S.R., Lopes, G. and
Bazotte, R.B. (2000), Rates of gluconeogenesis in
perfused liver of alloxan-diabetic fed rats. Res.
Comm. Mol. Pathol. Pharmacol., 107, 65-77.
Bazotte, R.B., Constantin, J., Hell, N.S. and Bracht,
A. (1990), Hepatic metabolism of meal-fed rats:
Studies in vivo and in the isolated perfused rat
liver. Physiol. Behav., 48, 247-253.
Bergmeyer, H.U. and Bernt, E. (1974), Determination
of glucose with glucose oxidase and peroxidase. In-
Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, ed. H.U. Berg-
meyer, Verlag Chemie-Academic Press, Wein-
heim-London, pp. 1205-1215.
Ferraz, M., Brunaldi, K., Oliveira, C.E. and Bazotte,
R.B. (1997), Hepatic glucose production from L-
alanine is absent in perfused liver of diabetic rats.
Res. Comm. Mol. Pathol. Pharmacol., 95, 147-155.
Gannon, M.C. and Nuttall, F.Q. (1997), Effect of
feeding, fasting, and diabetes on liver glycogen
synthase activity, protein, and mRNA in rats.
Diabetologia, 40, 758-763.
Gutmann, J. and Bergmeyer, H.U. (1974), Deter-
mination of urea with glutamate dehydrogenase as
indicator enzyme. In-Methods of Enzymatic Analy-
sis, ed. H.U. Bergmeyer,.Verlag Chemie-Academic
Press, Weinheim-London, pp. 1794-1798.
Jaworek, D., Gruber, W. and Bergmeyer, H.U.
(1974), Adenosine 5’-diphosphate and adenosine
5’-monophoshate. In-Methods of Enzymatic Analy-
sis, ed. H.U. Bergmeyer, Verlag Chemie-Academic
Press, Weinheim-London, pp. 2127-2131.
Kearney, E.B. and Kun, E. (1974), Ammonia. In-
Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, ed. H.U. Berg-
meyer, Verlag Chemie-Academic Press, Wein-
heim-London, pp. 1802-1806.
Kepler, D. and Decker, K. (1974), Glycogen:
Determination with amyloglucosidase. In-Methods
of Enzymatic Analysis, ed. H.U. Bergmeyer, Verlag
Chemie-Academic Press,. Weinheim-London, pp.
Kleckner, N.W., Kisaki, Z. and Thurman, R.G.
(1987), Potential intercellular futile cycling of car-
bohydrates in diabetes. Biochem. J., 246, 417-423.
Kim, D., Klein, J.D., Racine, S., Murrell, B.P. and
Sands, J.M. (2005), Urea may regulate urea
transporter protein abundance during osmotic
diuresis. Am. J. Physiol., 288, F188–F197.
Lamprecht, W. and Trautschold, I. (1974), Ade-
nosine-5’-triphosphate. Determination with hexo-
kinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. In-
Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, ed. H.U. Berg-
meyer, Verlag Chemie-Academic Press, Wein-
heim-London, pp. 2101-2110.
Portha, B., Levacher, C., Picon, L. and Rosselin, G.
(1974), Diabetogenic effect of streptozotocin in the
rat during the perinatal period. Diabetes 23, 889-
Squires, S.A., Ewart, H., McCarthy, C., Brosnan,
M.E. and Brosnan, J.T. (1997), Regulation of
hepatic glutaminase in the streptozotocin-induced
diabetic rat. Diabetes, 46, 1945-1949.
Scholz, R. and Bücher, T. (1965), Hemoglobin-free
perfusion of rat liver. In-Control of Energy Meta-
bolism, ed. B. Chance, R.W. Estabrook, and J. R.
Williamson, Academic Press, New York, pp. 393-
Wagle, S.R., Ingebretsen, W.R.Jr. and Sampson, L.
(1975), Studies on gluconeogenesis and stimulation
of glycogen and protein synthesis in isolated
hepatocytes in alloxan diabetic, normal fed and
fasted animals. Acta Diabetol. Lat., 12, 185-198.
The metabolic responses to
glutamine of livers from rats
with diabetes types 1 and 2
Denise Silva de Oliveira, Ciomar Aparecida Bersani Amado, Luci Tiemi Ide,
Fumie Suzuki-Kemmelmeier and Adelar Bracht
Laboratory of Liver Metabolism, University of Maringá,
87020900 Maringá (Brazil)
Address for correspondence:
Adelar Bracht
Laboratory of Liver Metabolism
Department of Biochemistry
University of Maringá
87020900 Maringá, Brazil
E-mail: adeb[email protected].br
Glutamine utilization by hepatocytes isolated from streptozotocin diabetic rats
has been reported to be accelerated during the first 30 minutes of incubation. In
the isolated perfused rat liver, however, the utilization of glutamine is characterized
by a lag phase so that much more than 30 minutes are required for attaining
steady-state conditions. For this reason, the influence of diabetes on glutamine
metabolism was reexamined in the present study. Livers from rats with diabetes
types 1 and 2 were perfused with glutamine until steady-state conditions were
attained for the productions of glucose, urea, ammonia and lactate and for oxygen
uptake. The responses of livers of rats with diabetes2 did not differ from those of
control rats. Liver of rats with diabetes1 responded differently to glutamine, but the
differences were transient and characterized mainly by an acceleration of the
metabolic fluxes during the initial stages of glutamine infusion (10-30 minutes).
When approaching steady-state
the differences tended to disappear.
These results confirm the accelerated glutamine metabolism found in hepatocytes
isolated from rats with diabetes1 during 30 minutes of incubation. They suggest,
however, that the in vivo velocity of hepatic glutamine transformation, which occurs
mainly under steady-state conditions, is probably similar in both healthy and
diabetic rats. An accelerated transformation of glutamine in rats with diabetes1
would does be restricted to episodes of transition between two different steady-
Key words: diabetes type 1; diabetes type 2; liver; glutamine metabolism;
gluconeogenesis; glycogenolysis.
Many tissues and cells use glutamine, which is essential for their normal
functioning. These tissues and cells include kidney, intestine, liver, specific neurons
of the central nervous systems, cells of the auto-immune system and pancreatic β-
cells (Young and Ajami 2001). In the rat the turnover of glutamine is high (1300
µmol per hour per kg body weight) and the compound is the most prominent
carbon and nitrogen carrier between tissues (Squires and Brosnan 1983).
Glutamine is one of the most important aminoacids released from the skeletal
muscle in the catabolic state and the most important fuel for cells undergoing rapid
division such as those of the intestinal epitelium, lymphocytes and tumor cells
(Newsholme et al. 1985, Tildon and Zielke 1988, Souba 1991). Glutamine is also
the most important substrate for renal ammoniogenesis and it plays a prominent
role in the acid-base equilibrium (Brosnan et al. 1987).
Synthesis and hydrolysis of glutamine depend on the enzymes glutamine
synthetase and glutaminase, respectively. Studies in the perfused rat liver
demonstrated a high rate of glutamine utilization resulting in glucose synthesis and
urea production (Ross et al. 1967, Saheki and Katunuma 1975). Glutaminase
hydrolyses glutamine to glutamate and ammonia. There are two isozymes of
glutaminase usually described as the “kidney-type” and the “liver-type”. The latter
is restricted to the liver during both the neonatal and adult phases, whereas the
former is present in all glutamine utilizing tissues (Watford 1993). These isozymes
are products of two different genes, but the amino acid sequences are 73%
identical, indicating that they probably originated from a common ancestor
(Curthoys and Watford 1995, Chung-Bok et al. 1997). The high activity of both
glutaminase and glutamine synthetase in the liver allows to this organ to remove
from and to add glutamine to the circulation. In consequence, the liver plays an
important role in glutamine homeostasis (Watford et al. 2002).
The “liver-type” glutaminase is considered a key-enzyme for hepatic glutamine
utilization and its flux control coefficient has been reported to be 0.96 (Low et al.
1993). Its activity changes under certain pathological conditions such as diabetes,
for example (Watford et al. 1984, Labow et al. 2001). In streptozotocin diabetic
rats (diabetes1) increases up to 12-fold have been reported (Squires et al. 1997).
Consistently, increased glutamine utilization was observed in hepatocytes isolated
from streptozotocin diabetic rabbits and rats (Squires et al. 1997). It must be
pointed out that the experiments with isolated hepatocytes have been done by
accumulation in the presence of [
C]glutamine (Squires et al.
1997) or gluconeogenesis (Zaleski and Bryla 1978) during 30 minutes. It has been
shown in experiments with the isolated perfused rat liver from healthy rats,
however, that the utilization of glutamine is characterized by a long lag phase so
that usually much more than 30 minutes are required for attaining steady-state
conditions (Corbello-Pereira et al. 2004). In this way, single measurements of
glutamine metabolism in isolated hepatocytes after 30 minutes incubation could be
revealing an untrue picture of the real differences between healthy and diabetic rats
if the time dependence is also changed, as it as been demonstrated to occur in rats
bearing the Walker-256 tumor (Corbello-Pereira et al. 2004). For this reason, the
influence of diabetes on glutamine metabolism was reexamined in the present
study. Livers from rats with diabetes types 1 and 2 (diabetes1 and diabetes2) were
perfused with glutamine until steady-state conditions were attained. Several
parameters, such as gluconeogenesis, ureagenesis and glycogen contents were
measured in order to obtain a more ample and detailed vision about the changes
caused by diabetes in glutamine metabolism.
Material and methods
The liver perfusion apparatus was built in the workshops of the University of
Maringá. All enzymes and coenzymes used in the enzymatic assays were purchased
from Sigma Chemical Co. (St Louis, USA). All standard chemicals were from the
best available grade (98-99.8 % purity).
Animals and diabetes induction
Male Wistar rats weighing 220–250 g fed with a standard laboratory diet
) were used in all perfusion experiments. Type 1 diabetes (diabetes1) was
induced by injecting adult rats with streptozotocin. Streptozotocin was dissolved in
citrate buffer (10 mM; pH 4.5) and a single dosis of 50 mg/kg was injected
intraperitoneally. After 12 days blood glucose of fed rats was measured and animals
presenting glycemic levels equal or above 16 mM were selected for the
experiments. Control rats were injected intraperitoneally with citrate buffer (10
mM, pH 4.5).
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (diabetes2) was induced as described by Portha et al.
(1974). Male newborn (2 days old) Wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with
streptozotocin (150 mg/kg) dissolved in citrate buffer (10 mM; pH 4.5). Seven
weeks later, diabetes was confirmed by urine glucose levels, 24 hours urinary
volume, and water intake. The protocol for these experiments was approved by the
Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation of the University of Maringá.
Liver perfusion
For the surgical procedure, the rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal
injection of sodium thiopental (50 mg/kg). Hemoglobin-free, non-recirculating
perfusion was done according to the technique described by Scholz and cher
After cannulation of the portal and cava veins the liver was positioned in a
plexiglass chamber. The flow was maintained constant by a peristaltic pump
(Minipuls 3, Gilson, France) and was adjusted between 30 and 35 ml min
depending on the liver weight. The perfusion fluid was Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate
buffer (pH 7.4), saturated with a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide (95:5) by
means of a membrane oxygenator with simultaneous temperature adjustment at
C. The composition of the Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer is the following:
115 mM NaCl, 25 mM NaHCO
, 5.8 mM KCl, 1.2 mM Na
1.18 mM MgCl
, 1.2
mM NaH
and 2.5 mM CaCl
Samples of the effluent perfusion fluid were collected according to the
experimental protocol and analysed for their metabolite contents. The following
compounds were assayed by means of standard enzymatic procedures: glucose
(Bergmeyer and Bernt 1974), urea (Gutmann and Bergmeyer 1974), ammonia
(Kearney and Kun 1974), lactate (Gutmann and Wahlefeld 1974), alanine
(Williamson 1974) and glutamate (Bernt and Bergmeyer 1974). The oxygen con-
centration in the outflowing perfusate was monitored continuously, employing a
teflon-shielded platinum electrode adequately positioned in a plexiglass chamber at
the exit of the perfusate (Clark 1956, Scholz and Bücher 1965). Metabolic rates
were calculated from input-output differences and the total flow rates and were
referred to the wet weight of the liver.
Glycogen was determined in isolated perfused livers. Portions of approximately 2
g were freeze-clamped with liquid nitrogen. This sample was homogenized and
extracted with 8 ml of 6% HClO
. The supernatant was neutralized with 5 N K
and used for enzymatic glycogen assay (Kepler and Decker 1974).
Treatment of data
The metabolic rates were expressed as µmol per minute per gram liver wet
weight (µmol min
). Statistical analysis of the data was done by means of the
program (Statsoft
, 1998). The results are mentioned in the tables as
the p values.
Time courses of metabolite release and oxygen uptake
upon glutamine infusion
The metabolism of glutamine was investigated in livers of fasted rats in order to
minimize interference by endogenous glycogen. Due to the slow response of the
liver to glutamine, long infusion times are required in order to achieve steady state-
conditions at least for parameters such as glucose production, oxygen uptake and
urea production (Corbello-Pereira et al. 2004). Figure 1 shows the time courses of
the changes in the productions of glucose, lactate, ammonia, urea, alanine and
glutamate and in oxygen uptake upon 5 mM glutamine infusion. Control livers
presented the characteristic response delays already reported in a previous work
(Corbello-Pereira et al. 2004), except for glutamate production which increased
linearly during the whole infusion time. A quantitative evaluation of this delay is
provided by the time for half-maximal increase (t
), which was evaluated by
numerical interpolation. The mean values for oxygen uptake and the production of
glucose, lactate, ammonia and urea are listed in Table 1. The response of livers
from rats with diabetes2 was similar to that of control livers. The most important
difference was found in alanine production which was substantially higher in
diabetes2 livers. Actually, alanine production in these livers was still increasing
when the perfusion was interrupted at 100 minutes. Lactate production was also
higher in diabetes2 livers at the end of glutamine infusion, whereas the opposite
occurred with oxygen uptake. The kinetics of the changes in diabetes2 livers was
also similar to that of the control livers, an observation corroborated by the times
for half-maximal increase in Table 1. A significantly smaller t
value was found only
for urea production.
Basal oxygen uptake of diabetes1 livers (before glutamine infusion) was lower
(22.5%) and remained lower during glutamine infusion (Figure 1B); the onset of
the response, however, was faster in diabetes1 livers, as indicated by the t
in Table 1. Excepting oxygen uptake, all other parameters in diabetes1 and control
livers tended to converge to similar values at the end of the glutamine infusion
period. Glucose, lactate, alanine, ammonia and urea productions and oxygen
uptake tended to stabilize at the end of the infusion, suggesting steady-state
conditions. Glutamate production, however, was still increasing after 90 minutes of
glutamine infusion. Pronounced differences between diabetes1 and control livers
were apparent during the first 30 minutes of glutamine infusion for glucose, lactate,
ammonia and urea production. This was caused mainly by the rapid initial increases
which followed glutamine infusion in diabetes1 livers. Excepting urea production,
this rapid increase was not sustained. The difference in the behaviour of diabetes1
and control livers can be evaluated more conveniently by comparing the t
in Table 1 and by analyzing the graphs in Figure 2 where the diabetes1/control
ratios are represented against the perfusion time. The t
were always shorter in
diabetes1 livers (43.7% on average; Table 1). The more rapid onset of the meta-
bolic fluxes in diabetes1 livers appears as well defined peaks in the diabetes1/con-
trol ratio for lactate, ammonia and urea productions during the first 10-30 minutes
following the onset of glutamine infusion (Figure 2, panel B). For oxygen uptake,
the diabetes1/control ratio showed little variation, but it remained below unity
during the whole glutamine infusion period (Figure 2, panel A). For glucose produc-
tion the diabetes1/control ratio was high from the beginning, with a clear declining
tendency. This declining tendency was halted in the initial stages of glutamine
infusion, but unity was approached as the glutamine infusion was continued.
Interpretation of the response of glucose production in diabetes1 livers can be
difficulted by the high basal rates due to the high residual glycogen content
(Gannon and Nuttall 1997). In an attempt of reducing these basal rates, the fasting
periods were increased to 48- and 72-hours and glucose production was measured.
Figure 3 shows the results that were obtained. After a 48-hours fast (Figure 3A) the
basal rate of glucose production in diabetes1 livers was still higher in comparison
with control and diabetes2 livers. Introduction of glutamine produced a rapid
increase which stabilized at levels similar to those of control livers. The response of
diabetes2 livers was similar to the response of the control livers. After a 72-hours
fast (Figure 3B) the basal rates of glucose production were pratically the same for
diabetes and control livers. Here again the initial rapid increase of glucose
production in diabetes1 livers was present and the response was stable. Diabetes2
livers also tended to respond more rapidly, statistical significance, however, was
lacking. The diabetes1/control ratios, that were plotted against the perfusion time
in Figure 4, showed a clear peak during the 10-20 minutes following initiation of
glutamine infusion after a 72-hours fast, similar to that one found for lactate, urea
and ammonia productions after a fasting period of 24-hours.
Glycogenolysis, glycogenesis and gluconeogenesis during
glutamine infusion
The high glycogen levels of diabetes1 livers and the kinetics of glucose produc-
tion following glutamine infusion lead to the question about the relative contribution
of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. In order to answer this question the
glycogen levels of diabetes1 and control livers (24-hours fasted) were measured at
10 and 100 minutes perfusion time, i.e., before and at the end of glutamine
infusion (Figure 1). These levels were compared with the total amounts of glucose
that were produced from 10 to 100 minutes perfusion time. Control experiments
were also done in which glucose release an oxygen uptake were measured without
substrate infusion. The results shown in Figure 5 reveal low, but steady rates of
glucose production in control livers during the whole perfusion time and higher, but
declining rates in diabetes1 livers. Oxygen uptake, which was higher in control
livers, showed almost no changes during the whole perfusion time. Table 2 shows
the measured glycogen contents after the pre-perfusion period (arbitrarily set as 10
minutes perfusion time in Figures 1 and 5) and the total glucose production
(glucose production) during substrate-free perfusion and perfusion in the presence
of glutamine. The latter was evaluated as the area under the curves between 10
and 100 minutes perfusion time. Derived parameters are gluconeogenesis and the
differences in glycogen content (glycogen content) between 10 and 100 minutes,
the negative sign meaning net glycogenolysis and the positive sign net
glycogenesis. Gluconeogenesis was estimated as the difference between the change
in glycogen content and the total glucose release. Control livers presented very low
glycogen levels after the pre-perfusion period which includes the time between
anesthesia and surgical preparation of the liver and stabilization of oxygen uptake.
In diabetes1 livers the glycogen levels were much higher than in the control livers,
but substantially lower than those found in vivo (Gannon and Nuttall 1997). This is
due to the very high rates of glucose release during the pre-perfusion period. In
absolute and relative terms net glycogen degradation was small during substrate-
free perfusion in control livers (22.7%), but very high in diabetes1 livers
(81.3%). In control livers the infusion of glutamine produced some net glycogen
synthesis (+63.2% above the 10 minutes levels) and a reduction in net
glycogenolysis in diabetes1 livers. In control livers, gluconeogenesis during
substrate-free perfusion was relatively high. In diabetes1 livers gluconeogenesis
was negligible, the total glycogenolysis pratically accounting for the total glucose
production during the whole substrate-free perfusion period. Total glucose release
during glutamine infusion was higher in diabetes1 livers (+28.5%), but this
difference was mainly due to glycogenolysis, because gluconeogenesis was similar
in both control and diabetes1 livers.
The hypothesis raised in the introduction, that measurements of glutamine
metabolism in isolated hepatocytes after 30 minutes incubation could be revealing
an untrue picture of the real differences between healthy and diabetic rats (Zaleski
and Bryla 1978, Squires et al. 1997), was confirmed by the results obtained in the
present work. The changes in glutamine hepatic metabolism induced by diabetes1
are not compatible with a stable increase in glutamine transformation. Diabetes 1
only accelerates the initial response to the introduction of glutamine, the steady-
state rates, however, being similar in livers from control and diabetes1 rats. The
times required for attaining half-maximal rates, which were clearly shorter in the
diabetes1 condition, are a good quantitive index for the response acceleration. The
reason for the shorter half-maximal rate times in the diabetes1 condition was that
glutamine metabolism in control livers continued to accelerate and did not reach its
maximum before 50 minutes infusion. Additionally the accelerated initial glutamine
transformation into lactate and ammonia in diabetes1 livers was downregulated
after 20 or 30 minutes. These data suggest that the velocity of hepatic
transformation of glutamine in vivo, where steady-state conditions predominate, is
probably similar in both healthy (control) and diabetic rats. An accelerated
transformation of glutamine in rats with diabetes 1 would does be restricted to
episodes of transition between two different steady-states. It is appropriate to
emphasize that only diabetes1 promotes these alterations in glutamine metabolism.
Diabetes2 was pratically without action on the hepatic glutamine metabolism with
the exception of alanine production which was increased.
Concerning the shorter half-maximal times for glutamine metabolism, the action
of diabetes1 was similar to the influences of the Walker-256 tumor and of adjuvant-
induced arthritis. In both pathologies the metabolic responses to glutamine are
considerably accelerated (Yassuda-Filho 2002, Corbello-Pereira et al. 2004), with
similar reductions in the half-maximal times. The introduction of glucagon equally
reduces the half-maximal times in control livers, being almost without effect in the
arthritic condition (Yassuda-Filho 2002). At least in adjuvant-induced arthritic rats
the reduction in the half-maximal times is not caused by an acceleration of
glutamine transport into the hepatocyte (Yassuda-Filho 2002). In principle at least,
this possibility can also be excluded for diabetes1, because no significant changes
in Na
-dependent and Na
-independent glutamine transport across rat liver
sinusoidal membranes have been found (Low et al. 1992). If the changes in the
half-maximal times are not caused by glutamine transport into the hepatocyte,
their causes must be linked to glutaminase which catalyzes the initial and
irreversible step of glutamine metabolism. The flux control coefficient of gluta-
minase has been reported to be equal to 0.96 whereas values of 0.51 and 0.46
have been attributed, respectively, to the cell influx and efflux systems (Low et al.
1993). These values must be regarded with some caution because they have been
evaluated after 10 minutes incubation periods of labeled glutamine with isolated
hepatocytes and, in the perfused liver of normal rats at least, the glutamine
metabolism is small during the first 10 minutes. The observations that diabetes1
and adjuvant-induced arthritis do not affect hepatic glutamine transport, however,
are strong indications that glutaminase exerts a key-role in glutamine transforma-
tion. In this respect it must be emphasized that this enzyme is subject to complex
cellular control and that, most probably, knowledge of many of its regulatory
factors and properties is still fragmentary. The enzyme can be stimulated by
glucagon and by interaction with the mitochondrial membrane, for example (Lacey
et al. 1981, McGivan et al. 1985). This stimulation persists even after isolation of
mitochondria (Lacey et al. 1981), so that it probably also persists during liver
perfusion. The high levels of glucagon in diabetes1 (Del Prato et al. 1980, Widmaier
et al. 1991) are probably an important cause for the elevated levels of glutaminase
in this disease (Watford et al. 1984). This set of observations most likely explains
the initial higher rates of glutamine metabolism that were found in the diabetes1
condition in as much as no such phenomenon was found in the livers of rats with
diabetes2, which do not normally present higher glucagon levels (Giroix et al.
1984). It is also evident, however, that during the course of glutamine infusion
different events must have taken place in the liver of healthy/diabetes2 and
diabetes1 rats. The former presented a sigmoidal time dependence with an
accentuated increment in glutamine metabolism during the period of 20 to 40
minutes glutamine infusion, suggesting activation of glutaminase by means of a
glucagon-independent mechanism. In the diabetes1 condition, where the initial rate
of metabolism was high no further stimulation took place. Actually a tendency
toward diminution was even apparent, suggesting also a decrease in the
glutaminase activity. The factors or conditions involved in these opposing
phenomena cannot be inferred from the present data and depend, consequently, on
additional experimental work.
The contribution of glycogenolysis to glucose production in livers from fasted
control rats was minimal, as revealed by the glycogen levels at various times in the
presence and absence of glutamine. The small basal rates of glucose production in
these livers were, thus, the result of gluconeogenesis from endogenous substrates.
These substrates are most likely glycogenic amino acids. At least 12 aminoacids are
released by substrate-free perfused livers at a total rate of 0.5 µmol min
(Zwiebel 1990). This rate of amino acid release is compatible with the basal glucose
production rate of up to 0.1 µmol min
that is normally found in livers from 24
hours fasted control rats (Kleckner et al. 1987; Botini et al. 2005). Higher
concentrations of amino acids can even led to net glycogen accumulation, as it was
the case when glutamine was introduced. This is in contrast with the net
glycogenolytic activity that was found in both the absence and presence of
glutamine in livers from 24-hours fasted diabetes1 rats, a phenomenon that is
consistent with their high glycogen levels (Gannon and Nuttall 1997). Although
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis were both contributing to the net glucose
release in livers from diabetes1 rats, the initial burst that followed glutamine
infusion was most likely due to gluconeogenesis. This is corroborated by similar
bursts in other parameters strictly dependent on glutamine transformation (urea
and lactate production, for example) and also by the fact that the same burst was
also present in livers from 48- and 72-fasted diabetes1 rats whose basal rates of
glucose release were very close to those found in the control condition.
Consistently, at these fasting times the hepatic glycogen levels of control, diabetes1
and diabetes2 rats are pratically the same (Oliveira et al. 2006).
With respect to the gluconeogenic capacity of hepatocytes from diabetic rats
contradictory observations are frequently found in the specialized literature.
Experiments with isolated hepatocytes of alloxan diabetic rats have lead to the
conclusion that hepatic gluconeogenesis from alanine, pyruvate and fructose is con-
siderably increased in this preparation (Wagle et al. 1975). Experiments with the
isolated perfused rat liver, however, concluded that gluconeogenesis from lactate,
glycerol and sorbitol is not affected by alloxan and streptozotocin induced diabetes,
whereas gluconeogenesis from alanine is absent in these animals (Ferraz et al.
1997). Kleckner et al. (1987), on the other hand, have found diminished rates of
gluconeogenesis from lactate in perfused livers from alloxan diabetic rats. The high
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Table 1
Half-maximal rate times (t
) of glutamine action on several metabolic
fluxes. The t
values are expressed in terms of time after initiation of glutamine
infusion and were obtained by numerical interpolation (Stineman's interpolation)
within each individual glutamine response curve of the experimental series
illustrated by Figure 1. Data are means ± SEM and asteriscs are used to indicate
values of the diabetes1 or diabetes2 conditions differing statistically from the
corresponding controls according to the Student-Newman-Keuls test applied after
monovariate variance analysis (p < 0.05).
Metabolic fluxes
Control Diabetes1 Diabetes2
Glucose production 32.68±1.89
Ammonia production 26.91±2.45
Urea production 31.52±3.02
Lactate production 43.23±3.94
Oxygen uptake 28.95±1.82
Table 2
Glycogen contents, total glucose release (glucose release), changes in glycogen contents (glycogen content) and
gluconeogenesis of livers from 24-hours fasted rats during substrate-free perfusion and perfusion with 5 mM
glutamine. The experiments were done according to the protocols illustrated by Figures 1 (glutamine infusion) and 5 (substrate-
free perfusion). For glycogen determination the livers were freeze-clamped in liquid nitrogen at 10 or 100 minutes perfusion time.
Total glucose release (glucose release) was computed as the area under the corresponding curves in Figures 1A and 5A. Data are
means ± SEM and the superscripts of each pair of values refer to the various p values given in the bottom (Student's t test); p
values > 0.05 where omitted. Latin letters were used for comparing columns and greek letters when comparing lines.
Control Diabetes1
of the
Perfusion time
µmol glucosyl units per gram liver wet weight
Perfusion time (minutes)
Glucose production (µmol min
A, glucose
Perfusion time (minutes)
Oxygen uptake (µmol min
Figure 2. Time courses of the hepatic metabolite production changes in
diabetes1 relative to the control condition after a 24 hours fast. The
diabetes1/control ratios were calculated from the data presented in panels A to E in
Figure 1.
Glucose production
Oxygen uptake
Glutamine infusion
Perfusion time (minutes)
Urea production
Figure 3. Time courses of glucose production during glutamine infusion (5
mM) in livers from control and diabetic rats after a fasting periods of 48
and 72 hours. Glutamine infusion was initiated at 10 minutes perfusion time.
Legends: control,
; diabetes1, ; diabetes2, . Statistically signi-
ficant differences between control and diabetes1 are indicated by the symbol *.
10 20 30
50 60 70 80 90 100
Perfusion time (minutes)
Figure 4. Time courses of the hepatic glucose production changes in
diabetes1 relative to the control condition after different fasting periods.
The diabetes1/control ratios were calculated from the data presented in panels A of
Figure 1 and Figure 3.
10 20 30 40 50
80 90 100
Perfusion time (minutes)
Glucose production: diabetes1/control
Fasting period:
24 hours
48 hours
72 hours
Glutamine infusion
Figure 5. Time courses of glucose production and oxygen uptake of livers
from 24 hours fasted rats under substrate-free perfusion. Legends: control,
; diabetes1, . Statistically significant differences between control and
diabetes1 are indicated by the symbols *.
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Perfusion time (minutes)
Oxygen uptake (
mol min
, oxygen uptake
10 20 30 40
90 100
Perfusion time (minutes)
Glucose production (
mol min
, glucose production
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